Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 294: The Strongest Man with a Bad Character

Following the guidance of the black token, Wang Cheng soon discovered a tall building like a spire.

"This should be it!" Wang Cheng looked at the building. He didn't hesitate and flew over with the token in hand.


Wang Cheng's body passed through the surface of the building and entered it instantly.

The building doesn't look big from the outside, but once inside, Wang Cheng's vision immediately broadens. This is an extremely vast space, and in the center of the space is a bottomless crack. valley.

Wang Cheng thought for a moment, then he directly released the "Ten Thousand Thunder Prison" and began to explore the entire space. Endless thunder and lightning enveloped everything. Soon, all existences in this space were controlled by Wang Cheng.

"Nothing!" Wang Cheng sighed secretly, but this is not surprising. There are occasionally treasures left by predecessors in these token spaces, but most of them have been swept away.

It’s hard to find a token space that hasn’t been raided!

"However, looking at everything in this space, it seems that no one has been here for a long time!" Wang Cheng thought, and suddenly, his heart moved slightly.


Wang Cheng moved slightly and instantly arrived at the bottom of the Great Rift Valley in the center of this space.

At the bottom of the Great Rift Valley, there is an altar, and in the center of the altar, there is something that looks like a bone.

Wang Cheng landed on the altar. He observed the surroundings and found nothing unusual. Wang Cheng did not hesitate. He stepped forward and wanted to pick up the enshrined bone and observe it.

But at this time, there was a sudden vibration on the bones.


The next moment, a somewhat blurry shadow floated out from above.

The shadow was completely blurred. He opened his mouth, and a series of complex and awkward sounds came out.

This is a completely unfamiliar language, but this language is mixed with the master's will, and Wang Cheng can understand its meaning.

"I, Yan Yayoi, should have died in reincarnation now... To be able to come here, you must have obtained the token that I hid, and to get this token, you must have loved me. The statue left behind is too much to kowtow to. Regardless of whether you are the master of the universe with a will that has reached the strongest level, or you are the strongest person. Since you have kowtowed to me too much, what if my treasure is given to you?

It's just that you have reached this level of cultivation and are so shameless for some treasures. It's really a big joke..."


The figure finished speaking intermittently and soon disappeared into the void.


Wang Cheng looked at the location of the phantom just now, feeling slightly surprised.

According to what the figure meant, this black token was quite difficult to obtain. You had to kowtow to the statue left by the other party.

"Isn't this Yan Yasheng's brain abnormal?" Wang Cheng was speechless. The strong man in the universe sea is at least the master of the universe. Who would kowtow to others for some treasures whose value they don't know?

Not even people who have been dead for who knows how many years!

"No wonder all the traces in this space show that no one has been here for endless years... Under these conditions, if I hadn't obtained this black token by relying on the chance capture system, I'm afraid that for countless years to come There’s no guarantee that anyone will come!”

Wang Cheng was speechless, but soon he penetrated his consciousness into the bone-like treasure.

"This is?"

At this time, a look of astonishment flashed across Wang Cheng's face, and the next moment, a blackened stick-shaped object appeared in front of Wang Cheng.

"Strange object?" Wang Cheng waved the stick-like object with some surprise. Although it was just a simple sweep, waves of space-time storms set off around him.

“It’s true that you can’t go wrong with a rare item!”

Wang Cheng marveled in his heart. He had also obtained a strange object through chance before, but that one could not be taken out in the original universe. And his true self had no intention of leaving the original universe in a short time, so that one The strange objects can only eat ashes in the space connected to Wang Cheng's consciousness for the time being!

However, although he couldn't take it out, Wang Cheng still understood the aura of that strange object!

Judging from the aura of the strange object, the stick-shaped object Wang Cheng is holding must also be a strange object.

"This Yan Yasheng has such a bad character. I thought he would leave some random treasures to fool me, but I didn't expect that he actually left a strange object!" Wang Cheng was extremely surprised.

The power of strange objects is almost as powerful as the most powerful treasures. When the master of the universe holds a strange object, his strength can immediately rise to a higher level. Although the strange objects cannot be brought into the original universe, to the strong men of the universe sea, the strange objects The value is not much different from that of the most powerful treasure.

From this point of view, this strong man named Yan Yayoi is relatively conscientious...


Wang Cheng was thinking in his mind, and soon he returned his attention to the inside of the bone-like treasure.

There is a special space inside this white bone, which should have the function of storing the spirituality of treasures. But unfortunately, it should be because too much time has passed, and even this special space cannot preserve other treasures.

In the entire space, apart from that strange object, there were only two top treasures left.

The other treasures have basically turned into nothingness, leaving only some vague traces that vaguely indicate their past existence.

"I don't know how many reincarnation eras ago Yan Yayoi was, so it's not surprising that the treasures left behind would become like this!" Wang Cheng secretly shook his head. He has no shortage of treasures at all now, that is, the most powerful treasures and rare objects. Treasures at different levels can make him pay more attention to them. As for other treasures, they are gone if they are gone!

. . .

After Wang Cheng put away the two top treasures and one rare object, he searched the space for a while. Sure enough, this time he found nothing.

Wang Cheng did not hesitate and quickly left this space.

"I accidentally got a strange object, and my strength immediately increased dramatically!" Wang Cheng stood in the space of the black-patterned stone pillar. After thinking about it, he quickly headed towards the No. 2 black-patterned stone pillar.

"Lord of Blood and Light, you'd better leave!" This thought flashed through Wang Cheng's mind, and immediately, his speed became much faster.

In the past three thousand and five hundred years, although Wang Cheng's avatar was mainly sharpening his will, his true form was not idle and was always practicing.

After three thousand and five hundred years of training, coupled with Wang Cheng's sudden acquisition of a rare object, his strength is already far from what it was before.

Therefore, Wang Cheng naturally didn't hesitate much at this moment and rushed directly towards the No. 2 black patterned stone pillar.

If the Lord of Blood and Light still dares to stay where he is, then Wang Cheng will let him know what regret means!

"I hope my trip wasn't in vain..."

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