After Wang Cheng went to see the Lord of Chaos City, his avatar in the Cosmic Sea soon revealed his identity. Just as the Lord of Chaos City said, the incarnation of the Blood Orchid Ancestor quickly retreated after learning that he was a human race. .

Now the reputation of the giant ax is spreading wildly in the universe. The giant ax, which had been keeping a low profile before, reached an astonishing ninth level when he showed his full strength for the first time. This is the result of him keeping a low profile and practicing alone.

Next, as long as the giant ax is trained a little more, there will definitely be huge progress. It is hard to say whether the ancestor of Blood Orchid can catch up with the original ancestor, but the ancestor of Blood Orchid must not be able to offend the founder of the giant axe.

So he gave in decisively.


"Before, the human race was nothing in the universe sea, but now it has stood up. The effect of a top powerhouse on the race is really huge!"

Wang Cheng stood on a corridor with endless flames on both sides. He looked at the departing figure of the ancestor of Blood Orchid and sighed secretly in his heart.

Of course, Wang Cheng also knows that the current giant ax can shock the loners, but some big forces probably don't care much about him!

Especially the two holy places!

The original ancestor at that time only made the two holy places a little afraid, and it was far from being feared. Although the current giant ax is powerful, it is still far from the level of the original ancestor.


Without thinking too much, Wang Cheng quickly controlled the clone to go to a safe place.

It took Wang Cheng a hundred years to enter the depths of the space ship. Naturally, it was impossible to leave casually now, so he was ready to return to the black-grained stone pillar.

This clone can not only continue to hone his will there, but the key is that there is a black token space there. When Wang Cheng goes to the "Permanent Secret Realm", the clone will hide in it. At least there is no need to worry about safety issues!

. . .

More than a year passed in a flash, and the giant ax finally returned to the original universe.

After returning Wang Cheng's most powerful palace treasure lent to him, Giant Ax quickly held a Giant Ax meeting.

The content of this meeting was mainly to discuss the next matters for the mechanical tribe.

The three tribes besieged the giant axe. The Zerg and Monster tribes did not suffer much loss, but the Father God of the Machine tribe was seriously injured. As the saying goes, he could kill him while he was sick. The Machine tribe was now considered to be in a weak stage, so the Human race would naturally take advantage of the opportunity to do something cruel. Take a hard bite.


In the virtual universe, the plane where the Great Ax Conference is located.

Everyone was discussing the details of dealing with the machine clan. After a long discussion, many things were decided.

However, Wang Cheng was not involved. Although the Father God of the Machine Clan was seriously injured, he was not dead after all. Naturally, the Human Race would not choose to start a full-scale war with the Machine Clan at this time.

Instead of starting a full-scale war, Wang Cheng has no interest in participating. He has no shortage of resources and treasures. This kind of thing will naturally be left to the Lord of the Universe who is interested!

After everyone had finished discussing, the founder of Giant Ax said: "Although the Monster Race and Zerg Race cooperated with the Machine Race before, they will not let go of this opportunity now. The three parties will take action at the same time. This time, they must Let the mechanical clan pay a heavy price!"

"It's a pity that the Zergs and Monsters took advantage!" A universe master at the Giant Ax Arena sighed.

"Don't worry, this account will be settled sooner or later!" The founder of Giant Ax said coldly, but although his tone was cold, it was full of confidence.

In the past, the founder of the giant ax had always been patient, but now that he broke out, he certainly had unlimited confidence in himself.

"Yes, this matter is not over yet!" Many universe masters nodded.

This time, the founder of the giant ax seems to be incomparable glory, but in fact he is also extremely dangerous!

That is to say, the giant ax is strong enough, and this is how disaster can be turned into good luck!

If the founder of the giant ax is weaker and is really succeeded by the three tribes, then the situation of the human race will be dangerous. The father god of the mechanical clan is seriously injured, and the mechanical clan will be bullied. And if the giant ax, who is the backbone of the human race, falls, The consequences are simply unimaginable!

Therefore, this revenge must be avenged!


"It's just that the relationship between the Zerg, Monster and Machine tribes is not so harmonious. Why did they suddenly unite to deal with the giant axe?" The Lord of Ice Peak suddenly asked with some confusion.

This is not the first time that the strongest men of several peak races have gone to the cosmic sea, but this is the first time that they have been jointly targeted by other peak races.

It stands to reason that it should be difficult for the major peak races to unite, especially the Zerg, Monster, Mechanical, and Human races. After all, the hatred between the four races is too deep. After uniting, if something goes wrong, no one can count on allies!

Just like this time, if the Father God of the Mechanical Tribe is seriously injured, the Monster Tribe and the Zerg Tribe will not be the least bit polite to the Mechanical Tribe, and they will definitely go up and bite a piece of meat!

"It's indeed a bit strange!" The other masters of the universe were also confused. In fact, even the founder of the giant ax himself was a little confused.

"Maybe it's because of me!"

Suddenly, Wang Cheng's voice rang out.

"Huh? Wu Jian?"

Many people looked at Wang Cheng.

"I killed the Lord of Wuhai!" As soon as Wang Cheng spoke, many universe lords present were shocked.

The Lord of Wuhai was killed by Wu Jian?

"Wujiang, you killed the Lord of Wuhai? When did it happen?" Many universe masters looked at Wang Cheng with some doubts. The Lord of Wuhai was not a weakling, and the Lord of Wuhai was dead. Why didn't there be any news? Didn't it come out?

"What does the death of Lord Wuhai have to do with the three tribes targeting the giant axe?" Lord Peng Gong also asked.

"It was only recently that I killed the Lord of Wuhai, only more than ten years ago! As for the reason, I can only guess!" Wang Cheng said, and he continued: "The Machine Tribe, Zerg Tribe, and Monster Tribe have been targeting me, and you guys should know!"

"There is a wanted order for you in the Universe Sea, haha. I heard that Wujian you tricked them?" Many Universe Masters had a smile on their faces.

"Yes, I tricked them in the universe sea!" Wang Cheng said with a smile:

"They found that they couldn't target me in the Universe Sea, so they teamed up with the Lord of Wuhai to plan and prepare to continue to deal with me. Unfortunately, they misjudged my strength. I went to the secret realm of Wuhai. As soon as the Lord of Wuhai came forward, I was immediately killed. Kill him, and the plan will naturally come to an end!"


Everyone has noticed this. If this word is not an exaggeration, then what level of strength must Wang Cheng reach to kill the Lord of Wuhai as soon as he shows up?

Even if the three clones of the Lord of Chaos City attack together and want to kill the Lord of Wuhai, they will still have to fight for a while, right?

However, when Wang Cheng said this, they immediately understood what Wang Cheng wanted to say.

Wang Cheng's current strength should be extremely terrifying. After the three tribes who originally wanted to target him found that they could not target him at all, they turned their attention to the giant axe.

"So that's it!" The founder of the giant ax also understood that the fear of Wang Cheng among the three clans had reached a peak. For this reason, it is not surprising that they would unite to get rid of him first!

"Wujian, what level has your strength reached now?" Lord Youhou asked curiously.

"I have a powerful soul attack treasure. The power of the soul attack can reach the top of the sixth level!" Wang Cheng didn't hide it. The demon race, machine race, and Zerg race have known about this for a long time. He didn't say it before, he just wanted to Just be low-key.

Moreover, this little strength is nothing to Wang Cheng, because he will become stronger!

"A sixth-level top-level soul attack? The most powerful treasure?"

All the Masters of the Universe were completely confused. If I remember correctly, it took Wang Cheng less than ten thousand years to become the Master of the Universe, right? To be precise, just over five thousand years!

"No wonder the three tribes are forced to target the giant axe. You are too terrifying..." The Lord of Youhou exclaimed, and he was completely convinced.

The Lord of Youhou's teacher, the Lord of Darkness, and Wang Cheng's teacher, the Lord of Chaos City, are brothers. Strictly speaking, he and Wang Cheng can be considered the same disciples. Now, the strength and speed of progress shown by Wang Cheng have really made him completely overwhelmed. The idea of ​​comparison.

In the six-level attack, although Wang Cheng's most powerful treasure, which he didn't know where he came from, was an important factor, his own strength was absolutely indispensable.

The Lord of Infernal Affairs is already the top Lord of the Universe in the human race. If you include his most powerful treasure, Wang Cheng is now the well-deserved second person in the human race!

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