Wang Cheng is in a different situation from the previous Lord of Blood and Light. The reason why the Lord of Blood and Light is in a desperate situation is because Wang Cheng relies on the two treasures of the peak domain and the palace to restrict him and prevent him from escaping.

Although Wang Cheng is now not as powerful as the incarnation of the ancestor of Blood Orchid, his treasures are no worse than the incarnation of the ancestor of Blood Orchid, and are even better than the incarnation of the ancestor of Blood Orchid. Therefore, there is not much pressure on him to escape.

Although the incarnation of the ancestor of Blood Orchid was strong, it could not hurt Wang Cheng who was hiding in the peak palace treasure at all. Moreover, with the thunder and lightning prison as a cover, Wang Cheng ran very fast. In the blink of an eye, Wang Cheng ran away several times. Tens of billions of miles away.

However, for some reason, the incarnation of the ancestor of Blood Orchid kept chasing Wang Cheng. He clearly couldn't catch up with Wang Cheng, but he kept chasing him. It was simply inexplicable.

"Humph, let's see how long you can catch up!" Wang Cheng naturally felt strange, but he had two peak treasures with him, and he also had sixth-level strength relying on the power of the rare objects. He was not as good as the Blood Orchid Ancestor behind him. Incarnation, so he naturally didn't panic at all.


The two of them chased and fled, and soon left the area where the black-patterned stone pillars were.

The black-patterned stone pillar is located at the junction of the inner domain and the outer domain of the space ship. Wang Cheng chose the inner domain between the two options of running to the inner domain of the space ship or running to the outer domain of the space ship.

Although the outer realm is relatively safe, it may not be easy to get rid of this inexplicable guy like the ancestor of Blood Orchid.

Although the inner domain is dangerous, Wang Cheng has a detailed map of the inner domain, and he has the peak palace-like treasure, so most dangers cannot help him. And with the help of the complex environment of the inner domain, he has greater hope of getting rid of the ancestor of Blood Orchid. .

Therefore, Wang Cheng naturally chose to go to the inner realm...

. . .

When Wang Cheng was chased by the incarnation of the Blood Orchid Ancestor and left the area where the black-patterned stone pillar was located, on the other side, many universe masters near the No. 2 black-patterned stone pillar were also informing their tribesmen and friends about what happened here!

Things are indeed a bit up and down here.

The previously unknown "Lord of the Thunder Sea" suddenly burst into sixth level strength.

He directly killed the Lord of Blood and Light. Although the "Lord of Thunder Sea" is now being hunted by the ancestor of Blood Orchid, no one will think that something is wrong with the Lord of Thunder Sea, because the opponent was very calm when he escaped, and there was no trace of embarrassment at all. Sense, from this point of view, unless the Lord of Thunder Sea is extremely unlucky and steps into an unknown Jedi, it is unlikely that anything will happen to him!

The purpose of these universe masters in informing their tribesmen and friends about what happened here is also very simple. If they encounter him in the future, try not to provoke the Lord of Thunder Sea.

Although the Lord of Thunder Sea is not the strongest person in the universe, he is suspected of possessing the most powerful treasure, but his strength has exceeded the limit of the Lord of the Universe. This is obviously not something that ordinary Lords of the Universe can afford to offend.

"The Lord of the Thunder Sea, I don't know where he came from, he is so powerful!" Among the Lords of the Universe, a giant bird-like Lord of the Universe muttered to himself.

This is the Lord of Yanying. Although he is not the Lord of the Human Universe, he belongs to Hongmeng. He has been training near the black-patterned stone pillars. At this time, the Lord of Thunder Sea showed such terrifying strength that he naturally quickly The news spread back to Hongmeng.

According to the rules of the Hongmeng, there are contribution points for collecting information about the universe sea. For such important information, the Lord of Yanying can get a lot of contribution points, so naturally he will not hesitate at this moment. .

. . .

Half a day later——

Virtual universe, the palace on top of Thunder Island.

Wang Cheng's figure suddenly appeared in front of the Chaos City Lord.

"Teacher, are you looking for me?" Wang Cheng was a little confused. He came here to ask the Lord of Chaos City about the "Lord of Blood and Light" before. It had only been a little over half a day. What was the Lord of Chaos City looking for him for?

"Do you know the Lord of Thunder Sea?" The Lord of Chaos City asked directly.

"Lord of the Thunder Sea?" Wang Cheng thought for a moment, then shook his head.

"You don't know him?" The Lord of Chaos City felt a little strange. After thinking about it, he suddenly said: "Half a day ago, the Lord of Thunder Sea just killed the Lord of Blood and Light!"


Wang Cheng was slightly startled. The Lord of Thunder Sea killed the Lord of Blood and Light?

In an instant, Wang Cheng understood!

"I killed the Lord of Blood and Light!" Wang Cheng said inexplicably: "But I don't know about the Lord of Thunder Sea. Maybe the treasure I used, 'Thunder Prison', misunderstood the other Lords of the Universe..." ..”

Wang Cheng said, but the Lord of Chaos City didn't pay attention to this. When he saw Wang Cheng admitting, he felt a storm in his heart.

Although the Lord of Chaos City had doubts before, when Wang Cheng really admitted that he was the Lord of Thunder Sea, he still felt a little unbelievable.

According to the news from Hongmeng's "Lord of Yanying", the so-called "Lord of Thunder Sea" should already be the "Lord of the Fifth Level Universe", and he is suspected to have the most powerful treasure, so he can explode into the sixth level. strength!

Because of this, even the Lord of Blood and Light, who had lived from the first era of reincarnation to the present, was forcibly killed!

Such a terrifying record, but it turned out to be Wang Cheng?

You know, it has only been more than four thousand years since Wang Cheng became the Lord of the Universe!

Over four thousand years ago, could it be that Wang Cheng created the secret method of fusion of the Lord of the Universe? When did the creation of this secret technique become so easy?

However, although the Lord of Chaos City was in disbelief, he knew that this should be true.

First of all, Wang Cheng has personally admitted it.

Secondly, Wang Cheng had just come to ask him about the "Lord of Blood and Light". In the blink of an eye, the Lord of Blood and Light was dead. The identity of the Lord of Thunder Sea was indeed ready to be revealed!


Of course, although it was basically confirmed in his heart, the Chaos City Lord still asked: "Have you created the most powerful secret method of fusion with the Lord of the Universe?"

"Yeah!" Wang Cheng nodded slightly and did not deny it.

"It has only been a few years, and you have already caught up with my achievements. Maybe it won't be long before our human race will have another strongest person!" The eyes of the Lord of Chaos City were full of emotion. The disciple's talent was incredible, and he was really under the pressure of being a teacher. Not small.

"It's still early for me to break through to the strongest level. Teacher, don't have high expectations for me!" Wang Cheng reminded me.


The Lord of Chaos City shook his head. He automatically interpreted Wang Cheng's words as modesty. But in fact, although Wang Cheng had the confidence to follow the path of time and break through to become a true god, he had no idea of ​​breaking through in a short period of time.

The Master of the Universe stage still requires accumulation!

"Did you get the second most powerful treasure?" The Lord of Chaos City asked again.

In fact, the Lord of Chaos City also felt a little ridiculous at this moment. He saw with his own eyes that Wang Cheng lent his most powerful treasure palace to the founder of the giant axe. Where did Wang Cheng get the most powerful treasure?

But the news from the Lord of Yanying cannot be false. When Wang Cheng killed the Lord of Blood and Light, he indeed exploded with sixth-level power. Without the most powerful treasure, where would the sixth-level power come from?

"The most powerful treasure? The teacher misunderstood. What I got is a piece of rare objects!" Wang Cheng was speechless. Where did the Lord of Chaos City get this information? Why are there so many mistakes and omissions everywhere?

"Strange object?" The Lord of Chaos City was a little surprised.

"I had great luck and got it in a black token space!" Wang Cheng told the truth this time. The Lord of Chaos City felt that Wang Cheng had something to hide, so he didn't delve into it further.

Black token space? The human race also controls some black token spaces, but not to mention rare items, not even ordinary treasures have been seen...

"You should know that strange objects can never be brought back to the original universe!" Chaos City Lord reminded again.


Wang Cheng nodded slightly. He naturally knew this, and he would not be foolish enough to bring strange objects into the original universe.

With Wang Cheng's current strength, there are only two entities left in the entire original universe that he cannot afford to offend. One is the ignorant mountain guest, and the other is the will of the original universe.

Wang Cheng just wants to grow stronger quietly and doesn't want to cause trouble at all, so it is naturally impossible to provoke these two beings!

PS: Three updates.

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