Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 295 Intelligence and Action

Wang Cheng was very fast, and it didn't take long before he arrived near the No. 2 black-patterned stone pillar.

However, Wang Cheng did not approach immediately. After covering his breath for a while, he began to observe the surroundings.

"The Lord of Minglan, the Lord of Jueying, the Lord of Feilang..."

Wang Cheng observed the Lords of the Universe nearby. He could recognize most of them, but there were a few that he couldn't identify.

But that doesn't matter, as long as Wang Cheng can confirm that the other party is not the Lord of Blood and Light.

Wang Cheng observed while circling around, and soon his eyes stopped in a corner.

There, a faint bloody light kept flashing, and bursts of evil aura rose into the sky. This familiar aura instantly confirmed to Wang Cheng that it must be the Lord of Blood and Light.

"I'm afraid this guy would never have imagined that I, who could only escape three thousand years ago, would now come back for revenge!" Wang Cheng sneered in his heart, but he did not take action immediately.

As the saying goes, hit the snake seven inches away. He didn't know much about the Lord of Blood and Light, so he had better go and get some information first.

. . .

Virtual universe, Thunder Island, inside a palace at the top.

Wang Cheng's figure suddenly appeared, and the Chaos City Lord sitting high above also sensed Wang Cheng's arrival, and he opened his eyes directly.

"Teacher!" Wang Cheng greeted.

"Yes!" The Lord of Chaos City nodded slightly, and at the same time he stood up and came to the front of Wang Cheng.

"Teacher, how much do you know about the Lord of Blood and Light?" Wang Cheng didn't hesitate and asked directly.

"Lord of Blood and Light?" The Lord of Chaos City frowned and thought for a moment, and then he said immediately: "It seems to be a Lord of the Universe from the first era of reincarnation, but he has always kept a low profile. I don't know much about him!"


Wang Cheng was a little confused. Is the Lord of Blood and Light mentioned by the Chaos City Lord the same person as the person he knew?

When you see him, you don't say a word and just grab a guy when you come up to him. How low-key?

"Wait a minute, I'll go ask!" the Chaos City Lord said, and then he closed his eyes. After a while, the Chaos City Lord opened his eyes again.

"This Lord of Blood and Light robbed you?" the Lord of Chaos City asked.

"I stole a disciple's clone before!" Wang Cheng nodded slightly.

"This Lord of Blood and Light was indeed very low-key at the beginning of our reincarnation era. I heard that he also kept a low profile in the first two reincarnation eras. But for some reason, in the past few hundred million years, he suddenly became crazy. Get up!" Chaos City Lord said:

"Any weak Lord of the Universe who is encountered by this person will inevitably be robbed!"

"Maybe he kept a low profile for too long and was depressed. Now in the third reincarnation era, he finally can't hold it in any longer!" Wang Cheng guessed.

"There may be other reasons!" The Lord of Chaos City said: "This Lord of Blood and Light has the top level four strength, and can reach level five power after using special means. He is very difficult to mess with!"

"Yeah!" Wang Cheng nodded. He knew all this, but the Lord of Blood and Light was not easy to mess with, and he was even more difficult to mess with, even if it was just a clone!

"Teacher, do you know what treasures this Lord of Blood and Light has on him? His trump card?" Wang Cheng asked.

"He has a top-level domain treasure 'Blood Fiend Sea', a set of armor treasures of unknown levels, and there should be a top attack treasure and a top palace treasure!" Chaos City Lord said, Wang Cheng frowned slightly. .

There is actually a top palace-type treasure, which is a life-saving artifact.

Although it is only a palace-like treasure at the top level, in fact, ordinary true gods cannot do anything about a palace-like treasure at this level.

Of course, the true god's inability to do anything means that it is difficult to destroy. If it is to suppress or capture, that is another matter.

Any true god can probably easily seal a top palace-type treasure, and once it is sealed, it will be very easy for the true god to kill the beings hiding inside!


"Fortunately, I gave my clone a flying palace treasure before. As long as the Lord of Blood and Light hides in his palace treasure, I can take the opportunity to suppress him!" This thought flashed through Wang Cheng's mind. .

Wang Cheng's palace-type treasure is a peak-level treasure, and its swallowing power is definitely far greater than the power of a top-notch treasure. There is still a high hope that the treasure can suppress the Lord of Blood and Light.

Once the top palace treasure is solved, the other treasures of the Lord of Blood and Light are not worth mentioning. For example, the "Blood Evil Sea", Wang Cheng has seen it in the previous battle with the Lord of Blood and Light, but In front of the "Prison of Ten Thousand Thunders", the Blood Fiend Sea was suppressed to the point where it almost lost its effect. There was no big difference between the presence and absence of it.


"After all, the Lord of Blood and Light is the Lord of the Universe in the first era of reincarnation, and the main locations of his activities are near the space ship. We don't know much about him!" the Chaos City Lord said:

"Maybe he has some unknown trump cards!"


Wang Cheng nodded slightly. Even if the Lord of Blood and Light still had a trump card, he would have no choice but to use his tactics at that time. Anyway, this time, the Lord of Blood and Light would not even think about running away!

. . .

Cosmic Sea, near the second black stone pillar.

After learning more detailed information about the Lord of Blood and Light from the Lord of Chaos City, Wang Cheng no longer hesitated.

He opened his hands directly, and in an instant, an endless sea of ​​thunder descended!


The terrifying thunder and lightning enveloped several light-years, and the Lord of Blood and Light in the center naturally came back to his senses instantly.

And some of the surrounding universe masters also immediately noticed this.

"This endless thunder it the Lord of the thunder sea?" Many people instantly recognized Wang Cheng's identity, because last time Wang Cheng used a terrifying thunder sea treasure, so these people in the universe The masters directly called him "Lord of the Thunder Sea"!

"His target is the Lord of Blood and Light. It seems that this 'Lord of Thunder Sea' is not easy to offend. It has only been more than three thousand years since he came back for revenge!"

"Well, if Xueguang doesn't use his trump card, the two of them are about the same strength. I wonder what the Lord of Thunder Sea plans to do?"



All the Lords of the Universe said one after another. At this time, the Lord of Blood and Light, who was in the center of the Thunder Sea, naturally knew who the person was. In an instant, he rose directly into the sky and transformed into a huge alien beast.

"You bastard, how dare you come back!" The Lord of Blood and Light roared and came up to kill him.

Only three thousand years have passed, and the Lord of Blood and Light has not worried at all that Wang Cheng will threaten his life, so he naturally has no fear at all.

Wang Cheng did not control the Ten Thousand Thunder Prison to resist the Lord of Blood and Light. He just waited quietly for the other party to rush over.

I don't know when, a dark stick-like object appeared in Wang Cheng's hand. Five-colored lights rose, thousands of stars appeared, and endless whispers enveloped it... Infinite divine power surged in Wang Cheng's body, and a wave of The extremely terrifying power was silently condensed on that stick!

PS: Something happened today, so I’ll just update twice.

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