Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 264 Luo Feng’s information

Wang Cheng left the inner palace of the city lord. After asking about Lord Darkness, Wang Cheng came to a mansion in Chaos City.

"Brother Wang?" Luo Feng looked at Wang Cheng with a hint of surprise on his face.

At this time, Wang Cheng had completely suppressed the vague divine power in his body, and he looked no different from a thousand years ago.

"Luo Feng, it's time to call you senior brother!" Wang Cheng smiled and said: "To be valued by the teacher and accepted as a disciple, it seems that you have made great progress!"

"I didn't expect to become your junior brother, Brother Wang!" Luo Feng sighed with emotion, and then said: "But, senior brother, where have you been for more than a thousand years? Why is there no news at all!"

"We encountered a bit of a disaster, but we finally managed to escape the danger and have greatly improved our strength!" Wang Cheng said with a smile.

"Senior brother, have you broken through immortality?" Luo Feng looked at Wang Cheng with some doubts.

"That's right!" Wang Cheng nodded slightly.

"But senior brother, you have every chance of breaking through the World Lord-level Tongtian Mountain, right?" Luo Feng became even more confused.

"World Lord Level Tongtian Mountain, this is indeed a small regret, but it doesn't matter!" Wang Cheng smiled, but he didn't say anything.

The universe level, the domain lord level, the world lord level, and the three Tongtian Mountains in a row are indeed the standard for a peerless genius, especially the world lord level Tongtian Mountain is indispensable.

It can be said that if a person only breaks through the Domain Lord level Tongtian Mountain or the Universe level Tongtian Mountain, it is far inferior to breaking through the World Lord level Tongtian Mountain.

If Wang Cheng had not been assassinated, he might have tried his luck after returning to Chaos City.

But unfortunately, the plan could not keep up with the changes... Even Wang Cheng himself never thought that he could complete the last two steps so quickly and become the master of the universe!

Of course, compared with the Master of the Universe, World Lord-level Tongtian Mountain can only be said to be nothing. There is no comparison between the two, so Wang Cheng said that it was just a small regret.

It was something that could be easily done in the first place, but if I didn’t do it because of an accident, it was nothing!


The two chatted for a while, and Wang Cheng soon learned many things from Luo Feng.

For example, as Hong is Luo Feng's good brother, Luo Feng will naturally stand up for Hong. Therefore, Hong, who was hiding before because he was afraid of the Phantom King, has now come out again.

However, Hong has not joined any major force yet. Wang Cheng gave Hong too many resources and also helped him avoid being hunted by the Phantom King. Hong was naturally grateful to Wang Cheng!

Although Wang Cheng's escort team was disbanded, Hong was still waiting for Wang Cheng to contact him.

"I was also interested in the earth's spiritual system and that's why I helped him. That little thing is nothing!" Wang Cheng said to Luo Feng:

"Please help me tell Hong that he is free!"

"Yeah!" Luo Feng nodded. At this time, Luo Feng had no idea what trouble Hong would bring to him after he regained his freedom!

However, now that Luo Feng is the disciple of the Lord of Chaos City, he is not considered a minor player. There should be room for change in the issue of the ownership of the earth.


In addition to Hong's affairs, Wang Cheng also learned about other people's affairs from Luo Feng.

Jiang Mingyue broke through the realm lord at an unexpected speed. Now she has gone to the battlefield outside the territory. Most of Rong Jun and Manka have also broken through the realm lord. However, Manka is still struggling in the secret realm of heaven and earth and the secret realm of Taichu, and Rong Jun But he has already begun to show his talent. He has secured his position in the secret realm of Taichu, and can look forward to the original secret realm.

"And the 'Jiu Meng' who has a good relationship with you, senior brother, is also very promising, and he is also in the Secret Realm of Taichu now!" Luo Feng looked at Wang Cheng with a strange expression.

Jiang Mingyue knew both Jiu Meng and Luo Feng, and he was not a fool. He could naturally detect many things, which was somewhat inconsistent with Luo Feng's concept as an earthling.

However, Luo Feng didn't find it too strange. After all, the number of immortal harems was calculated based on planets. If there were two, they could probably be considered very "dedicated"!

"A breakthrough realm master, and a person who broke into the secret realm of the beginning from the apocalyptic realm, are both quite powerful!" Wang Cheng nodded slightly as if he didn't see Wang Cheng's gaze.

"However, I haven't heard from Sister Mingyue in the past hundred years. I wonder if she has encountered trouble on the battlefield outside the territory!" Luo Feng said suddenly.


Wang Cheng's expression froze slightly, but he didn't say much and just nodded.

"Are you going to the battlefield outside the territory too?" Wang Cheng looked at Luo Feng and asked.

"Yes!" Luo Feng nodded.

"Be careful on the battlefield outside the territory. If you have any trouble in the future, you can contact me!" Wang Cheng said.

"Okay!" Luo Feng nodded again.

The relationship between the two was good before, and now they have become brothers. If something happens, Luo Feng will not be polite.

. . .

Originally, Wang Cheng planned to stay in Chaos City for a while, but after meeting Luo Feng, he changed his mind. After speaking to the Lord of Chaos City and saying goodbye to Lord Ming An, Wang Cheng quickly Then he left Chaos City.

Wang Cheng logged into the virtual universe and tried to contact Jiang Mingyue. Sure enough, as Luo Feng said, he couldn't be contacted.

Without hesitation, Wang Cheng went straight to Ganwu Universe Kingdom.

After breaking through the Lord of the Universe, Wang Cheng's speed was extremely fast, and he could quickly reach any location in the human race's territory in a very short period of time.

Therefore, not long after, Wang Cheng returned to the Qianwu Universe Kingdom and entered the Qianwu Secret Realm.


Qianwu Secret Realm is a small secret realm, not too big. Although Wang Cheng only arrived for the first time, he quickly found the core location of Qianwu Secret Realm, where the Lord of Qianwu Kingdom personally sits.

This is a vast temple. In the temple, the famous Lord of Ganwu Kingdom is sitting on a huge throne. His eyes are slightly closed, and there are infinite law fluctuations spreading around him. It can be seen that the Lord of Ganwu Kingdom is comprehending. What are you wearing?

"Lord of the Ganwu Kingdom!" A strange voice suddenly sounded in the ears of the Lord of the Ganwu Kingdom. For a moment, he opened his eyes in horror.

"Who is it?" The Lord of Ganwu Kingdom was alert for a moment, but the next moment, the Lord of Ganwu Kingdom was slightly stunned.

"Are you...Wang Cheng?" The leader of Ganwu Kingdom looked at the figure who appeared outside the hall in surprise. Of course he knew Wang Cheng.

After all, Wang Cheng was a genius who came out of Qianwu Universe Kingdom, and was accepted as a disciple by the Lord of Chaos City.

"It's me!" Wang Cheng nodded slightly. He took a step and in an instant, he was in front of the Lord of Ganwu Kingdom.

"I didn't even have time to thank the leader of the Qianwu Kingdom for giving me weapons back then!" Wang Cheng said with a smile.

"After all, you are the genius who came out of my Ganwu Universe Kingdom. It's just a weapon, nothing!" The leader of Ganwu Kingdom was a little confused, and he vaguely realized that things were not simple.

Wang Cheng silently entered the secret realm of Qianwu, and even entered his temple. Why was he so fast just now? It arrived in front of him in an instant, leaving him unable to react!

Could it illusion?

PS: Three updates.

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