It is not easy to sharpen one's will with powerful will attacks. The terrifying will attacks come all the time, constantly impacting Wang Cheng's mind.

This feeling is okay for a short time, but it will be unbearable after a long time!

Everyone knows the benefits of a strong will, but most of the masters of the universe who come to the Black Stone Pillar just rely on the safe environment here to rest. There are still a few who are willing to spend time specifically to sharpen their will.

For no other reason than this is not an easy task.

The tempering of will is not simply about entering the vicinity of the black-patterned stone pillars and holding on. Everyone's mind is different, and their talents in will are also different... all kinds of differences come to This black-grained stone pillar sharpens the will, and the results are naturally completely different.

Some people can make progress after grinding for hundreds or thousands of years, while some people may not make much progress after grinding for millions of years!

Therefore, this black-patterned stone pillar is obviously a holy place for sharpening one's will, but there are not many beings who come here specifically to sharpen one's will!


At this moment, Wang Cheng made up his mind and came to the black-grained stone pillar to sharpen his will, and naturally he persevered in a short period of time.

Wang Cheng was practicing while resisting the terrifying impact of his will. Time continued to pass, and in the blink of an eye, fifty years had passed.

The actual time is fifty years. The time acceleration inside the black-grained stone pillar plus the time acceleration experienced by Wang Cheng's consciousness, the actual time is five million years.

During this long period of time, Wang Cheng did feel the progress of his will, and this progress was not small.

Wang Cheng knew why. His soul was also affected by the earth's environment. His talent in this area was naturally strong. With such a strong talent and a long period of hard work, it would be strange if he didn't make any progress!

However, precisely because too much time had passed, Wang Cheng's determination was no longer as firm as it was at the beginning.

"It's really tiring to resist the impact of this will all the time. It's better to go out for a while and come back later!"

"Although the tempering of will is important, I have an 'opportunity grabbing system', and my future achievements will not be low!"

"Resisting these will attacks actually consumes my mental energy, which greatly slows down the speed of my practice. It's not worth the gain..."


Various thoughts will appear in Wang Cheng's mind from time to time. Although he will soon strengthen his determination and sweep them aside, such thoughts appear more and more frequently.

Wang Cheng knows that this is also something that must be overcome when tempering his will. Although his gains over the years are not small, it is not enough. If he gives up now and comes back to tempering after he has rested, then Wang Cheng's will It is estimated that it will take millions of years to reach the level of a true god!

This would take too long and Wang Cheng couldn't accept it.

Therefore, Wang Cheng needs to overcome those distracting thoughts and must not give up halfway. To overcome these, what is needed is the strength of the mind.

"If it's Luo Feng, then he probably just insists, insists, and persists. No idea matters! If it's the God of Thunder, then he probably doesn't care about this at all. His mind is empty and peaceful, so he can naturally resist! If it's Hong , then he will acknowledge these thoughts and tolerate them..."

Wang Cheng is always thinking about this. When it comes to the spiritual realm, Hong has already compiled a lot of information for Wang Cheng. Wang Cheng is no stranger to these.

But it’s one thing to be familiar with it, and another thing to be able to do it.

"Let's start from easy to simple. My heart is like a mirror and my heart is like a knife. With my strong consciousness, it is easy to get started!" Wang Cheng is trying to make his heart clean. At the same time, his mental strength It is also condensed into a blade, and once any distracting thoughts appear, they are immediately destroyed.


Time is still passing, and in the blink of an eye, more than five hundred years have passed.

The real time was five hundred years, and Wang Cheng actually experienced more than 30 million years. The long time made Wang Cheng feel tired.

Complex thoughts can be eliminated, but the fatigue in the heart is difficult to eliminate.

"After all, I am not Luo Feng. This road has ended here, and it is not suitable for me to continue walking!" Wang Cheng understood, and at the same time, he was also trying to change his mental state.

Unknowingly, Wang Cheng's heart began to become clear and ethereal.

Wang Cheng began to forget everything and devoted himself wholeheartedly to his own practice... This practice lasted for nearly three thousand years!


Suddenly, Wang Cheng opened his eyes.

He felt that his will was transforming. It was an essential change, a power that had reached a new level.

boom! boom! boom!

It was like a million sledgehammers were beating in his mind. At this time, Wang Cheng no longer felt the pain of the impact of the will of the black-patterned stone pillar, but instead felt a sense of comfort.


With a thought in Wang Cheng's mind, he stood up and flew forward quickly.

call! call! call!

As Wang Cheng continued to approach, the multiple of time acceleration also increased rapidly. It was not until the surrounding time accelerated to tens of thousands of times that Wang Cheng finally stopped.

"I came here in one breath and I felt a little tired. My will has indeed broken through and I have officially reached the level of a true god!" Wang Cheng was still very happy. After a long period of hard work, he finally saw the results.



Wang Cheng sat down cross-legged and began to quietly feel the benefits of a breakthrough of will.

"The speed of practice is obviously faster!" Wang Cheng immediately felt this change after a little practice.

Will governs consciousness, and if the will is strong, no matter what you do, you will get twice the result with half the effort. It is natural that the speed of cultivation will become faster now.

Wang Cheng tried using the secret technique again, and sure enough, it became easier. And if it is easy to use the secret technique, it will naturally become more powerful in actual combat.

"Cultivation is faster and the actual combat is more powerful. The 'Jiuli Sword' that I couldn't recognize as its owner before should be able to recognize its owner. These are only the visible benefits. There are even more invisible benefits. I have sharpened my will over the years. , It’s not in vain!” Wang Cheng secretly sighed.

Wang Cheng stood up and continued to fly forward. He was ready to test his limit! However, before Wang Chengfei could wait long, he suddenly stopped in surprise.


Wang Cheng thought, and the next moment, a black token appeared in front of him.

After sensing it carefully, Wang Cheng was sure that he had sensed it correctly.

"There happens to be a black token secret room nearby?" This thought flashed through Wang Cheng's mind, and then he headed towards the direction of the token's induction without hesitation.


Inside the spaceship, there are secret rooms. These secret rooms are completely sealed and can only be entered with the corresponding tokens.

Wang Cheng had seized some tokens by chance before, including black tokens and more precious cyan tokens.

More than 3,000 years ago, Wang Cheng's other clones came to give this clone a treasure. Among those treasures, in addition to a pinnacle flying treasure, Wang Cheng grabbed black tokens, cyan tokens, etc. by chance. All were sent over.

Now, one of the tokens suddenly had a response, which meant that the secret room corresponding to that token was nearby. Therefore, Wang Cheng naturally wanted to look for it before talking about it.

Although most of these secret rooms are ordinary, there are occasionally some that contain treasures. Wang Cheng naturally wants to try his luck in this kind of thing.

PS: Three updates.

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