Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 299 Xu Xin’s request for an audience

"I heard that the ancestor of Blood Orchid is chasing you. The giant ax should be in the space ship. Do you want him to help you?" The Lord of Chaos City looked at Wang Cheng and asked.

"It's okay, the ancestor of Blood Orchid is just going out in disguise, he can't do anything to me!" Wang Cheng shook his head slightly.

"I feel relieved now, but the cosmic sea is dangerous, so you must not be too careless!" Chaos City Lord warned again.

"Yeah!" Wang Cheng nodded slightly.


. . .

After figuring out the whole story, the Chaos City Lord quickly stopped asking any more questions, and Wang Cheng also left directly and exited the virtual universe.

In the blink of an eye, several months passed.

At this time, the ancestor of Blood Orchid still followed Wang Cheng's clone reluctantly, which made Wang Cheng a little speechless. However, the environment inside the space ship was complicated, and he was not afraid that the other party would continue to pursue him. After he penetrated deep into the inner domain of the space ship, Wang Cheng I believe that he will be able to get rid of the Blood Orchid Ancestor sooner or later.

At this moment, Wang Cheng suddenly received a message from Jiang Mingyue, saying that someone wanted to see him.

"Xu Xin?"

Wang Cheng was a little surprised, but after learning the news, he immediately went to investigate Luo Feng. Sure enough, Luo Feng had lost contact on the battlefield outside the territory.

"I see!"

Wang Cheng instantly understood that Luo Feng was most likely going through the process of recognizing his master in the Star Tower at the moment, but the number of people in the entire universe who knew about this matter did not exceed five fingers. Even the Lord of Chaos City could only be sure. Luo Feng is still alive.

Under such circumstances, it is normal for Luo Feng's family to be worried.

Xu Xin came to Wang Cheng now. It was probably because Luo Feng told his family that if he had an accident one day and had something that couldn't be solved, he could ask Wang Cheng for help.

Wang Cheng and Luo Feng were not only acquaintances, but now they were brothers. Their relationship was indeed not comparable to that of ordinary people.

"Let Xu Xin come to Thunder Island to meet me!" Wang Cheng sent a message to Jiang Mingyue.

With the permission given by Wang Cheng, it didn't take long for a woman in professional attire to appear outside Wang Cheng's palace on Thunder Island.


Xu Xin walked into the hall with a somewhat nervous expression. Soon, he saw a familiar figure!

It is indeed a familiar figure. The appearance of Wang Cheng now is almost the same as that of him thousands of years ago. He also deliberately conceals his terrifying will and other characteristics that belong to the strong. This naturally makes him look similar to There was no difference a thousand years ago.

Of course, although the current Wang Cheng looks quite ordinary, Xu Xin clearly knows that the person in front of him is definitely not ordinary. He is an incredible existence, and he is the person who stands at the top of the entire human race.

"Meet the Lord of Infinity..."

Xu Xin did not hesitate to salute. With her current status, even in the virtual universe, it is absolutely impossible to see the Lord of the Universe. Now that she has seen it, even if the two parties have some contact before, Xu Xin dare not Not the slightest bit careless.

"You are Welcome!"

Wang Cheng did not let Xu Xin bow. After he smiled, he immediately asked: "I heard that Luo Feng temporarily lost contact on the battlefield outside the territory. Are you looking for me because the Luo family is in trouble?"

"Don't dare bother the Lord of Infernal Affairs with the Luo family's troubles!" Xu Xin shook his head and said:

"I came to you to ask about Luo Feng. Luo Feng has not logged into the virtual universe for more than two thousand years. I want to know, is he... still alive?"

"Of course Luo Feng is still alive, otherwise my teacher, the Lord of Chaos City, wouldn't have done nothing!" Wang Cheng said: "Even if the teacher doesn't take action, I can reverse time and space and resurrect Luo Feng!"


Hearing Wang Cheng's words, Xu Xin's face relaxed slightly. A master of the universe said in person that Luo Feng was fine, so that means he was fine!

"Luo Feng's whereabouts are unknown. The Luo family may be in some trouble. If necessary, you can go to the Lord of Ganwu Kingdom for help. Just say what I said!" Wang Cheng said suddenly.

The leader of the Ganwu Kingdom had now joined Wang Cheng. After all, he was Jiang Mingyue's teacher and had helped Wang Cheng before. Wang Cheng not only accepted him, but also helped him pay off his debts.

Wang Cheng contributed a map of the Cosmic Sea and a large number of treasures last time. With so many treasure points in his hand, helping the Lord of Ganwu to pay off his debts can only be said to be a drop in the bucket!

However, it is a drop in the bucket for Wang Cheng, but it is definitely a huge fortune for the leader of the Ganwu Kingdom. He has accepted such a huge benefit from Wang Cheng, and it is right for him to help Wang Cheng.

Wang Cheng doesn't need Lord Ganwu to do big things, but for small things like the Luo family, it's appropriate for Lord Ganwu to handle them.

"Thank you Lord Wujian!" Xu Xin bowed to express her thanks, and at the same time she secretly sighed in her heart. Luo Feng was right. Lord Wujian is indeed very kind. The majestic Lord of the universe also personally cares about such trivial matters of the Luo family.

You know, when you reach the level of Lord of Infinity, anything you do will mean the life and death of countless Luo families...

. . .

Xu Xin quickly said goodbye and left. Wang Cheng looked at the other party's figure and secretly sighed in his heart. Luo Feng was trapped in the Star Tower. He didn't know if he could succeed this time.

Although Luo Feng would normally be successful, Luo Feng's growth experience is now very different after all, and different experiences will naturally create different minds.

Recognizing the master of the Star Tower was originally a narrow escape, but it seemed possible that Luo Feng failed because of a slight difference in his mind!

"Just wait and see!" Wang Cheng shook his head, but he didn't think deeply about it.

Although he knew that Luo Feng was in the Star Tower, it was the territory of the mountain guest, and Wang Cheng did not want to meet him, not even as a clone.

Even if Luo Feng fails, it actually doesn't matter. He can be resurrected by reversing time and space!

As for the subsequent world beast disaster... Wang Cheng also had some confidence in himself, so it was fine if he didn't know. Since he knew, he didn't put all his hopes on Luo Feng from the beginning.

Try your best to become stronger and have enough strength to solve the problem when disaster strikes. That is the way to go!


Luo Feng's trial did not affect Wang Cheng, who continued to practice step by step.

In the blink of an eye, more than three hundred years have passed.

At this time, Wang Cheng was sitting cross-legged and practicing under the Tree of Time. Suddenly, an extremely terrifying illusory divine power erupted.

boom! boom! boom!

In an instant, layers of barriers appeared around Wang Cheng, blocking all these illusory divine powers.

"The second move of the Lord of the Universe is to fuse the most powerful secret technique, and unlike the previous move, this move is a pure soul attack!" Wang Cheng opened his eyes, and a trace of satisfaction flashed in his eyes.

As soon as this move was created by merging the strongest secret method with the Lord of the Universe in the direction of the soul, Wang Cheng relied on his soul to attack the most powerful Jiuli Sword. He could perform a top-level sixth-level soul attack in the original universe. This time he was more powerful than anyone in the world. Some true gods are terrifying.

After all, there are not many true gods who are good at soul attacks, that is, only a few such as the Zerg Queen and the Void True Demon God are good at it, and the original universe limits the power of single-target attacks. The sixth-level peak is the limit, so even if it is These true gods who are good at soul attacks are at the same level as Wang Cheng in the original universe!

Secondly, the True God does not dare to kill the Lord of the Universe at will, otherwise he will be despised or even suppressed by the will of the original universe. But Wang Cheng is different. He has no pressure to kill the Lord of the Universe!

Most masters of the universe cannot withstand soul attacks that reach the top level of the sixth level.

After all, most of the universe masters in the original universe were at the second or third level, and very few had soul defense treasures above the top.

And with the characteristics of soul attack, most of the universe masters are almost doomed once they are targeted by Wang Cheng!

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