Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 302 The three tribes meet again


Wang Cheng looked into the distance, and then immediately withdrew his gaze. Although he didn't know who the people hiding there were, it was not difficult to guess that they were just some of the masters of the universe from the mechanical tribe, or maybe the demon tribe. , the Lord of the Zerg Universe is also among them.

Although the Monster Tribe, Zerg Tribe, and Machine Tribe had their own hatreds among themselves, Wang Cheng knew that the three tribes had reached an agreement on dealing with him.

"Although I don't know what their plan is, there is no doubt that this plan should have failed before it even started!" Wang Cheng glanced at the huge divine body of the "Lord of Wuhai" in the distance, and with a thought in his mind, he instantly Arriving above the divine body of the Lord of Wuhai.

"The sixth-level top soul attack is indeed terrifying!" Wang Cheng looked at the dead Lord of Wuhai with some emotion in his heart.

The Lord of Wuhai is also a very famous person in the original universe. With his huge divine body and his own strength, ordinary fourth-level universe lords are not willing to conflict with him, that is, the top universe master like the Chaos City Lord. The master can crush him.

But now, the Lord of Wuhai died silently!


Soul attacks do have flaws. For example, the effect against some beings with powerful soul defense treasures will be greatly reduced. What's more, some beings simply have no souls, such as the mechanical tribe, the demon killing tribe, etc.!

But while it has shortcomings, soul attack is indeed quite abnormal in some aspects.

It is impossible to guard against him. If he cannot withstand it, he will die... If Wang Cheng had just used other top-notch sixth-level attacks to deal with the Lord of Wu Hai, he would definitely be able to beat him and cry for his father, but would he be able to kill him? Not really sure.

After all, Wang Cheng would have to take action again and again if he wanted to completely wipe out a super-sized divine body like the Lord of Wuhai. However, with time to react, the Lord of Wuhai could call for help or use palace-type treasures to save his life. , in short, if Wang Cheng wants to kill him, he has to rely on many factors such as the right time, place, people, and so on. It is absolutely impossible to do it so easily.

"Be your overlord. No one can do anything to you. Who asked you to mess with me?" Wang Cheng sighed slightly, but he didn't think much about it. Wang Cheng directly waved his hand and collected the divine body of the Lord of Wuhai. got up.

The divine body of a Lord of the Universe is quite valuable, so Wang Cheng naturally cannot let it go to waste here, and Wang Cheng naturally accepts all the treasures on the Lord of Wuhai without any courtesy.

"Huh? There are four top treasures?" Wang Cheng checked the treasures of the Lord of Wuhai. He was slightly stunned. He did not expect that the Lord of Wuhai was quite rich.

The only pity is that among the four top treasures, there is no soul defense treasure, otherwise the Lord of Wuhai would at least be able to struggle!

"No, this guy must have taken advantage of the Machinery Clan when he came out to deal with me. Of these four top treasures, one or two should be cost-effective, right?" This thought flashed through Wang Cheng's mind, but he didn't think much about it. , no matter why, these treasures are his anyway.

If you really want to exchange the four pinnacle treasures, you can exchange them for a more ordinary pinnacle treasure.

. . .

Having captured Lord Lei Guang alive, Wang Cheng's goal had been achieved. He soon left the Wuhai Secret Realm and returned to the original secret realm not long after.

On the other side, in the barren starry sky in the primitive universe, the wills of the three demon ancestors, the Queen of the Zerg Race, and the Father God of the Machine Race gathered here once again.

"Two of you, tell me what to do?" Dream Demon Ancestor did not hesitate, he went straight to the point.

"The first question is to find out whether that soul attack was the work of the Lord of Infinity!" said the Father God of the Mechanical Tribe.

"Ming Lian told me that the soul attack was indeed made by the Lord of Infernal Affairs, and its power definitely exceeded the fifth level, and has reached the sixth level or even the top level!" the Zerg Queen said.

"Is it really the sixth level?"

The Father God of the Mechanical Clan was a little confused. He heard that the Lord of Wuhai fell directly, and he guessed that the soul attack probably exceeded the fifth level. Now when he heard the words of the Queen of the Zerg, he knew that this matter could not be wrong. .

Lord of Infinity, what is going on?

I have never heard that he is good at soul-related methods, but he suddenly used a sixth-level soul attack?

"To be able to use six levels of attacks, either the Lord of Infernal Affairs is already the strongest, or he has obtained a most powerful treasure!" Dream Demon Ancestor said:

"It is impossible for the strongest person to be the strongest, the most powerful treasure..."

Dream Demon Ancestor actually wanted to say that it was impossible, but the facts were right in front of him. The possibility of Wang Cheng having the most powerful treasure was much higher than the possibility that he had become the strongest person.

"There is no supreme treasure even for the giant axe. How did the Lord of Infernal Affairs get such a treasure?" There was some confusion in the voice of the Father God of the Mechanical Tribe.

"Now is not the time to discuss this. The key is, what should we do?" Dream Demon Ancestor asked again.


Upon hearing the question from the Dream Demon Ancestor, the Father God of the Mechanical Tribe and the Queen of the Zerg Tribe fell silent.

They have a tacit understanding against the Lord of Infernal Affairs and have been doing it, but the progress of the Lord of Infernal Affairs is too fast and the methods are really weird. They really can't find a way to deal with it.

At the beginning, they decided to target the Lord of Infernal Affairs in the cosmic sea. As a result, after hundreds of years, they gradually realized that they had been tricked by the Lord of Infernal Affairs. The clones sent out by the other party seemed to contain a lot of divine power. But this may not be the case. Otherwise, even if the Lord of Infinity is a fool, he would not be able to send his clones into the universe sea to die without any restrictions!

Even if the clone is not afraid of death, doesn’t the lost divine power need to be replenished with treasures?

All in all, their plan against the Lord of Infinity in the Cosmic Sea failed!

But one failure does not mean giving up. After careful planning, the three tribes organized a second attack, this time!

The three tribes understand that the Lord of Infernal Affairs is hiding in the core of the human race, and they must be unable to do anything to each other. However, considering that the Lord of Infernal Affairs is young after all and is devoted to cultivation, he may be in a normal state of mind.

Therefore, the three tribes made a plan and decided to target Wang Cheng's mind. As long as Wang Cheng had a mental flaw, he could stop his progress, or at least greatly delay his progress.

But who would have thought that before the plan even started, the most important "actor", the Lord of Wuhai, would be directly slaughtered, and the Lord of Infernal Affairs, who was not too strong before, would suddenly explode into a sixth level of strength. .....

No one could have imagined this kind of change, and no one dared to think about it before it happened.

But now, the facts are right in front of them, and they can only face them.

However, facing a Lord of Infernal Affairs who has made incredible progress and whose strength has now reached the ceiling of the original universe, what methods can they use against each other?

Unless the Lord of Infinity commits suicide and runs away to the universe sea, who in the original universe can easily do anything to him?

"This Lord of Infernal Affairs has completely grown up!" Father God of the Mechanical Clan sighed.


The Zerg Mother Queen did not speak, but she also thought so in her heart.

The Lord of Infernal Affairs, I’m afraid there is really no way to target him!

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