According to the inheritance of secret patterns obtained by Wang Cheng, if the sixty-four most basic secret patterns are used to the extreme, it is possible to create a secret method at the fifth level of the master of the universe.

And when the 256 second-level secret patterns are used to the extreme, they can create the ultimate secret method of the tenth level true god!

The 1024 third-level secret patterns are brought to the extreme, which is the ultimate secret method of the fifteenth-level Void True God!


Wang Cheng's current situation is that he only understood the single power of these dense patterns, but in actual operation, he is not even at the level of the Lord of the Universe.

No, by piling up a large number of dense patterns, maybe he can quickly create a secret method at the level of the Lord of the Universe.

But that's meaningless. The secret pattern that was originally used to create the Void True God-level secret method was used to pile up the Universe Lord-level secret method. It is indeed quite a waste!

However, normally speaking, if Wang Cheng wants to create a Void True God-level secret method, he must take it step by step.

You must first develop the sixty-four basic cryptic patterns to the extreme, rely on these 64 cryptic patterns to create the fifth-level secret method of the Lord of the Universe, and then use the 256 second-level cryptic patterns to the extreme, relying on them Created a tenth level true god level secret method.

The last is the attempt at the Void True God level secret method.

This is the safest way, but it is also the most time-consuming!

Wang Cheng has no intention of going deeper into the dense pattern flow, so naturally he doesn't want to waste time.

Anyway, his purpose is just to create a secret technique that can be used in conjunction with his natural talent "Clone Technique"...


"The secret of the operation of the clone technique has been analyzed, and it is completely presented in this shadow. I only need to understand a small part of the secret of these operations, and I have full hope of creating a secret method to match it!" Wang Cheng thought in his heart , and at the same time, he was also staring motionlessly at the flow of light on the shadow.

Before mastering the 1024 dense patterns, Wang Cheng couldn't understand the countless lights flowing on the shadow at all, and even looked a little dizzy.

But now, Wang Cheng had a vague idea. In his sight, these countless lines were combined with each other, which were either the same or different dense patterns.

When these dense patterns are combined, they form an overall mysterious power.


"It is indeed a secret method at the level of the Eternal True God!" Wang Cheng was completely confused at this time. Although he had a little clue, it was just a little bit.

And this was all thanks to the dense pattern. If he looked at it not from the perspective of the dense pattern, but purely from the perspective of the law, then naturally he would still be the same as before, unable to understand anything except being dizzy.

"However, now that we have some clues, there is hope!" Wang Cheng calmed down and analyzed the secrets of the clone technique bit by bit.

Time flies by like this, one hundred years, one thousand years, ten thousand years...

With the Tree of Time accelerating a hundred thousand times, the actual time Wang Cheng spent was extremely long, and during this long time, his analysis of the secret method of the clone technique gradually became clear.

At the same time, in the process of analyzing this secret method, Wang Cheng's attainments in the secret pattern flow were also quietly improving.

The cryptic flow is the basis for the power of a single cryptic pattern, while the Secret Code of Creation is a combination of the powers of multiple cryptic patterns.

Wang Cheng continued to analyze the secret method of the clone technique, and naturally gradually understood the power of many combinations of secret patterns. In this way, his attainments in the secret patterns would naturally gradually improve.

Of course, Wang Cheng did not study down-to-earth after all, so this improvement is still somewhat false. In short, the foundation is very poor.

However, Wang Cheng's purpose was not to follow the secret pattern style. He just wanted to create a secret method that could be matched with the clone technique. Therefore, the foundation of the secret pattern style was not important, as long as he could create a suitable secret method. Got it!


More than 11,000 years after Wang Cheng analyzed the mystery of the clone technique, Wang Cheng created a low-end version of the "Clone Secret Technique". This secret technique is very different from the clone technique.

The clone created by relying on this secret method can only carry at most 10% of Wang Cheng's divine power, and once the distance is too far, the connection between Wang Cheng and the clone will be disconnected, which is quite useless.

However, although it is useless, in the end Wang Cheng also created a secret method, and it only took more than 11,000 years!

If Wang Cheng followed the secret pattern method step by step, he would still be dealing with the true god-level secret method at this moment, and he was still far away from the true god-level secret method of the void!

This proves that Wang Cheng's path is normal, and it also makes Wang Cheng more confident.


Time continued to pass, and in the 19th thousandth year, Wang Cheng accidentally created a magical skill that could guarantee his life.

This move can cut off Wang Cheng's soul. The cut soul is completely separated from Wang Cheng's original soul and is not threatened by soul attacks.

Among the separated souls, if any part of the soul dies, the other part of the soul can survive.

This is similar to the clone technique. After all, the clone soul is separate from the original soul. If the clone soul is destroyed, the original soul will lose some of its origin at most, and it will not have much impact.

But it is also different from the clone technique, because after the soul of the clone technique is separated, the main body and the clone are still quite distinct. If the clone dies, the main body will be fine, but if the main body dies, the clone cannot survive!

The secret technique created by Wang Cheng is equivalent to two deities. If one dies, the other one can survive.

Wang Cheng originally felt that this secret technique was invincible. With the creation of this secret technique, he should have completed the test here. However, the owner here gave a comment that the two parts of the soul could not maintain contact and had been separated for a long time. , two parts of the soul will become two people, which is extremely dangerous!

If it can be ensured that the separated souls are all the same deity and can always be connected, then that is the truly complete secret method!

Wang Cheng didn't realize this at first, but after the other party pointed it out, he knew that what the other party said was indeed the truth, so he had no choice but to continue creating...

But it is impossible to perfect this secret method. Completely separated souls still want to maintain contact. That is not something that the Void True God-level secret method can do.


Time continued to pass, and Wang Cheng also continued to create secret techniques one after another.

Because Wang Cheng was creating secret techniques with reference to the "Clone Technique" from the beginning to the end, these secret techniques are closely related to the effects of the "Clone Technique".

The effects of these secret techniques may be strong or weak, but none of them are recognized by the owner of this inheritance place.

Wang Cheng is not in a hurry about this. He continues to delve into the characteristics of the "Clone Technique" and accumulates his own knowledge bit by bit.

In the blink of an eye, more than 45,000 years have passed. Counting the acceleration of time, Wang Cheng has spent nearly 5 billion years here.

At this time, Wang Cheng suddenly opened his eyes.

"The ninth secret method is created!"

Wang Cheng thought in his mind that this secret method definitely reached the level of the Void True God in complexity, but its effect seemed to be a bit useless.

Thinking about it, Wang Cheng used the clone technique to separate two clones.

The foundations of these two clones are not high, and they both only have an ordinary immortal foundation that is twice the genetic level.

Wang Cheng waved his hand and personally exploded one of the clones, annihilating all the divine power of the clone.

At this time, Wang Cheng's other clone quickly used a secret method, and his body lit up with a shining light.


The endless energy around him was drawn, and in an instant, this clone began to become stronger.

After a long time, the foundation of this clone became an immortal-level foundation with twice the genetic level...

"Although my clones in the past could actively absorb power, their genetic levels could not be improved. Now my clones can actively improve their genetic levels!" Wang Cheng thought silently in his heart.

Of course, the genetic level of the clone combined with that of his original body still cannot exceed 10081 times, so he just separated into two clones and took the initiative to explode one of them...

"It's a bit tasteless, even more tasteless than the soul dichotomy created before!" Wang Cheng shook his head slightly.

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