Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 307: Natural Talent at the Eternal True God Level

Wang Cheng suddenly disclosed his own strength, which really made all the universe masters excited. This news was even more shocking than when they heard that the giant ax could crush the six strongest men by himself.

After all, Wang Chengcheng is too young!

Of course, after the shock, excitement followed.

First, the giant ax exploded, and then Wang Cheng showed incredible strength and potential, which means...

"The human race will rise!"

Lord Peng Gong said with a rather uneasy expression, the human race had risen rapidly in the original ancestor era, but now with the founder of the giant axe, and the even more incredible Wang Cheng, the human race may take off again!

"Wu Jian, I admire you!"

"It's really amazing. Compared to you, I've been practicing for so many years and I've become like a dog!"


The masters of the universe said one after another, and Wang Cheng responded with a smile. However, the real take-off of the human race is not now. If he can get some inheritance that can be widely spread, that will be the beginning of the real take-off of the human race.


Wang Cheng didn't say much to everyone. While everyone's attention was on him, he directly told the story that his clone would temporarily leave the Tianling Secret Realm.

Although Wang Chengcai has guarded the Tianling Secret Realm for more than five thousand years, as soon as he said this, several universe masters immediately expressed their willingness to help him guard it!

"You can go, you don't need to worry about the Tianling Secret Realm!" The founder of the giant ax said: "Become the strongest as soon as possible, and help me withstand the pressure!"

The founder of Giant Ax now has no doubt that Wang Cheng can become a true god!

It has taken five thousand years to reach this point. If Wang Cheng cannot become a true god, then who can?


Wang Cheng nodded slightly. Although he did not plan to break through prematurely, his strength should still improve. It is impossible for others to create a sixth-level secret method by the Lord of the Universe, but it is not absolute for him.

As long as Wang Cheng continues to improve, he will naturally be no different from the True God.

. . .

A giant ax meeting ended quickly, and undercurrents began to surge within the human race, and a dispatch for the mechanical race began to be carried out closely.

Wang Cheng was not involved in all this. A few years later, his clone in the Tianling Secret Realm was replaced. On the other side, his clone in the space boat returned to the vicinity of the black-patterned stone pillar and entered the black token. within space.

Everything was ready, and Wang Cheng was ready to go to that unknown place of inheritance again.


"Next, I will be in seclusion for a period of time, I don't know how long, but no one is allowed to approach me, understand?" Wang Cheng looked at Sikaya and gave a direct order.

"Yes, Master!" Sikaya nodded obediently.


Wang Cheng didn't say much. After nodding, he closed his eyes.

As one hundred thousand opportunity points were consumed, the next moment, Wang Cheng felt his consciousness leave his body and began to travel through the endless space.

After a while, Wang Cheng regained all consciousness.

At this time, Wang Cheng's divine body and soul had re-condensed, and he indeed appeared at the place where he disappeared last time.

And at the moment when Wang Cheng reappeared, in the palace in the distance, a rabbit wearing a huge top hat suddenly froze.

"Why is this guy back?" The rabbit's gaze passed through the palace and the endless space, and instantly landed on Wang Cheng.

"Oh? Became the Lord of Laws!"

Rabbit nodded slightly in his heart, and he automatically thought that Wang Cheng had disappeared before and thought that he had gone back to break through!

"However, to be able to leave the world arranged by the master silently, and to return silently, there may be an ultimate existence standing behind this guy!" The rabbit-like being thought in his heart, based on his master's achievements on the Void Road , even though the strength is suppressed in this source world, the realm is still extremely high. Unless it is the ultimate existence of this world, who can take people away from here quietly and send people back quietly?

"In this case, I will give you another chance. However, the difficulty of the test is not the same as before. If you can pass, my master's inheritance will naturally be yours. If you fail, you can't blame me!" Rabbit looked at it! Wang Cheng, who was moving forward rapidly, had made a decision in his mind.


the other side--

Wang Cheng was indeed moving forward rapidly. His speed soared to a hundred times the speed of light in an instant, and he quickly headed towards the main hall.

In fact, Wang Cheng felt a little uneasy at this time. After all, he suddenly disappeared and reappeared, and he didn't know what the owner here was thinking.

But no matter what, he came and could not give up. Therefore, when the owner of this place did not respond, Wang Cheng naturally chose to move on.

In Wang Cheng's view, if the owner of this place does not want him to continue to accept the test, then the other party will definitely stop him next, and if the other party is willing, then he can naturally move forward until the next level...


Wang Cheng continued to approach quickly, and the pressure from the distant temple continued to soar.

However, the current Wang Cheng has undergone a fundamental transformation from before. Not to mention that his strength has reached the level of the Lord of the Universe, and more importantly, his will has become comparable to the true god.

Therefore, these pressures were nothing to Wang Cheng at the moment, and he kept moving forward with an unchanging expression.


I don't know how long it took, but suddenly, Wang Cheng felt like he was in a trance. When he came to his senses, he had come to a colorful world.


A beam of light descended from the sky and enveloped Wang Cheng in an instant.

A warm feeling arose in Wang Cheng's heart. However, Wang Cheng was not confused by this feeling. He tried to struggle, but found that he could not move at all, and he could not even use the divine power in his body.

"Is it possible that the master here wants to attack me?" This thought flashed through Wang Cheng's mind. At this time, not far from him, a vague shadow suddenly appeared.

Wang Cheng could vaguely see that this shadow should be the projection of his divine body, but the shadow was almost translucent, and there were hundreds of millions of colorful lines flowing continuously on his body.

These lines connect the body and soul, like a huge whole. Wang Cheng felt a little dizzy after just looking at them a few times.

At this time, a slightly shrill voice sounded in the space.

"My guess is indeed correct, your natural talent is quite amazing!"


Wang Cheng was slightly shocked, but soon he felt relieved. Hearing the meaning of the other party's words, it seemed that he had no intention of dealing with him.

After thinking about it, Wang Chengxuan asked with some confusion: "Senior, are you talking about me?"

"Yes, your natural talent involves more than 1,300 secret patterns. In terms of levels, it is already a secret method at the level of the Eternal True God!" The voice sounded again.

"Eternal True God level?" Wang Cheng was slightly startled, but he soon realized that the voice was probably talking about "Clone Technique"!

His clone technique was obtained when he ate the "primordial embryo". Although Wang Cheng always felt that this was a pervert with strong natural talent, he never expected that this thing turned out to be a secret technique at the level of the eternal true god... .

You know, the natural talents that come with the birth of the beings in the original universe, no matter how strong they are, will not exceed the level of the Lord of the Universe. Some of the natural talents are even just ordinary, not much better than ordinary secret methods!

And his "Clone Technique" actually directly surpassed the two great realms of True God and True God of Void, and reached the level of Eternal True God, which is simply incredible!

"No wonder my natural talent is so strong!" Wang Cheng felt a little surprised, but before he could be happy for too long, the voice sounded again:

"The last test I give you is your natural talent..."

PS: Three updates.

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