Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 301: Destroyed with one blow

Wuhai Secret Realm is located in an extremely remote place in the universe. After Wang Cheng left the original secret realm, he quickly teleported to this place through the Kingdom of God.

Without wasting much energy, Wang Cheng entered the Wuhai Secret Realm and found traces of Lord Lei Guang.

"The Palace of Treasures..."

Wang Cheng stood in the void, with a fortress shrouded in thunder in the distance.

Wang Cheng had seen this fortress on the battlefield outside the territory. At that time, Wang Cheng was not able to distinguish the level of this fortress, but now Wang Cheng knows that this fortress should be a high-level treasure.

It is not uncommon for the Lord of the Universe to have a treasure, but high-level treasures are relatively rare, let alone palace-type treasures.

However, considering that Lord Lei Guang also has the strength of a universe overlord, it is quite normal to have a palace-type high-level treasure!


"The mechanical race is not afraid of soul attacks, and there is a treasure palace. This is really a hard stone!" Wang Cheng secretly sighed in his heart. With his strength, it is not difficult to suppress a high-level treasure palace.

But forcibly suppressing it will take a certain amount of time. Considering that the mechanical tribe may have some conspiracy waiting for him, delaying time is not a wise choice.

If you want to take action, it's best to do it in a devastating way and succeed with one blow!


"That's it..."

Wang Cheng was thinking in his heart, and he directly created a clone at the level of the Lord of the Universe, and equipped this clone with several ordinary treasures, including a treasure that can change the breath.

"It's been a long time since I've had such a weak clone!" Wang Cheng sighed, and then he let the clone fly out and go straight to Lord Lei Guang.


"Lei Guang, do you still remember me?!"

Wang Cheng's clone shouted, and then struck with a terrifying sword light.


The sword light came into contact with the thunder and lightning fortress, and instantly split the thunder and lightning fortress into tremors.


At this time, Lord Lei Guang, who was assembling a mechanical warrior in a hall, instantly put down what he was holding. He waved his hand, and in an instant, the scene outside appeared in the hall.

"Who is this?" Lord Lei Guang was a little confused. This man was not weak, but he had no impression.

"Humph, no matter who you are!"

Lord Lei Guang snorted in his heart, he would never leave this fortress easily now.

However, just as Lord Lei Guang was thinking this, suddenly, a voice rang in his heart.

"Lei Guang, go out and take a look!"


Hearing this voice, Lord Lei Guang was slightly startled. Although he was still a little reluctant, he had no intention of refusing.

"Yes, Master!"

Lord Lei Guang said respectfully, and then he headed out of the fortress.


"Oh? Come out?"

In the distance, Wang Cheng's clone looked at Lord Thunder Light flying out of the fortress. The next moment, his entire body suddenly decomposed into endless divine power.


A five-color ocean formed instantly and surged towards Lord Lei Guang.


Lord Lei Guang's expression changed slightly, he felt a huge threat!

In an instant, Lord Lei Guang summoned a large number of mechanical warriors and released a highly defensive shield. However, the moment these methods touched the colorless ocean, they were directly destroyed.


The face of Lord Lei Guang became even more ugly. At this time, these colorless oceans had completely reached the side of Lord Lei Guang. The surrounding void seemed to have turned into a cage. It was difficult for Lord Lei Guang to move. He could only watch helplessly. Falling into the colorless ocean.

But at this moment, a fist shadow like a hill appeared in the void not far away.

Click, click, click!

The cage-like space instantly shattered, and the turbulent falling colorful ocean began to fight crazily with the fist shadow.

And taking advantage of this moment, Lord Lei Guang fled directly and quickly towards the distance.

However, before Lord Lei Guang could escape far, Wang Cheng's figure suddenly appeared in front of him.


Wang Cheng stretched out his hand, and an extremely huge multicolored hand grabbed the Lord of Thunder and Light.

"Lord of Infinity, why do you need to embarrass a Venerable Master of the Universe?"

A loud voice sounded, and then, a phantom of a halberd in the distance came straight towards Wang Cheng.

"Lord of Wuhai? You are looking for death!"

Wang Cheng turned his head and glanced, sneering in his heart. The next moment, a crystal lightsaber appeared between his eyebrows.


The extremely terrifying Void Divine Power erupted in an instant. The immeasurable power of the Void Divine Power directly distorted the void, and swept across hundreds of billions of miles in an instant.

In an instant, a huge mountain-like figure hiding in the void in the distance was revealed, but at this time, his eyes had obviously dimmed.

And almost at the same time, the halberd shadow that hit Wang Cheng seemed to have lost its support and disappeared directly.

Of course, the Lord of Thunder and Light, who had been attacked by Wang Cheng from the beginning, had no way to escape at this time. He was directly grabbed by the big hand and suppressed in an instant.

Wang Cheng wanted to kill Lord Lei Guang, so it was naturally impossible to kill him directly, otherwise he might be resurrected. Wang Cheng's plan from the beginning was to capture him alive.

As for the person Wang Cheng took action just now...the Lord of Wuhai is also the only Lord of the Universe in the Wuhai Secret Realm!

The Lord of Wuhai comes from a special life. His divine body is a million miles high, and his strength is at the top level of the third level. Relying on his huge divine body and reasonable strength, the Lord of Wuhai can be regarded as a tyrant in this area, almost No one will mess with him!

But unfortunately, this person's soul attainments were obviously mediocre, and he probably didn't have a soul defense treasure above the top level, so he was killed by Wang Cheng with one blow!

. . .

At this time, there were three figures standing further in the void.

Among the three figures, one is sitting on the throne with a black crystal between his eyebrows. He is the Heishen Lord of the Machine Tribe who once fought against Wang Cheng.

At this time, the Lord of Darkness was looking blankly into the distance. He obviously hadn't realized what had just happened.

The other one is an extremely beautiful female figure. Her face is a little pale, but judging from her breath, there is nothing serious.

The last figure was a huge Sirius. The Sirius's eyes were closed tightly, and his breath was rising and falling. The situation was obviously not optimistic...

After a while, the giant Sirius opened his eyes with some lingering fear, but his breath was obviously very weak.

"That was just now..."

The Lord of Darkness looked at the two of them.

"Soul attack, extremely terrifying soul attack!" The beautiful female silhouette said with a solemn expression.

"It's just the aftermath, I almost couldn't resist!" Tianlang said, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes. The attack was obviously directed towards the Lord of Wuhai, and what came to him could only be regarded as the aftermath. If Otherwise, he might have to explain it directly here.

"The Lord of Wujian is here!" The Lord of Heishen said suddenly, and then he noticed something strange happening around him, and the wolf teleported away.

"The plan has changed, I have to leave first!" Another beautiful figure left a sentence and quickly left the place.


Hei Chenzhi advocated opening his mouth, but nothing came out.

The plan has indeed changed. They have a script in which the Lord of Wuhai is the starring role, but now that the starring role has been directly killed, the script naturally cannot proceed.

"That attack just now was really the work of Lord Wu Jian?" Lord Heishen thought worriedly. If it was really the case, then it would be really bad.

Killing a top-level third-level Lord of the Universe with one blow, what is the concept? This is probably the effect of the Zerg Queen taking action herself, right?

However, the Lord of Darkness didn't think much about it. After noticing Wang Cheng coming towards him, he left the place instantly.

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