Regarding his own strength, Wang Cheng didn't think much about it. Unless something big happened, such as the birth of the "Primordial Star", there would rarely be fights between the masters of the universe in the original universe, let alone the death of the master of the universe!

Although Wang Cheng is strong now, he can't find anyone who can attack him for a while, so he continues to practice.

"As soon as the second move, Master of the Universe, was created by merging the most powerful secret method, I feel that my application of the laws of time and space has reached its peak, and it will be difficult to make any more breakthroughs!" Wang Cheng was thinking in his mind, and he felt that he should continue to expand other methods. On the way.

Mastering the two superior laws of time and space at the same time is a way to break through the Lord of the Universe. Wang Cheng has now reached the end of this road. If he wants to make his upper limit higher, he must Go out and make your own way.

With the inheritance of "Time Together", Wang Cheng is not confused about the future.

However, Wang Cheng is not ready to study the Path of Time right away. The Path of Time is extremely complex. Even from a general perspective, there are five paths: "past", "present", "future", "consciousness" and "reality". , and the small directions are countless.

But one thing is for sure, no matter which path Wang Cheng wants to take, he will need to dabble in the law of fusion along the way.

The simplest fusion rules are the eight types of gold space, wood space, water space, fire space, earth space, wind space, thunder and lightning space, and light space.

The eight fusion laws represent the eight ways of the beast god. If you fully master any of the ways, you can become the master of the universe!

Therefore, whether in the original universe or in the cosmic sea, there are a large number of lives taking this path, and there are also a large number of inheritances scattered everywhere.

Wang Cheng had long decided to lay a solid foundation before formally studying the "Time Path". He wanted to master the eight simplest fusion rules and master them all to the extreme!

In other words, every path goes to the point where the most powerful secret method of fusion with the Master of the Universe can be created.

This is crazy, but Wang Cheng knows that he can do it.

First of all, Wang Cheng's own talent is already extremely terrifying. Secondly, he also has the Tree of Time as an assistant. The most typical example is the road of time and space. It only took Wang Cheng less than six thousand years to walk it from the beginning. Tail, even including the bonus from the Tree of Time, it only lasts for more than 500 million years.

"The Lord of the Five Huns in the first era of reincarnation took the five paths of metal, air, wood, water, fire, and earth at the same time, and all five paths created the most powerful secret method of the Lord of the Universe... Five The Lord of Hun can take five paths. Although it sounds scary for me to take eight paths, it's actually not that crazy!" Wang Cheng thought in his heart, and at the same time he also made a decision in his heart.


However, although the inheritance of "Space-Time One" that Wang Cheng received requires the use of fusion rules, it does not give specific content of the fusion rules. After all, laws are the foundation of foundations. High-level inheritance such as "Time-Space One" inheritance How can something involve the understanding of specific laws?

"Although the human race also has a large number of inheritances to practice the law of fusion, the best place in the original universe is actually the Ancestral God Sect! The inheritance place created by the Ancestral God Sect relying on the will of the original universe can directly let people feel the mystery of the fusion law in a deep level. Based on this, no force in the entire primitive universe can match it!" Wang Cheng thought in his heart, and he quickly made a decision.

He then divided eight avatars to go to the Ancestral God Sect to understand the eight ways of the Beast God. In this way, the efficiency could naturally be maximized.

Although going to the Ancestral God Religion requires Beast God Tokens, Wang Cheng is extremely wealthy and has only eight Beast God Tokens. It’s just a trivial matter, and he spent a little time to collect them all!

Moreover, Wang Cheng remembered that he had also caught a water beast god token when he was trying to capture the demon clan before...

. . .

Just when Wang Cheng was thinking about the future, suddenly, the ray of consciousness he left behind in the virtual universe received a message from the leader of Ganwu Kingdom.

"Huh? Lord Lei Guang? He still dares to show up?" Wang Cheng narrowed his eyes.

Wang Cheng has never forgotten Lord Lei Guang of the Mechanical Tribe. However, last time he sneaked into the Mechanical Tribe and failed to assassinate him, Wang Cheng just stood still for the time being. After the leader of Ganwu Kingdom expressed his surrender, Wang Cheng asked him to keep an eye on Venerable Thunder Guang's whereabouts.

At this moment, the leader of Ganwu Kingdom sent him news that Venerable Thunder Light had appeared in the "Wuhai Secret Realm" and injured an alien Venerable.

"Wuhai Secret Realm..."

Wang Cheng thought about it and realized that he was not a fool. It was not a normal thing for Lord Lei Guang to appear at this time.

After all, Wang Cheng had killed the "Nine-Headed Master" before!

Although Wang Cheng concealed his aura when he killed the "Nine-Headed Master" and no one knew it was him, his identity was exposed afterwards!

As long as the mechanical tribe is not a fool, they should be able to guess that the person who killed the Nine-Headed Master for no reason was Wang Cheng!

In this case, will the Machine Clan not remind Lord Lei Guang to try not to go out in the near future?

It has only been about four thousand years. How desperate was Lord Lei Guang that he would choose to leave the Machine Clan at this time and go out to explore?

For the Lord of the Universe, it would be just drizzle to survive for hundreds of millions of years, but he could not bear it for thousands of years. Wang Cheng did not believe it!

Unless Lord Lei Guang came out on purpose!


"But it doesn't make sense. It's not a secret that I have a clone. Is it possible that the Machine Clan still hopes that a Lord of Thunder can lure me out?

Even if they take a step back and they really lead me out, the strength I have shown before is as strong as the fourth-level Lord of the Universe. How can the machine race have the confidence to kill me before the human race's support arrives? "Wang Cheng was thinking in his heart. He felt that this matter was really confusing.

Either the Machine Tribe had other plans, or Lord Lei Guang really had a serious mental illness and suddenly ran away...

"However, even if the Machine Tribe had any other plans, they would never have imagined that my strength would improve so quickly!" Wang Cheng sneered, and he stood up immediately.

The mechanical race is a pile of iron lumps and is not afraid of soul attacks, but Wang Cheng's non-soul attack methods are also at the fifth level, which is also the top level in the original universe.

In the face of absolute strength, any conspiracy or conspiracy is just a piece of cake. It would be fine if Lord Lei Guang didn't come out. If he dares to come out, then there's no way he can go back alive.


Wang Cheng moved, and he left his palace directly, and at the same time he also left the original secret realm.


The Lord of Chaos City was naturally aware of Wang Cheng's departure, but he had no intention of stopping him.

Before Wang Cheng entered the primitive secret realm, it was because Wang Cheng was not powerful enough and was afraid of being surrounded by aliens. But now, the Lord of Chaos City himself feels that Wang Cheng is unfathomable. In the primitive universe, there are probably not many people who can hurt him. Want to kill him?

The Lord of Chaos City can't think of anyone who can do it!

So if Wang Cheng leaves, he will naturally not stop him at all!

PS: Two updates first, there will be more tonight!

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