Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 263 Master and Disciple Talk

"Lindong, are you sure you want to go to the Universe Sea?" the founder of Giant Ax asked with a frown.

"It's time to have a little adventure!"

Lord Lindong nodded without hesitation.

"If you go to the Universe Sea, I won't stop you!" said the founder of Giant Axe: "However, the Tianling Secret Realm is not suitable for Wu Jian, so I will find someone else to take your place!"


The Lord of Lindong nodded slightly. He didn't say anything. He just took this opportunity to express his request. As for who replaced him, it didn't matter.

"Who has time to come back and replace Lindong?" The founder of Giant Ax looked around at the many masters of the universe. No one spoke at first, but finally the master of Huangjian spoke:

"I'm going to take Lindong's place for a while. However, Lindong, you have to wait for me for a hundred thousand years while my avatar handles some things in the universe sea before I can return!"

"One hundred thousand years?" Lord Lindong frowned slightly, but he still nodded. One hundred thousand years is nothing, it doesn't matter if he waits.

"Lord of Huangjian and founder of the giant axe, it's me who should go!" Wang Cheng saw the dilemma of several people and said proactively.

"Wu Jian, you have just made a breakthrough. The conditions in Tianling Secret Realm are special and are not suitable for you!" The founder of the giant ax shook his head.

"I have already heard the teacher say it, but I am confident!" Wang Cheng said with a smile: "Besides, I am not the only one in the aura secret realm. Isn't there also the 'Lord of Chenfeng'?"

The master of the human universe usually does not station alone in a certain place, otherwise in the event of a surprise attack by a foreign race, a single person may not be able to react.

In addition to the Lord of Lindong, there was another one who guarded the Tianling Secret Realm before, the "Lord of Chenfeng"!

However, the "Lord of Chenfeng" is not the Lord of the Human Universe, but a Lord of the Universe from a race affiliated with the Human Race.


The founder of the giant ax thought for a moment, then nodded.

Although Wang Cheng has just made a breakthrough, he seems to be very rich. If he has enough treasures, his strength should not be too weak, at least not much weaker than the "Lord of Lindong". In this way, it would be okay for him to guard it. .

"In that case, it's up to you!" The founder of the giant ax agreed.

"Lindong, it can take as little as three years, or as long as a hundred years, I will rush over!" Wang Cheng turned around and said.

"Okay!" A smile appeared on Lord Lindong's face. A hundred years is much shorter than a hundred thousand years.


. . .

After confirming many things, the meeting ended quickly, and Wang Cheng and the Lord of Chaos City also exited the virtual universe.

However, Wang Cheng did not leave immediately. He still had something to say to the Lord of Chaos City. Similarly, the Lord of Chaos City had no intention of letting Wang Cheng leave immediately. He also had many things to say to Wang Cheng.

"One end of Tianling Secret Realm is connected to the hinterland of my human territory, and the other end is connected to the hinterland of the demon clan. Both human and demon clans attach great importance to it. You must be careful when you go there!" said the Lord of Chaos City.

"Teacher, don't worry, I am still confident in saving my life!" Wang Cheng said with confidence.

"Speaking of saving lives, when did you have a clone?"

The Lord of Chaos City looked at Wang Cheng. The Lord of the Universe who could have clones from the human race was obtained by taking away other lives. Wang Cheng was obviously still a human body. Where did he get the clone technique?

"My disciple once ate a treasure and got the gift of 'Clone Technique'!" Wang Cheng didn't explain too much, and he did get his clone technique in this way.

"That's it!" The Lord of Chaos City nodded slightly.


At this time, Wang Cheng suddenly thought and took out a huge stone tablet.

"This is?"

The Lord of Chaos City looked at the stone stele, which was about ten thousand meters high. There were traces on the surface of the stele. These traces seemed to be engraved randomly, but there seemed to be some mystery contained in them.

Suddenly, the Chaos City Lord was attracted by one of the mysteries, and his eyes widened a little. But after a while, the Chaos City Lord frowned. This mystery was originally very attractive to him, but it stopped midway.

The feeling of being cut off abruptly is not pleasant.

The Lord of Chaos City moved his eyes elsewhere again. One after another mysteries lit up the eyes of the Lord of Chaos City, but they were all interrupted midway. In the end, the Lord of Chaos City couldn't help but become a little manic.


"Where did this stone tablet come from?" The Lord of Chaos City looked at Wang Cheng.

"I carved it!" Wang Cheng said truthfully.

"Did you carve it?" The Lord of Chaos City couldn't believe it.

"It's just a matter of imitating a cat and a tiger. I don't understand many things!" Wang Cheng shook his head.

"Cat?" Chaos City Lord asked.

"'Cat' is in my memory!" Wang Cheng explained:

"The disciple has received an incredible inheritance, but I can only understand a small part of it, and I can't completely copy it! Even if I copy the cat and imitate the tiger, the most I can do is this!"

"Incredible inheritance?" The Lord of Chaos City felt a little surprised. Wang Cheng is already the Lord of the Universe. For him to say it is incredible, the inheritance will not be simple.

In fact, judging from his cursory glance at the marks on the stone tablet just now, Wang Cheng's words may have been exaggerated!

Most of the traces on this stone tablet can touch him. Although these touches will be interrupted without exception, this is indeed valuable to the Lord of Chaos City.

You know, the Lord of Chaos City has already reached the pinnacle of the Lord of the Universe. If he can go further, he will be the strongest in the universe!

There were too few things that could touch him, but almost every trace on this stone tablet could give him a touching feeling.

"There is such a heritage in the original universe? Could it be that some powerful person brought it back from the universe sea?" The Lord of Chaos City thought in his heart, but he quickly shook his head.

No matter whether things were what he thought or were related to Wang Cheng's own secret, it was useless to think too much.

"This stone tablet is temporarily given to the teacher. Although these traces are scattered, they should be useful to the teacher!" Wang Cheng said.

"You are serious!" The Lord of Chaos City was not polite to Wang Cheng.

"It's good that the teacher doesn't mind the crudeness of this stone tablet!" A smile appeared on Wang Cheng's face.

The material of this stone tablet is actually quite extraordinary, but the Lord of Chaos City has helped Wang Cheng a lot over the years. A mere stone tablet and some scattered traces are nothing at all.

The only pity is that the "Way of Time" is really unpredictable. Wang Cheng's current state is still far behind. There is no way to completely copy what is in his head, even the most basic parts. , so I can only give Chaos City Lord some scattered things.

However, the Lord of the Universe has to go his own way to break through to the True God. The "Way of Time" may not be suitable for the Lord of Chaos City. It may be more appropriate to inspire him with some scattered things.

With the countless years of accumulation of the Chaos City Lord, maybe he will be able to find his own way soon!


Wang Cheng chatted with the Lord of Chaos City for a while, and soon he was ready to leave.

"One more thing!" The Lord of Chaos City suddenly said: "I just accepted a disciple not long ago, which is your junior brother! He is in Chaos City, you go and meet him!"

"Junior brother?" Wang Cheng was a little surprised, but he nodded immediately as if he thought of something.

PS: Two updates first, there will be more in the evening.

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