Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 303: Surrounding and killing the giant axe?

"Are you two giving up? This Lord of Infinity has reached the current level in just over six thousand years. Do you still have any luck?" Dream Demon Ancestor asked.

"So what? Do you still have a way to deal with this Lord of Infinity?" The father of the mechanical clan asked coldly.

Father God of the Mechanical Tribe must admit that the current Lord of Infernal Affairs puts more pressure on him than the Lord of Infinite Thousands of Years. After all, the Lord of Infernal Affairs used a move thousands of years ago and the most powerful secret method of the Lord of the Universe can be explained as The other party created that move by chance.

But now, the opponent burst out with sixth-level power.

Even if there is the most powerful treasure, if you want to explode the sixth level of power, the Lord of Infinity must have created the most powerful secret method of fusion with the Lord of the Universe.

In just a few thousand years, higher-level secret techniques have been created one after another. No one can ignore this threat.

However, they really have no way to deal with an extremely rare sixth-level Lord of the Universe!

"Meng Tu, it's better not to waste your efforts! Even if the Lord of Infernal Affairs really grows to the level of the original ancestor, he is only invincible in the universe sea. When he reaches the original universe, he is still the same as me and cannot change the overall situation. By then, it will be a big deal Just give some benefits to humans!" The Zerg Queen said calmly:

"Besides, it's not that easy to grow to the level of the original ancestor. There may be some bottleneck that blocks the Lord of Infinity along the way, or he may fall directly when he encounters some danger!"

"The Queen is right!" Father God of the Mechanical Tribe also nodded in agreement.

In the past, when the Lord of Infernal Affairs was not strong, they could deal with it once, but now, it is really not worth it to continue fighting with the Lord of Infernal Affairs!

After all, no matter how strong he is in the universe sea, in the original universe, he is still only the top six level of strength.

An Infernal Lord cannot change the overall situation!

Even if the human race becomes stronger in the cosmic sea, they will only lose some profits at most!

Besides, the Lord of Infernal Affairs may not be able to grow up... maybe there will be some accident and he will fall directly!


The Dream Demon Ancestor naturally knew what they were thinking, but he naturally disagreed with it.

"If that day comes, we will lose more than just a little profit, right?" Dream Demon Ancestor asked:

"If the human race targets us, our three races will not be able to go to the cosmic sea to experience. By then, the strength gap between the human race and us will only become wider and wider. Is the loss just some benefit?"

"Is there anything else you can do?" God Father of the Mechanical Clan asked.

"We can't directly target the Lord of Infernal Affairs, why don't we directly target the human race?" Dream Demon Ancestor asked calmly.

"Unite the three tribes? Start a war with the human race?" The father of the mechanical tribe sneered: "Meng Tu, I told you before, this is impossible! Unless the human race has huge interests, we, the mechanical tribe, will not unite with your monster tribe. possible!"

"The human race is not a soft persimmon. Even if our three races unite, it may not be able to do anything!" The Queen of the Zerg Race also said something, and she continued:

"Now the Lord of Infinite Soul's soul attack methods have reached the sixth level. This is also a big threat. Want to deal with the human race? Difficult!"

"Whether we want to unite or not is a matter for later!" Dream Demon Ancestor said, "But now, we can do one thing!"

"What?" asked the Father God of the Mechanical Clan.

"I got news that the giant ax is in the space ship and is now on its way out of the inner domain!" Dream Demon Ancestor said in a cold tone:

"This is a great opportunity for us. Zhenjiao and I, together with the two of you, have every hope of leaving the giant ax in the cosmic sea. If we invite one or two of the strongest lone warriors, the hope will be even greater. !”

"Attack on the giant axe?!"

The Father God of the Mechanical Tribe and the Queen of the Insect Tribe were both stunned. They did not expect the Dream Demon Ancestor to be so bold.

However, if you think about it carefully, it seems that there is no hope.

As we all know, Giant Ax does not have the most powerful treasure, which greatly reduces the strength of Giant Ax. The four strongest of them join forces, and if one or two of the strongest alone are added, the Giant Ax will remain in the universe. Hai's hope is really not small.

Anyone who can become a peak tribe is because there is the strongest person in the tribe. Once the human race loses the giant ax, its strength will immediately decrease sharply.

When the time comes, they will have to deal with the human race, but they won’t have as many worries as they do now!

"The giant ax is rarely used, and even when it is used, it is always low-key. No one knows how strong he is. Are you sure we can deal with him?" Father God of the Mechanical Tribe looked at the Dream Demon Ancestor and asked.

"The giant ax doesn't even have the most powerful treasure, so of course it has to be low-key!" Dream Demon Ancestor sneered: "Besides, even if the giant ax is strong, how strong can it be? Is it possible that it can be stronger than a few of us together?

"The original ancestor has been suppressed, and the giant ax is not the original ancestor!" Dream Demon Ancestor said the last thing.


The Father God of the Mechanical Tribe nodded slightly. He said nothing more. What the Dream Demon Ancestor said did make sense!


"Don't all humans like to go to Qingfeng Realm? How did the giant ax go to the space ship?" At this time, the Queen of the Zerg also asked.

"Perhaps Giant Ax wants to try his luck. After all, he always has the most powerful treasure by his side!" Dream Demon Ancestor said with some indifference.

However, after hearing this, both the Father God of the Mechanical Tribe and the Queen of the Zerg Tribe nodded. The giant ax was indeed quite unlucky. He had been the strongest for many years without getting a single supreme treasure. It was not surprising that he wanted to try his luck somewhere else. !

"This matter must be decided as soon as possible, otherwise things will change! And it will take some time to invite the strongest soloists!" said the Dream Demon Ancestor.

"Yes!" The Zerg Queen agreed directly.

She has a palace-like supreme treasure, the Queen's Nest. Even if she is fighting at the strongest level, there is no need to worry about safety issues. This time the siege of the giant ax will be unimaginable if it succeeds. If it fails... it fails. It also failed. The Zerg and the humans are mortal enemies. Could the relationship get worse?

"I will give you an answer in one month!" The father of the mechanical clan did not agree immediately.

He rarely went to the cosmic sea, let alone this time to fight.

The Machinery Clan is entirely supported by the Machinery Clan Father God. If something happens to him, the Machinery Clan will probably be doomed soon!

Moreover, the Father God of the Mechanical Clan does not have the most powerful and precious palace to protect his life, so naturally he cannot readily agree to this matter.

Although it is unlikely that something will happen if a group of people surround the giant axe, but what if?

After all, with the fate of the entire race on his shoulders, the Godfather of the Machine Tribe cannot take risks casually.

"Okay!" Dream Demon Ancestor nodded slightly, but he didn't say anything more.

In a month, he can first communicate with the strongest lone warriors, but he cannot choose those who are close to the human race, lest they leak the news...

"Demon God Xu Zhen is pretty good. I haven't heard that he has any friendship with Giant Axe. Let's go talk to him first! But if you want to invite him, I'm afraid it will cost you a lot of blood..." Dream Demon Zu thought, and his will soon dissipated in the void. Naturally, the Father God of the Machine Tribe and the Queen of the Zerg Tribe would not stay too long, and they left quickly.

This barren starry sky soon returned to silence again...

PS: There are only two updates today.

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