The original ancestor, the true creator of the virtual universe, was also an invincible being who once dominated the original universe and the sea of ​​universe outside the original universe!

Such a being was supposed to lead the human race to dominate the universe, but was permanently suppressed for provoking the will of the original universe!

The original ancestor is undoubtedly an incredible genius. Just because he created the "virtual universe", a secret method that covers the entire universe, he is worthy of Wang Cheng's admiration.

The only pity is that the original ancestor was a bit unlucky and did not receive any powerful inheritance. He did not know the terror of the will of the original universe. Otherwise, he would never have ended up being suppressed now.


At this moment, Wang Cheng and the other six people made their way up from Thunder Island. After passing through the endless chaotic airflow, they soon saw the original ancestor, or to be precise, the statue of the original ancestor.

Wang Cheng knew that the original ancestor was actually conscious, but unfortunately, when several people arrived, the original ancestor had no intention of showing up.

Therefore, after worshiping and the Lord of Chaos City also told Wang Cheng many secrets, everyone left.

"The original ancestor was suppressed, and we have actually been thinking of ways to rescue him!" The Lord of Chaos City said after returning to the top of the Thunder Island Mountains:

"But it's a pity that the will of the original universe is really beyond our ability to contend with, and there has been no progress so far!"

"Teacher, there will be a way!" Wang Cheng couldn't say anything more at the moment.

According to normal development, the original ancestor should be released at the end of the universe's reincarnation. Now with him, the human race will become more powerful, and things will not develop in a worse direction no matter how you think about it, right?

But unfortunately, Wang Cheng could only think about this kind of thing at the moment, and it was inappropriate to speak out.

There’s no way to explain it, and no one will believe it!

"I hope so!"

The Lord of Chaos City nodded slightly, and he sighed for a moment. In short, as long as he is still alive, he will always find a way!

"Let's go, the Great Ax Conference is about to begin!" the Lord of Darkness said.


Everyone nodded.

"Let's go!" The Lord of Chaos City gave the order, and the six people disappeared instantly through teleportation.

. . .

In the endless darkness, a simple temple stood on the spot.

There is a long stone table in the temple. There is a seat on the main seat of the stone table and a row of seats on both sides.

At this time, there were towering figures sitting on the many seats on both sides, and these towering figures were talking to each other.

Of course, they all knew why this giant ax meeting was held, so most of the content of their chats was about Wang Cheng.

Although Wang Cheng was the disciple of the Lord of Chaos City before, he was only a Realm Lord after all, and the time he was accepted as a disciple by the Lord of Chaos City was really too short. Many Lords of the Universe did not know that there was someone named "Wang Cheng".

Now, of course, most people are extremely surprised when they suddenly hear that such a strange guy has become the master of the universe.

"Chaos has informed us that his disciple's title is 'Lord of Infernal Affairs'!"

"I heard that this 'Lord of Infernal Affairs' is a figure who just emerged from the last genius battle!"

"The last genius battle? It was only over two thousand years ago, right?"

"Two thousand years to become the Lord of the Universe? Even the son of the original universe is impossible! It took endless years for the eight beast gods to be conceived!"

"This 'Lord of Infinity' must have been trapped in a place where time flows extremely fast, even far exceeding the time acceleration in the small universe of the strongest person in the universe, similar to the existence of the black stone pillars of the space boat!"

"Not everyone can withstand the will impact of the black-patterned stone pillars. Is there really a place where time can be accelerated without any side effects? That is a treasured place for cultivation!"

"The original universe also has countless magical things..."


Many universe masters were talking, and suddenly, six figures suddenly appeared in the six empty seats. It was the Virtual Universe Company who had arrived.

Wang Cheng is naturally among them.

Although there is some competition between the masters of the human universe, the overall relationship is still quite good, so as soon as the Lord of Chaos City and others appeared, they were immediately dragged into chatting with others.

As for Wang Cheng, in addition to occasionally responding to the kindness of other universe masters, he is also observing the other universe masters.

Including Wang Cheng, the human race now has a total of 19 universe masters. The number is not large, but the quality is extremely high.

Among the nineteen universe masters, there are many fifth-level universe masters, such as the Chaos City Lord, Ice Peak Lord, Dark Lord of Virtual Universe Company, Peng Gong Lord of Universe Galaxy Bank, etc. are all fifth-level universe masters.

There are also many other fourth-level universe masters, such as the Master of Huangjian of the Giant Ax Arena, the Master of Qingdong of the First Bank of the Universe, etc. are all fourth-level masters of the universe.

I have to say that although Wang Cheng's strength is not weak at the moment, it is not that strong among the masters of the universe in the human race. It can only be said to be average!


After a while, when all the masters of the universe arrived, finally, the founder of the giant ax appeared as the finale.

When Wang Cheng saw the other party for the first time, he immediately thought of Rong Jun.

The same wild man, the same bold and uninhibited temperament. Although no one has ever admitted it, the possibility that they are of the same race is really quite high.

"Wang Cheng, the Lord of Infinity!" The founder of the giant ax was the first to look at Wang Cheng.

"The founder of the giant axe!" Wang Cheng responded. As the only true god in the human race, the founder of the giant axe is indeed like a needle that fixes the sea.

"I heard that you became the master of the universe after more than two thousand years, which is amazing!" the founder of the giant ax said with a smile.

"I have actually practiced for tens of millions of years!" Wang Cheng explained.

"I have already guessed it, but even so, you are still amazing. You have definitely created a record that is difficult to break!" The founder of Giant Ax said: "With your talent, there is hope that you can reach my level. When the time comes, , the pressure on me can also be less!”


As soon as the founder of the giant ax said this, many universe masters present fell silent for an instant. No one expected that the founder of the giant ax was so optimistic about Wang Cheng.

He also said that Wang Cheng has hope of reaching his level!

The masters of the universe are rare, and the strongest people in the universe are even rarer. Each of the strongest people in the universe is a being who can influence the situation of the universe.

For ordinary top races, it is enough for the Lord of the Universe to be at the helm, but for a peak race like the human race, the strongest man in the universe must be at the helm!

This is the status of the strongest person in the universe!

But now, the founder of Giant Ax says that Wang Cheng has hope of reaching his level!

"I try my best..."

Wang Cheng didn't feel the pressure, he nodded slightly.

Breakthrough to the True God? Wang Cheng is confident! After all, Wang Cheng has received the inheritance of "The Way of Time", and he can achieve breakthroughs even with step-by-step practice!

However, Wang Cheng estimated that he would not be able to break through in a short time!

Within the scope of the will of the original universe, the Lord of the universe receives a lot of care, but the true God will be rejected!

In addition, there is no harm in accumulating deeper at the level of the Lord of the Universe. The deeper you accumulate at the level of the Lord of the Universe, the easier it will be in the future.

"It seems you are quite confident!" The founder of Giant Ax laughed: "If you want to break through, you must have this kind of momentum. If you are timid, you will never become the strongest!"


Wang Cheng didn't speak. He had just become the Lord of the Universe. The founder of the giant ax said this a little too early.

Fortunately, the founder of the giant ax did not dwell on this topic anymore. He turned his head and looked around at the other masters of the universe.

"All the masters of the universe have gathered together. I, the human race, have not seen a scene like today for a long time..." In the emotion of the founder of the giant axe, this time the giant ax meeting finally began.

PS: Third update, I know this third update is a little sketchy, but I have to write this part. If I skip it, I feel like something is missing. Fortunately, I finished it in two or three chapters...

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