The periphery of the black-grained stone pillar——


Endless time and space overlapped, and Wang Cheng's figure flashed rapidly like a ghost.

And in the far distance, a blood cloud was chasing after him.

Although the speed of the blood cloud was astonishingly fast, there were endless thunder and lightning blocking it along the way, making it impossible for the blood cloud to catch up with Wang Cheng ahead.

As time passed, the speed of the blood cloud behind him became slower and slower, but Wang Cheng's speed never slowed down. Finally, the blood cloud completely disappeared and Wang Cheng stopped.

"What a madman!"

Wang Cheng shook his head slightly. Strictly speaking, the two of them had no deep hatred, but the Lord of Blood Cloud should have used some forbidden technique that could enhance his strength in the end, and chased him all the way.

Wang Cheng knew very well that a forbidden technique like this must have great restrictions. The Lord of Blood and Light did not pursue it anymore, probably because the time for the forbidden technique had come.

Just like the "Colossus Transformation", after Wang Cheng uses the third stage of the Colossus Transformation, his base can be improved ten thousand times. The price for this incredible improvement is that after using the Colossus Transformation, he will have to fall into a period of weakness for a long time.

Can't even move.

Therefore, unless he is in the permanent secret realm, Wang Cheng himself has never used the third stage of the giant transformation.

Although that thing is powerful, the price is too high. If there is an accident, no one can save Wang Cheng.

But the Lord of the Blood Cloud used this forbidden technique just for a momentary fight...

"Maybe I mocked you too harshly?" Wang Cheng pondered in his heart, and soon he shook his head. It doesn't matter whether the mockery was harsh or not. The key is that these masters of the universe in the first reincarnation era are crazy, and they will It's normal for this kind of thing to happen.

"However, don't think that I'm afraid of you because you are a lunatic!" Wang Cheng sneered.

Two guys who have not yet reached the fifth-level Master of the Universe in multiple reincarnation eras are really not worthy of Wang Cheng's attention, but now that they have become enemies, Wang Cheng will not let the matter go lightly.

Now Wang Cheng can't really do anything to the other party with just this clone, but there is still a long time to come! With Wang Cheng's cultivation speed, he believed that sooner or later the two of them would have to settle their scores.

"How about asking me to send other clones to bring some treasures?" Wang Cheng thought in his heart, and he quickly made a decision in his mind.

Previously, when Wang Cheng captured a large number of treasures through chance grabbing, he sent other clones to deliver treasures to this clone once. This is how the domain-type treasure that Wang Cheng just used in the battle came from!

This treasure is called "Ten Thousand Thunder Prisons", and it is indeed a peak-level treasure!

In fact, the Prison of Ten Thousand Thunders is not suitable for Wang Cheng, who majors in the laws of time and space. If the Master of the Universe, who majors in the Way of the Beast God in the direction of 'thunder, lightning and time', uses this "Prison of Ten Thousand Thunders", its power can still be Much stronger.

However, Wang Cheng only has six of the pinnacle treasures at the moment, and he only has this one of the domain's pinnacle treasures. He has no choice but to use it first!

Moreover, after all, it is a domain treasure at the peak level, and the effects are there.

Although the divine body of Wang Cheng's avatar is not strong, but relying on the Ten Thousand Thunder Prison and the two new Lord of the Universe's strongest secrets that he has created over the past 150 years, his strength is at the level of the fourth-level Lord of the Universe. Not too weak at all.

Even if it's not the top level four, it's not far behind.

Even a considerable number of fifth-level universe masters are completely helpless to Wang Cheng. After all, the advantages of domain-type treasures are too great. Whether walking or fighting, the rhythm is basically controlled by Wang Cheng.

. . .

Without thinking too much, Wang Cheng quickly focused on the present.

"This should be near the black patterned stone pillar No. 15!" Wang Cheng looked at the distance. There were very few Lords of the Universe here, which was exactly what he wanted.


Wang Cheng moved and continued to approach the black-patterned stone pillar.

kill! kill! kill!

The terrifying impact of will once again entered Wang Cheng's mind. His expression remained unchanged and he continued to move forward.

As Wang Cheng continues to advance, the flow of time around him is also changing, one hundred times, two hundred times, three hundred times...

I don't know how long it took, but Wang Cheng finally stopped. At this time, the terrifying impact of his will made his eyes feel a little black. Here, the effect of sharpening his will will be maximized.

"Time accelerates more than 2,700 times, which is not bad!" Wang Cheng thought in his heart, and then he chose to completely synchronize the consciousness of the clone with the original one.


Thinking became extremely fast in an instant. This familiar feeling was undoubtedly the effect of the Tree of Time.

The tree of time acts on consciousness. Although Wang Cheng's original self and the clone's soul are independent of each other, their consciousnesses are interconnected. The consciousness of the original self is under the tree of time. As long as the clone is willing, he can actually do it. Enjoy the effect.

The same goes for Wang Cheng sending his avatar here to sharpen his will. The original body, the avatar's consciousness, and the will are completely interoperable. The avatar's tempering is naturally equivalent to the original body's tempering. There is no difference between the two!

Now, Wang Cheng just wants to test how effective the Tree of Time is in accelerating consciousness when there is a stable acceleration of time in the outside world.


"It's really weakened!"

Wang Cheng sighed slightly in his heart. Now, the acceleration of his clone's consciousness is probably more than thirty times. The acceleration of consciousness plus the acceleration of real time in the outside world. The combination of the two, compared with the pure acceleration of consciousness of the original body, is 100,000 times. Exactly the same.

"It's not surprising!" Wang Cheng nodded slightly.

If the acceleration of consciousness and the acceleration of real time could be superimposed, it would be terrifying!

If you want to accelerate the acceleration of pure consciousness or real time by billions of times, you need to go very far in time. I am afraid that you have to be close to the strength of the Mountain Guest at his peak, which is the level of the God King.

And if the two can be superimposed, doesn't it mean that any true god can easily achieve the effect of a god king as long as he is good at both accelerations at the same time?

That's nonsense!

So, this situation is normal now.

Of course, there may be other complicated things in it, but Wang Cheng's understanding of "Time Together" is still at the superficial stage, and he doesn't know much.

Perhaps, the real power of 'Time Together' can have some means to superimpose the two, and even if the effect is not completely multiplied, it can also greatly improve the overall acceleration effect...

"For me, a hundred thousand times acceleration is enough. This kind of thing is actually not important!" Wang Cheng didn't think too much. He quickly found a bare platform nearby and sat cross-legged on it. Go down.

boom! boom! boom!

While resisting the crazy impact of will, Wang Cheng began to practice hard. This time, no one came to disturb Wang Cheng again...

PS: Two updates first.

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