"You only have one life, cherish it. I can resurrect you this time, but not the next time!" Wang Cheng warned:

"There are also some methods of resurrecting that can interfere with it!"

"Brother Cheng, you resurrected me? Is that you the 'Lord of Infinity' that the teacher just said?" Jiang Mingyue looked at Wang Cheng in surprise.

"Of course it's me. Apart from me, which master of the universe would resurrect you as a little realm master?" Wang Cheng said: "Even the genius 'Sako' who was passed down to you is not qualified!

Do you expect your teacher to fuck the leader of Wu Kingdom? He can't afford the resources to ask the Lord of the Universe to take action! "

"Brother Cheng, are you already...the Lord of the Universe?" Jiang Mingyue looked at Wang Cheng in astonishment.

Although Lord Ganwu is poor, he is the Lord of the Universe after all. As his direct disciple, Jiang Mingyue is knowledgeable. Jiang Mingyue doesn’t know that the Lord of the Universe has the ability to resurrect the dead, but she knows that Lord Ganwu is more powerful than her teacher. The noble being is the Lord of the universe.

"Yeah!" Wang Cheng nodded slightly and said, "The reason why I disappeared for more than a thousand years was because I had a special opportunity, and it was also because of the special opportunity I had to break through to become the Lord of the Universe!"


Jiang Mingyue said nothing. Even though Wang Cheng's image in her mind had always been that of an incredible genius, she was shocked to death at this moment. After all, this was too incredible!

"Since we parted ways in Yunni Star, isn't this the first time we've met in real life?" Wang Cheng didn't mean to say more, he smiled and said:

"Finally we meet, let's go out for a walk?"


Hearing Wang Cheng talk about this, Jiang Mingyue instantly suppressed the shock in her heart, and she nodded in agreement without hesitation.

. . .

No matter how small the Ganwu Secret Realm is, it is still a secret realm, and it is also filled with all kinds of strange places.

In addition, with the development of Qianwu Universe Kingdom, there are also many magnificent places in Qianwu Secret Realm, which are still worth visiting.

Wang Cheng stayed in the Qianwu Secret Realm for about a month, and then he left.

Jiang Mingyue's cultivation still depends on herself. Although Wang Cheng has asked the human race to give her some resources, she cannot afford to slack off.


Not long after Wang Cheng left, the leader of Ganwu Kingdom quickly summoned Jiang Mingyue.

"Teacher!" Jiang Mingyue saluted.

"No need to be polite!" Lord Qianwu said with a smile: "The Lord of Wu Jian has already left?"

"Yes!" Jiang Mingyue nodded.

"Mingyue, are you an old acquaintance of the Lord of Infinite Eternal Life?" asked the Lord of Ganwu Kingdom.

"It's an old acquaintance. Before I met the teacher, I was able to practice and become stronger step by step. It was all because of Brother Cheng's help!" Jiang Mingyue said.


The Lord of Ganwu nodded slightly. In fact, these questions were not important to him, but he still asked for a long time. Finally, the Lord of Ganwu came to the conclusion that the relationship between his disciple and the Lord of Infernal Affairs is by no means as simple as "good friends". .

"I only accepted Jiang Mingyue as my disciple because I found that she had a good chance. She had two important treasures and her talent was acceptable. I didn't expect that she could have such a relationship..." Lord Ganwu I was thinking secretly in my heart.

He had given Wang Cheng a gift when he was weak. Although it doesn't seem like much now, it was considered a good treasure to the other party at that time!

This good relationship was formed first.

Now, his direct disciple also has a deep relationship with Wang Cheng, which brings the two of them closer to each other.

"The Lord of Infernal Affairs said before that I could go to him if I had any trouble. He shouldn't have just said it casually!" The Lord of Ganwu Kingdom was also a little surprised.

The leader of the Ganwu Kingdom owes countless debts, and is often called upon by various creditors. The more he is pressed, the poorer he becomes. He is trapped in a very embarrassing cycle. Now, it is difficult to even turn around!


Isn't it just because there is no backer?

There are more than 6,000 cosmic lords in the human race, and those who have the Lord of the Universe as their backer are a minority among the few. Of course, they were not among those few before Gan Wu Kingdom Lord.

After all, the entire human race, including Wang Cheng, who had just made a breakthrough, had only nineteen Masters of the Universe in total!

But now, the leader of Ganwu Kingdom sees hope.

"The Lord of Infernal Affairs is willing to help me now because of the good relationship we formed with Jiang Mingyue. I have to be more proactive and take the initiative to join the Lord of Infernal Affairs..." Lord Ganwu made up his mind.

Although the Lord of Ganwu Kingdom is the Lord of the Higher Universe Kingdom and one of the earliest beings in the human race to achieve venerable status, the Lord of the Universe is the Lord of the Universe, and his status is far higher than that of the Lord of Ganwu Kingdom!

Taking the initiative to seek refuge with Wang Cheng, the Lord of Wu Kingdom felt no psychological burden at all.

In addition, even the Lord of the Universe still needs someone to help him deal with some things. Coupled with his close relationship with Wang Cheng, the Lord of Ganwu Kingdom is quite confident in himself.

. . .

When the leader of Ganwu Kingdom made up his mind, on the other side, Wang Cheng had already come all the way outside the earth.

Standing in the starry sky outside the earth, Wang Cheng looked at the current earth with a complicated expression.

Because Hong has not yet shown his talent, the Earth has not come into the eyes of the higher-ups of the human race. And now Luo Feng is the disciple of the Lord of Chaos City. His status in the human race is so high that few people can match it. Therefore, the development of the earth is simply unparalleled. It’s said to be amazing speed!

"Other places have changed and are completely in line with the universe..." Wang Cheng scanned the entire earth. Suddenly, his gaze stopped:

"The house I lived in back then is still there. It should have been ordered by Luo Feng!"


Wang Cheng looked at the sky for a long time, and soon he shook his head.

If the earth in the past had any resemblance to the hometown he was familiar with, then the earth now had nothing to do with his hometown.


Wang Cheng's body moved slightly, and he instantly landed at the place where Jiangnan Base City once was. With a thought, all life on earth was frozen by the invisible power of time and space.

From apprentice-level warriors to realm masters left behind by Luo Feng to look after the house, there is no exception.

Without hesitation, Wang Cheng directly reversed time and space!

Hoo ho ho!

Scenes of the earth's development over more than a thousand years have all entered Wang Cheng's eyes, but there are not many things that can make Wang Cheng pay attention.

"Sylvia left the earth nine hundred years ago!" Wang Cheng looked in a certain direction, but he didn't pay too much attention. Time and space reversed very quickly, and in the blink of an eye he was back to where Wang Cheng was on earth. during that time!

It is said that it is easy to destroy but difficult to create. The master of the normal universe can completely disrupt the past period of time, and Wang Cheng is no exception.

Under Wang Cheng's action, the period of time he lived on the earth was wiped out. Unless there is a being who is better at "time and space" than the Lord of the Universe, no one can know what happened during this period of time. .

In the original universe, it would be even more difficult to find a being who is better at managing time and space than the Lord of the Universe!

Whether it is the True God or the Lord of the Universe, they actually rely more on an instinct to master time and space. If you want to understand time and space in essence, you have to embark on the "space-time path" to have any hope.

Like the inheritance of the "One Way of Time" that Wang Cheng received, if he studied it with concentration, he would have the hope of being able to join the "One Way of Time" in the future. But now...it's far off!

"That's it for the original embryo and the abnormalities revealed by my several chance grabs!" Wang Cheng breathed a sigh of relief.

Hong is probably already thinking about joining the five major forces at this moment. His talent is not weak in the first place. It shouldn't take long to join the five major forces. When Hong goes to venture into the sea of ​​​​illusion, then...

"I also lived on the earth for a period of time, and I also deliberately erased the period of time I lived on. By then, the founder of Giant Ax will probably guess that something is wrong with me!" Wang Cheng knew it, but he didn't panic. .

After all, he has become the master of the universe. Isn't it natural for him to have his own secrets? He didn't want to say it, and no one could make it difficult for him!

PS: There are only two updates today, just in time to think about how to write new plots.

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