Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 265 Resurrection of Jiang Mingyue

Wang Cheng was not surprised when he saw the leader of Ganwu Kingdom with a shocked look on his face.

The fact that he became the "Lord of the Universe" has not been notified to all high-level officials at the highest meeting of the human race. At present, the Great Ax Conference has only been held to inform all the masters of the universe.

In this case, it is naturally impossible for the leader of Ganwu Kingdom to know about this matter.

However, to Wang Cheng, it doesn't matter whether the leader of Ganwu Kingdom knows about it or not. He is not here to show off!

The Lord of Ganwu Kingdom had helped Wang Cheng before, so Wang Cheng's attitude was naturally very good now. After arriving here, he was not in a hurry to do anything. Instead, he started chatting with the Lord of Ganwu Kingdom.

This made the Lord of Ganwu Kingdom even more confused, but he was a scheming person after all. Both Wang Cheng's identity and the weirdness Wang Cheng just showed were enough for the Lord of Ganwu Kingdom to pay attention to. Besides, it was just a chat, it was nothing, he Naturally cooperate with Wang Cheng.

While the two were chatting, the Lord of the Ganwu Kingdom finally found out that Wang Cheng came for his former direct disciple "Jiang Mingyue". Wang Cheng, the disciple of the Chaos City Lord, and Jiang Mingyue turned out to be "good friends" "!

After all, he is a direct disciple. The Lord of Ganwu Kingdom knows a lot about Jiang Mingyue. Especially, Jiang Mingyue should have two important treasures on his body... This makes him pay more attention to it!

It's not that he covets his disciple's treasures. After all, the Lord of Ganwu Kingdom is a high-level venerable. No matter how poor he is, he will not covet his disciple's treasures. However, it is precisely because of his poverty that he is particularly sensitive to "heavy treasures".

On the contrary, the relationship between Jiang Mingyue and Wang Cheng has really never paid much attention to the relationship between Ganwu Kingdom and Wang Cheng.


After explaining his relationship with Jiang Mingyue, Wang Cheng said: "Does the Lord of Ganwu Kingdom know where Jiang Mingyue has gone?"

"She is practicing on the battlefield outside the territory!" Lord Ganwu said casually: "Aren't you friends? Why do you need to ask me about this?"

"But the contact with her seems to be broken. Have you seen her in the past hundred years, Lord Qianwu Kingdom?" Wang Cheng asked again.

"The contact is broken?" The leader of Ganwu Kingdom frowned slightly, and then he said with some solemnity: "This disciple of mine has indeed asked me for advice a hundred years in the future. Has something happened to her?"

"Whether there is any trouble, you will know if you try it!" Wang Cheng nodded slightly.

"How to try?" The leader of Ganwu Kingdom was slightly surprised.

"Has Jiang Mingyue been to this hall?" Wang Cheng asked.

"Of course I've been here before!" Lord Ganwu nodded.

"How long ago was the last time you came here?" Wang Cheng asked again.

"It should have been five hundred years ago!" Lord Ganwu said for a while. The next moment, the corners of his eyes suddenly jumped, and he suddenly stood up from the huge throne.


Wang Cheng stretched out his hand, and the time and space in the entire hall suddenly froze, and then began to quickly retreat.

For five hundred years, the Lord of Ganwu Kingdom spent most of his time practicing on his throne with his eyes closed. Occasionally, other people would come for only a short time.

Time and space went backwards rapidly, and finally, everything came to a standstill.

A figure wearing black armor appeared, with wings on his back that had enlarged to almost completely covering his body. This was Jiang Mingyue.

This is her before going to the battlefield outside the territory. She came here to say goodbye to the Lord of Ganwu Kingdom.

"Reverse time and space?!!"

The leader of Ganwu Kingdom looked at Wang Cheng in disbelief, and at the same time, his tone became cautious.

"Are you already the Lord of the Universe?" asked the Lord of Ganwu Kingdom.

"The human race has passed a resolution, and I am the Lord of Wujian!" Wang Cheng nodded slightly.

"I've seen the Lord of Infinite Life!" The Lord of Ganwu Kingdom saluted without hesitation. Although he is the Lord of the High-level Universe Kingdom and is much older than Wang Cheng, Wang Cheng is the Lord of the Universe. Based on this alone , the leader of Ganwu Kingdom felt no psychological pressure at all at this moment.

At this time, the leader of Ganwu Kingdom was also thankful. Fortunately, he was just cautious enough and didn't do much to Wang Cheng who suddenly appeared here. Instead, he patiently chatted with him.

"You're welcome!" Wang Cheng shook his head. At this time, he stretched out his finger, and invisible power instantly enveloped Jiang Mingyue in the past, and then he began to try to restore time and space.


Time and space were restored without any sluggishness. At the same time, waves of power from the original universe also descended on Wang Cheng.

This kind of power cannot be resisted and can only be resisted with the divine body.

Wang Cheng's divine body was lost bit by bit, and the reversed time and space was quickly restored. Only Jiang Mingyue, enveloped by invisible power, remained still in place without any change.

"Sure enough, something happened!"

Wang Cheng looked at the time and space without any obstacles to recovery, and he sighed slightly in his heart.

If Jiang Mingyue was still alive, it wouldn't be like this now. He could bring Jiang Mingyue back bit by bit from the past without any hesitation. This can only mean one thing, that is, she has really fallen in this time and space. Got it!


There are actually only two situations when Jiang Mingyue loses contact. One is that she fell into an unknown and dangerous place and she did not have time to log into the virtual universe. The other is that she has died.

In comparison, the second scenario is more likely. After all, in a place like an extraterrestrial battlefield, it is not surprising for a world lord to die.

What's more, if Jiang Mingyue didn't change her character, Wang Cheng wouldn't be surprised at all if she died on a battlefield outside the territory.

Therefore, after learning that Jiang Mingyue had lost contact, Wang Cheng's first reaction was not to find her, but to find the places she had been to resurrect her...


The Lord of the Universe controls time and space, and if he is willing to pay a heavy price, there is hope that the ordinary Lord of the Universe can be resurrected.

Although Wang Cheng's divine body was somewhat damaged when he resurrected a Realm Lord, it was nothing to him!

Soon, the time and space in the hall was completely restored, and Jiang Mingyue, who was wrapped in invisible power, suddenly had a look in his eyes.


Jiang Mingyue subconsciously burst out with strength, but the next moment she stopped in shock.

"Brother Cheng? Teacher?" Jiang Mingyue looked at the two people in the distance.

"It seems that you died in battle!" The Lord of Ganwu Kingdom said with emotion: "Fortunately, the Lord of Infernal Affairs is here, and it was he who resurrected you!"

"Master Qianwu, let me talk to Mingyue. If you have any trouble in the future, you can come to me!" Wang Cheng said, and then he walked towards Jiang Mingyue.

"I still have something to do, you guys can chat!" Lord Ganwu gave up his palace very wisely, and he disappeared in an instant.

"Brother Cheng, this?" Jiang Mingyue looked at Wang Cheng who was walking towards her with some confusion.

"First tell me how you died!" Wang Cheng said.

"How did I die?" Jiang Mingyue felt that this was a bit strange, but after recalling it for a while, she still said it.

In fact, it is very simple. Jiang Mingyue is a typical person who is crazy and seeking death. She went to a battlefield full of immortals, and there was even an immortal prince among them.

On that continent, Jiang Mingyue was only at the bottom in terms of strength. However, she had treasures to protect her life, and she survived at first. However, later on, she was unlucky and met a feudal lord, Immortal, who discovered her realm master's identity. identity, directly chased her to death.

"That continent is indeed dangerous, but my strength has improved very quickly!" Jiang Mingyue said: "Before I met that immortal prince, I had almost ordinary immortal strength without relying on treasures!"

"But you're dead!" Wang Cheng patted Jiang Mingyue's shoulder and said at the same time: "Besides, your treasure is also lost!"

Wang Cheng resurrected Jiang Mingyue, so it was naturally impossible to bring her two important treasures back together. The price would be too high and not worth it!


Jiang Mingyue was silent. When things got to this point, no matter how persistent she was, she knew that she was indeed a little too bold.

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