Wang Cheng did not stay there for too long. He quickly teleported several times and arrived in front of a huge and powerful palace.

At this time, the "Lord of Donglin" who had already received the news was already waiting for Wang Cheng, and next to the Lord of Donglin, there was a being who was thousands of miles tall and whose whole body was like glass!

"Wu Jian!"

The Lord of Donglin with white hair and white clothes smiled and said something. Wang Cheng did not hesitate and came to the two of them in an instant.

The Lord of Donglin and another life are both thousands of miles high. Wang Cheng also changed a little and became thousands of miles high, otherwise communication would be inconvenient!

"You came so quickly, it's less than a year!" said the Lord of Donglin.

"Fortunately, I don't have much to do, so I'll come over soon!" Wang Cheng said with a smile, and then looked at the life next to him.

"Lord of Shen Feng?" Wang Cheng asked.

"Lord of Infernal Affairs!" Lord Shen Feng nodded friendly, but he was also confused in his heart, when did the human race have an "Lord of Infernal Affairs"?

However, Lord Shen Feng did not hesitate. As the pinnacle race, it is normal for the human race to have the Lord of the Universe hidden in the dark. In Lord Shen Feng’s view, this "Lord of Infinite" should be like this. An unknown master of the universe!

"You two, come with me, I've prepared some good wine!" the Lord of Donglin said with a smile.

When Dong Linzhi wants to leave the Tianling Secret Realm, he naturally has to deal with some things, especially the relationship between Wang Cheng and the "Lord of Shen Feng". After all, these two people will have to help each other for countless years to come.

In this case, their relationship is naturally very important!


The banquet ended quickly. Lord Shen Feng knew that Wang Cheng still had something to say with Lord Donglin, so he left quickly. Of course, before leaving, Lord Shen Feng also invited Wang Cheng to go to Kuiling later. clan as guests.

Naturally, Wang Cheng would not refuse this!

After Lord Chenfeng left, Lord Donglin talked to Wang Cheng about guarding the secret realm of Tianling.

When guarding here, the first priority is to guard against the demon clan!

The Tianling Secret Realm is connected to the hinterland of the human and demon tribes. The demon tribe can descend into the hinterland of the human race at any time through the Tianling Secret Realm. Naturally, this must be guarded against!

Apart from that, there are not many things that Wang Cheng needs to do. Most of them are scattered things. You can do them or not do them!

For example, provide certain protection to the powerful human race who enter here to experience adventure, etc.!


"Lord Chen Feng is not very strong, but he still has top-notch second-level strength. If you have trouble, you can ask him to take on another one!" Lord Dong Lin instructed.

"Okay..." Wang Cheng nodded slightly.

"Among the Lords of the Human Universe, the one closest to the Tianling Secret Realm is the 'Lord of Qingdong'. If you have troubles that cannot be solved, if you are in a hurry, you can ask him for help!" Lord Donglin gave another instruction.


Wang Cheng nodded again.

"I have been running this palace for countless years. It has some protection and detection capabilities, so I will leave them to you!" The Lord of Donglin said again:

"Of course, if you don't like this style, you can demolish it and rebuild it. In addition, there are 1,080 immortal-level maids in the palace, and they are all left to you..."


The Lord of Donglin said a lot, and Wang Cheng responded one by one. When he felt that it was almost done, the Lord of Donglin finally felt relieved. Without much hesitation, he teleported away.


After the Lord of Donglin left, Wang Cheng thought for a moment, and then he summoned all the maids in the palace.

"Greetings to the Lord of Infinity!"

More than a thousand immortals bowed down in unison. Wang Cheng glanced at them and saw that none of the more than a thousand immortals were of the same race.

However, although they are of different races, these more than a thousand people have one thing in common, that is, their appearance is extremely exquisite. Even if there are people who do not meet Wang Cheng's aesthetic standards, Wang Cheng can still see the "exquisite" things in them. .

"This Lord of Donglin knows how to play!"

Wang Cheng sighed secretly. After thinking for a moment, he immediately said: "This palace was like before, and it still is like this now! But I have to stay in seclusion for a while. If nothing happens, don't disturb me!"


Thousands of immortals agreed at the same time. Wang Cheng didn't say much and disappeared instantly.


At this time, Wang Cheng came to the main hall behind the temple. After thinking for a while, he took out the "Tree of Time".

The only thing Wang Cheng can do now is to retreat for a period of time. If he goes to the "Permanent Secret Realm", not to mention that the location here is not suitable, just a chance point is not enough.

Wang Cheng will not gain opportunity points during the time he enters the "Permanent Secret Realm". Therefore, although more than a thousand years have passed, in fact, he still only has tens of thousands of opportunity points in his hand.

After Wang Cheng broke through and became the Lord of the Universe, just one trip to the "Permanent Secret Realm" required a full 100,000 chance points!

Under this situation, Wang Cheng naturally cannot go to the permanent secret realm even if he wants to.

"However, there is no rush. A hundred thousand opportunities are just over three hundred years. For me, it is just a blink of an eye!" Wang Cheng thought silently and waved his hand.


The tree of time fell to the ground and rose in the wind, and soon reached a level almost as high as this vast palace, nearly a million kilometers away!


Wang Cheng also revealed his true form and restored his 90,000-kilometer-high divine body.

After thinking about it, Wang Cheng released Sikaya again.

As Wang Cheng's soul slave, Sikaya's loyalty does not need to be worried.

In addition, Sikaya's talent is also guaranteed. After all, Sikaya was a disciple of Lord Minglian before, and can be valued by the Lord of the Universe. It is said that even the Queen of the Zerg is paying attention to her, which shows that Sikaya's talent is indeed not weak!

In this case, Sikaya is valuable to cultivate!


"Master!" Sikaya looked at the towering Wang Cheng and bowed in confusion.

Before the two of them talked, she looked down at Wang Cheng, but now, she can't even look up...

"Sikaya, come forward!" Wang Cheng ordered.

"Yes!" Sikaya nodded slightly, and then she quickly moved forward.

At this time, Wang Cheng also controlled a light from the "Tree of Time" to shine on Sikaya.

For a moment, Sikaya felt like she was in a strange situation. Her soul seemed to be separated from her body, and her thinking speed was beyond imagination.

Of course, the accelerated thinking speed is just an illusion. The real situation is that Sikaya's consciousness is affected by the acceleration of time, which causes her to feel that her thinking has accelerated countless times.

"Sikaya, starting from today, you will meditate on the laws here. If you have any questions, you can ask me!" Wang Cheng's voice rang in Sikaya's heart.

"Thank you, Master!"

Sikaya nodded excitedly.


Wang Cheng nodded slightly.

The "Tree of Time" accelerates time in consciousness, and it does not consume much energy. With Sikaya, Wang Cheng can completely afford it.

If it were "real" time acceleration, the amount of energy that would be consumed would be too terrifying. It would be impossible for Wang Cheng to bring anyone else with him!

PS: Two updates first, there will be more in the evening.

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