While Wang Cheng was practicing, on the other side, Wang Cheng's two clones also arrived at the territory of the Machine Clan and the secret realm of the universe where the Bluestone Clan, a subsidiary race of the Machine Clan, is located.

With the strength of Wang Cheng's two clones, it is very simple to sneak into the territory of the Machine Clan or the secret territory of the universe where the Bluestone Clan is located.

The only trouble is that once his whereabouts are discovered, the machine clan will use all their strength to surround and suppress him, and they will not be able to let him go easily.

However, since it was just a clone, Wang Cheng never thought about leaving from the beginning. If he really couldn't leave, then abandon these two clones!


Wang Cheng's goals this time are "Lord Nine Heads" and "Lord Lei Guang" respectively.

If you want to take revenge on two people on someone else's territory, you must first know their location.

Fortunately, the "Bluestone Clan" is not very powerful. The strongest ones are the two cosmic overlords. After Wang Cheng explored the secret realm where the Bluestone Clan is located, he quickly figured out the "Nine-Headed Lord" location.

The holy land of the "Bluestone Clan" is located on a million-mile-high peak and is guarded by a cosmic overlord, where the Nine-Headed Master is practicing cultivation.

Of course, the Nine-Headed Master has a clone, and the one he stays in for cultivation may not be the original one.

However, this is enough for Wang Cheng. To deal with a clone like "Nine-Headed Master", you have to use soul attacks. If you use soul attacks, there is not much difference between the clone and the original body!

Although Wang Cheng followed the "Martial Arts School" before, but at the level of the Lord of the Universe, there is no clear distinction between warriors and spiritual masters.

A martial artist can be a spiritual master, and a spiritual master can also be a martial artist!

Although Wang Cheng's clone only carries one percent of his power, it is the foundation of the Lord of the Universe level. This foundation is much higher than that of the Lord of the Universe. Even if Wang Cheng is not good at soul attacks, he can still force it. The nine-headed venerable who had just broken through the venerable body died.

However, Wang Cheng was not in a hurry to take action.

The sudden death of Lord Nine Heads may arouse the vigilance of "Lord Thunder Light", and it will undoubtedly be much more difficult for Wang Cheng to kill him at that time.

The most ideal situation is that Wang Cheng finds the Nine-Headed Venerable and the Lei Guang Venerable separately, and then the two clones take action at the same time!

But now, Wang Cheng has only found the location of Lord Nine Heads, and he has found nothing about the location of Lord Lei Guang!

The territory of the Machine Tribe is different from the territory of humans and monsters, and it is also different from the territory of the Zerg Tribe. The entire territory of the Machine Tribe is like a huge and tight machine. The Machine Tribe has extremely tight control over the entire territory!

This is due to two points. One is the unique master-servant relationship within the mechanical race. That is, the lower mechanical race life must have a higher mechanical race life as its master. This relationship progresses layer by layer, and even the Lord of the Universe is no exception. !

Another point is that the mechanical tribe possesses the most advanced technology in the entire primitive universe, which naturally allows them to control the entire territory more easily.

Although Wang Cheng sent a clone that was at the level of the Lord of the Universe, he did not dare to go too far within the Machine Clan, otherwise it would still be easily noticed by the Machine Clan.

Moreover, the Machine Tribe has no soul and cannot use Soul Slavery. This directly makes Wang Cheng lose a very important source of information. Naturally, it will be more difficult for him to find Lord Lei Guang!


Wang Cheng's avatar has been in the territory of the Machine Clan for about ten years. Lord Lei Guang has not found it, but he has found many core places of the Machine Clan, and Wang Cheng will definitely grab a wave of them wherever he goes. By chance, the number of times he harvested wool from the mechanical tribe has accumulated to a large number.

So much so that the current territory of the Machine Tribe is just like the territory of the Zerg Tribe more than a thousand years ago, with undercurrents beginning to surge.

However, the current Wang Cheng is no longer the same as he was before. The distance to seize by chance is already far. The long distance coupled with Wang Cheng's current strength, as long as he does not want to be exposed, the Machine Clan can't find Potian. It's impossible to find him!


"Maybe this Lord Lei Guang will be sent out to investigate the missing treasure, and then I will meet him!" At this time, Wang Cheng was standing in the starry sky outside a seemingly calm galaxy, thinking silently.

But soon he stopped thinking about it and instead focused on the distant galaxy.

According to the information Wang Cheng received from within the Machine Tribe, combined with the information he found from the Human Race, there is an ancient planet somewhere in this galaxy, which is the origin planet of the Machine Tribe.

"It is unlikely that Lord Lei Guang is here, but this origin planet may have some good treasures!" Wang Cheng did not hesitate and just grabbed it by chance.

At three o'clock every time, Wang Cheng seized nearly a hundred opportunities at once!

One treasure after another entered the space connected to Wang Cheng's consciousness. Wang Cheng always looked calm. At this point, it was difficult for ordinary treasures to enter his eyes!

Occasionally, some "secrets" will enter Wang Cheng's mind.

The mechanical race is special. Their "secrets" are different from those of the human race. To be precise, these secrets are more like technological means. These "technological" means cannot be said to be useless among the human race, but they are definitely far away. They are not as powerful as the mechanical clan controlling them.

The mechanical race is born to be a life suited to the path of "mechanical flow"!


Wang Cheng was still seizing opportunities again and again. At a certain moment, the corners of his eyes suddenly jumped slightly, and he couldn't help but stop seizing opportunities.

At this time, Wang Cheng's eyes stopped on a new opportunity he had seized.

[Consume 3 resource points, and the chance capture is successful! 】

[Opportunity Type: Cheats]

[Opportunity name: "Mechanical Core Manufacturing Materials and Processes\

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