"The last test!"

Hearing what the voice said, Wang Cheng felt slightly happy. It seemed that the owner of this inheritance place did not care about his sudden disappearance before, and this test was the last one.

Originally, Wang Cheng thought he had to go through five levels and kill six generals before he could get the inheritance left by the master here!


When Wang Cheng was happy, the voice continued to sound: "I will provide you with some help, and what you need to do is to create a secret method. This secret method needs to be related to your natural talent!"

"If I create a secret technique, it still needs to be related to my natural talent?"

Wang Cheng was slightly stunned. The voice had just said that his natal talent was a secret method at the level of the Eternal True God, but now he was asked to create a secret method that could be related to this natal talent?

Not only does this secret method reach the level of the Eternal True God, it also requires at least the Void True God, right?

However, he is still just the Lord of the Universe... Is this how difficult the final test is?

"I wonder what kind of help senior can give me? Is there a time limit?"

Wang Cheng quickly asked, if he had to create it here by himself, when would he be able to create a secret technique of that level? Even with the help of the Tree of Time, Wang Cheng still felt a little hung up!

"The first help is already in front of you!" The voice said: "This is the operation process of your natural talent. You can use this as a reference!"


Wang Cheng looked at the shadow that was exactly the same as himself not far in front of him, and he nodded slightly.

The process of the birth talent movement that the voice mentioned should refer to the countless colored lines flowing on the surface and depth of the shadow. Although these lines made Wang Cheng feel dizzy just by looking at them, they were better than nothing.

"The second help is an inheritance!"

The voice said, and soon, a stone like white jade appeared in front of Wang Cheng.

However, Wang Cheng was still bound by the white beam of light and could only let the stone float temporarily.

"As for time... within trillions of years!" The voice continued: "I know you have a treasure that accelerates time, and the acceleration provided by that treasure is also included!"


Wang Cheng nodded secretly in his heart. A trillion years is definitely a long time. The time Wang Cheng has experienced from birth to now is less than a fraction of a trillion years. For such a long time, even if this test is a bit abnormal, he can still Not without hope of completion.


For the next three full days, the high-pitched voice did not appear again, and the lines on the shadow in front of Wang Cheng became more and more complicated.

Finally, the white light dissipated and Wang Cheng regained his ability to move.

"I hope this inheritance will be more powerful!" Wang Cheng waved his hand, and the jade floating in the void instantly came into his hands. Wang Cheng's consciousness came into contact with the jade, and in an instant, endless information poured into his soul.

After a long time, Wang Cheng put down the jade.

"The inheritance of the dense pattern flow?"

Wang Cheng was surprised, but he soon figured it out. It is estimated that the owner of this inheritance place also felt that the secret pattern flow was Wang Cheng's only hope to complete this test.

Strictly speaking, the dense pattern flow is also a law flow, but it is different from the traditional law flow, because it does not require the understanding of many complete laws. It only needs to master the patterns represented by various fusion laws, and then combine each kind of law. Just arrange and combine the patterns to create secret techniques!

Miwen Tu Liu is best at creating secret techniques.

"There should be information about the flow of cryptograms in the original universe and the cosmic sea, but it is quite superficial. It is impossible to create a secret method that is at least the level of the True God of the Void. However, the cryptograms of this inheritance are extremely profound, let alone the void. The secret method at the true god level, even the secret method at the eternal true god or even the holy level is not without hope!" Wang Cheng thought in his heart.

There are sixty-four kinds of dense patterns in total. These sixty-four kinds of dense patterns respectively represent the eight spaces of gold space, wood space, water space, fire space, earth space, wind time, thunder time, and light time. The way of cultivating the beast god.

In addition to these sixty-four types of dense patterns, there are also dense patterns represented by the fusion paths of gold time, wood time, water time, fire time, earth time, wind space, thunder space, and light space.

There are even dense patterns representing the golden-wood space, the golden-wood-water space, the golden-wood-water-fire space... these multiple fusion laws.

There are many dense patterns in this inheritance.

If one can fully understand it, then there is indeed hope to create the realm of chaos, which is the secret method of the holy level.

Of course, the difficulty is not unimaginable or indescribable.

"But it is undeniable that this inheritance is a inheritance that leads directly to the level of sainthood!" Wang Cheng sighed in his heart.

Wang Cheng would definitely not be able to view this kind of inheritance completely within the scope of the will of the original universe. But now that the place where he is is not under the will of the original universe, he will naturally be able to watch it without any hindrance. Even if Wang Cheng cannot see the content behind the inheritance at all. He didn't understand, but that didn't stop him from making a judgment.

However, the inheritance of direct sainthood is still precious to other people, but to Wang Cheng, it is just so-so.

The inheritance of "Time and Space" in Wang Cheng's head has a total of five paths. Any path that reaches the extreme is the god-king level... This is the truly precious inheritance!

"However, in this situation, relying on the flow of dense patterns is the most reliable and fastest!" Wang Cheng nodded secretly in his heart. The voice just said that his natural talent is composed of more than 1,300 kinds of dense patterns. It also shows that dense pattern flow is Wang Cheng’s best choice.


"let's start!"

Wang Cheng was thinking in his heart, and he immediately took out the Tree of Time with a thought.

With time accelerating a hundred thousand times, Wang Cheng began to close his eyes and meditate. While meditating, Wang Cheng also sketched patterns in the void with his hands.

Because Wang Cheng's consciousness is accelerating time a hundred thousand times, the movements of Wang Cheng's hands are also surprisingly fast.

Each extremely complex pattern can often be completed in just an instant.

There are sixty-four basic patterns. The formation method of each pattern and the power effects it can induce are the easiest to understand. Wang Cheng didn't spend much time writing them down one by one.

However, Wang Cheng did not try to create the secret method immediately.

If Wang Cheng is planning to follow the secret pattern flow step by step, then after mastering the sixty-four basic secret patterns, his best choice is of course to develop them to the extreme first, and then study more profound secret patterns. pattern.

But Wang Cheng didn't plan to achieve a high level of achievement in the dense pattern flow. His purpose was just to complete the task, so after studying the sixty-four basic dense patterns, he continued to study A more profound dense pattern!


In Wang Cheng's research, hundreds of years passed in the blink of an eye.

Finally, Wang Cheng opened his eyes.

"The most basic 64 kinds of dense patterns, the higher level 256 kinds of dense patterns, and the higher level 1024 kinds of dense patterns. Its single power is basically understood, and the next step is to create it concretely!"

Wang Cheng was thinking in his heart, and then he looked up at the shadow not far away with countless rays of light flowing.

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