Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 297 The Ancestor of Blood Orchid

The Lord of Blood and Light was being ravaged crazily by Wang Cheng. On the other side, the Lords of the Universe who were watching from the periphery of the No. 2 black-patterned stone pillar also had their eyes widened.

They all looked at each other in shock, completely unaware of what was going on.

It was obvious that three thousand years ago, he was just a "weak" universe master who was robbed by the Lord of Blood and Light. How come he is now forcing the Lord of Blood and Light into a desperate situation?

"This Lord of the Thunder Sea is definitely the fifth-level Lord of the Universe. Moreover, he not only possesses extremely rare domain-type and palace-type pinnacle treasures, he may even possess the most powerful treasure!" A universe master said in shock. .


Others basically had no objections.

If you want to force the Lord of Blood and Light into a desperate situation, most fifth-level universe lords are completely unable to do so, but if you want to completely ravage the Lord of Blood and Light, only the sixth-level power is possible.

It is difficult for the Lord of the Universe to have six levels of power, unless he possesses the most powerful treasure!

"It's a pity that this endless thunder sea is too distracting. We can't see clearly what the most powerful treasure in the hands of the Lord of the Thunder Sea looks like!" The Lord of the Universe also lamented:

"That's the most powerful treasure. I heard that some of the strongest people don't have the most powerful treasure. It's just pure luck that the Lord of the Universe can get it!"


Many universe masters nodded with envy, but they were just envious. Although there were many universe masters present who were stronger than the Lord of Blood and Light, some of them were not as good as the Lord of Blood and Light.

Even the Lord of Blood and Light was forced into a desperate situation. They didn't have the courage to provoke this terrifying Lord of Thunder Sea.

. . .

boom! boom! boom!

The terrifying battle continued, and the Lord of Blood and Light kept trying to escape, but unfortunately, under the double suppression of the Thunder Prison and Wang Cheng, he could not escape.

At this time, Wang Cheng had already keenly noticed that the secret skills on the Lord of Blood and Light were somewhat weak, and the fifth-level power he had forcibly obtained with the secret skills would soon recede.

"go to hell!"

Wang Cheng showed no mercy, attacking crazily with one stick after another. At this time, the Lord of Blood and Light completely understood his situation.

In a desperate situation, he had no choice but to reveal his last trump card.

"Your Excellency, the Blood Orchid Ancestor has already promised to protect me. You can't kill me. Even if you kill me, the Blood Orchid Ancestor will not let you go!" The Lord of Blood Light deliberately used the secret method, and his voice spread instantly. It spread throughout the entire sea of ​​thunder, and even the masters of the universe outside could hear it clearly.

"Ancestor of Blood Orchid?"

Wang Cheng sneered, but the movements of his hands did not slow down at all, and he continued to attack the Lord of Blood and Light crazily.

Wang Cheng, the ancestor of Blood Orchid, naturally knows that there are three true gods who have been entrenched in the black-patterned stone pillars for a long time, namely Star Lord Bei Chi and the ancestor of Blood Orchid in the first era of reincarnation, and the Rampant Demon God in the second era of reincarnation.

Among the three true gods, Star Lord Bei Chi has the best temper. Rampant Demon God has a weird personality and has good and bad tempers. And the ancestor of Blood Orchid is a pure evil person.

It is precisely because of this that the masters of the universe on the black-patterned stone pillars are very afraid of the ancestor of Blood Orchid, and no one dares to approach the place where he is cultivating.

However, Wang Cheng is not afraid of others.

What about the true God?

Wang Cheng can now explode into sixth-level combat power, and he has peak palace-type and peak-level domain treasures to protect his life. Even a true god with eighth-level combat power may not be able to kill him.

What's more, the ancestor of Blood Orchid is still a plant life.

The so-called plant life's biggest hobby is to stay in one place forever. Wang Cheng did not believe that the ancestor of Blood Orchid would personally come out to chase him for the Lord of Blood and Light.

Even if the opponent really kills him, Wang Cheng can still run away. In short, the threat of the Lord of Blood and Light has no effect on Wang Cheng at all.

"If this is your last trump card, then go to hell!" Wang Cheng sneered.

"The ancestor will not let you go!" The Lord of Blood and Light was a little desperate. If he had known that Wang Cheng was so terrifying and crazy, he would never have provoked Wang Cheng in the first place.

But unfortunately, there is no regret medicine for sale in this world!


After a while, the endless lines on the body of the alien beast transformed by the Lord of Blood and Light began to slowly recede, and the five levels of power on the Lord of Blood and Light also quickly disappeared.


Wang Cheng naturally couldn't hold anything back at this moment. The strange object in his hand carried infinite power and was smashed out again.

laugh! laugh! laugh!

The Lord of Blood and Light's divine body was being wiped out rapidly. After using the secret technique that could greatly enhance his strength, he had obviously fallen into weakness. Therefore, after being hit by Wang Cheng's stick, his divine power was wiped out faster. , more than 30% disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The Bloodlight Ancestor understood that he was dead. At this moment, his total divine power had dropped to less than 20%. Wang Cheng only needed one blow to kill him completely.

And Wang Cheng did not disappoint the Blood Light Ancestor. He once again waved the strange object in his hand and struck it down with a fierce blow.

But at this moment, Wang Cheng suddenly felt a tremor coming from the thunder sea outside, and someone forced his way in.


A cold voice filled with evil energy came.


Wang Cheng's movements were not affected at all. The terrifying stick once again hit the Lord of Blood and Light impartially. Under the crushing power of the vast power, the Lord of Blood and Light, who had just had a glimmer of hope in his heart, disappeared directly. into the void.

"Be bold!"

The voice just became angry, and the next moment, a bloody horse suddenly passed through the endless sea of ​​thunder and headed straight for Wang Cheng.

In an instant, Wang Cheng raised the long stick in his hand and faced him directly.

Wang Cheng, who had been relying on this move to crush the Lord of Blood and Light, was suddenly blown away at this moment.

On the way, Wang Cheng was shocked by the terrifying force and vomited blood, and his body suffered some damage.


Wang Cheng suddenly thought, and a gloomy pagoda appeared near him, and he instantly entered it.

"Ancestor of Blood Orchid?" Wang Cheng looked into the distance, and a figure shrouded in blood was frantically breaking through the barriers of the Thunder Prison and flying towards him.

The terrifying blow just now was undoubtedly delivered by the other party!

"No, this shouldn't be the ancestor of Blood Orchid!"

Wang Cheng shook his head in his heart. After all, the ancestor of Blood Orchid was the true god of the first reincarnation era. If it were him, the blow just now should have been the eighth level of power.

And with Wang Cheng's strength, if he directly receives a blow containing eighth-level power, it is absolutely impossible for the damage to his divine body to be just that little.

"Although the true god has no clones, plant life generally has special means. This is probably the special incarnation of the ancestor of Blood Orchid!" Wang Cheng looked at the figure that was approaching rapidly, without hesitation, he directly controlled the pagoda, He ran quickly towards the distance.

Although Wang Cheng guessed that it was just the incarnation of the ancestor of the Blood Orchid, judging from the attack just now, the blood shadow should also have a seventh-level strength. The strength was a whole level lower. Wang Cheng naturally did not want to stay to seek abuse.

So, of course, it’s better to run first...

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