Although Wang Cheng felt that this secret technique was useless, it was created after all, so Wang Cheng still tried to raise his head towards the void and asked: "Senior, is this secret technique qualified?"


There was silence in the void, which surprised Wang Cheng. Every time he asked a question, the answer would come immediately from the void. Why did it change this time?


Suddenly, the voice sounded, and immediately after, Wang Cheng felt like the world was spinning. When he came back to his senses, he had disappeared into the colorful space.

"here it is?"

Wang Cheng looked up in astonishment and saw a vast temple standing quietly in front of him.

The temple was nameless, but from the astonishing pressure coming from it, Wang Cheng soon knew that this was the temple he had been trying to approach in the huge square.

"I passed? By that useless secret technique?" Wang Cheng was a little confused. He didn't even have high expectations for this secret technique, but he didn't expect to pass it.

"come in!"

A familiar voice came from the temple. Wang Cheng was slightly startled after hearing the voice, but he didn't hesitate and walked over quickly.

"It actually passed?"

As Wang Cheng walked, he was still surprised. It seemed that the judgment standard of the owner of this inheritance place was different from what he imagined. The secret technique he created in the end might seem useless to him, but in the eyes of the owner here, Come on, maybe it’s great?

. . .

The gate of the temple was surrounded by a wave-like barrier, and Wang Cheng stepped directly into it without hesitation.

After a moment of trance, Wang Cheng found that he had arrived in front of a tall statue.

This statue is a man whose appearance is very similar to that of a human race. However, the divine power faintly exuding from this statue makes Wang Cheng feel unable to look directly at him.

Wang Cheng quickly looked away, and then he discovered that there was a giant rabbit-like being next to the statue.

Wang Cheng had seen this "rabbit" before. When he first came to this place of inheritance and passed the first level, the other party's shadow appeared once. At that time, he asked whether he wanted to continue to pass the level.

Thinking quickly in his mind, Wang Chengxuan asked tentatively: "Senior?"

"It's me!" The rabbit-like being nodded: "I am the 'Urng God', and the master has left me in this inheritance place to choose his successor!"

"Senior Weng Shen!" Wang Cheng handed over his hand.

"In the third level, according to my idea, you should first solidify the foundation of the dense pattern flow, and then create bit by bit, but you didn't take the ordinary path and started creating the secret method directly!" Weng Shen said:

"The secret pattern flow is very special. You were lucky enough to create the Void True God-level secret method. Logically speaking, it is not difficult to create a ninth-level offensive secret method. But your foundation is too poor. I guess you will have to rely on it if you want to create an eighth-level secret method. With luck, the seventh-level secret method may be able to achieve it, but that is achieved by relying on a large number of high-level secret patterns!"

"But it took me a short time!"

Wang Cheng felt that he was not at a loss. Although the secret method of secret pattern creation was powerful, it could not allow him to continuously break through the realm. It was not worth wasting a lot of time on the secret pattern flow!


Wang Cheng's words made the Weng Shen fall silent. His requirements were actually quite strict. Originally, even if Wang Cheng's method could save some time, it might not save much, but he was so lucky that he actually created that one. trick.

In the view of Wengshen, Wang Cheng's natural talent "Clone Technique" is a simplified version of Void Tao's secret skill "Clone Technique". After Wang Cheng created that trick, he immediately perfected his natural talent. few.

At this moment, no matter how strict his requirements were, he had to admit that Wang Cheng passed.


"Stop talking about this!" Weng Shen shook his head and continued:

"Since you have passed the three levels, according to my master's rules, you are naturally qualified to become his 1,567,631 named disciple and receive part of his inheritance!"

"More than 1.5 million registered disciples?" Wang Cheng was slightly confused.

"My master's figure can be found in countless worlds, and he has millions of registered disciples. Is that much?" Weng Shen asked.


Wang Cheng didn't say anything. Isn't that much?

Looking at Wang Cheng's expression, Weng Shen also guessed Wang Cheng's thoughts, but he didn't say much. He turned his head and looked at the mighty statue high up.

"This is my master, his name is 'Dongshenyu', you should become my master!"


Wang Cheng did not hesitate. It was necessary to take the inheritance from others and become a disciple. It was absolutely rare to pick up an extremely precious inheritance like the Tree of Time for nothing!

Wang Cheng respectfully completed the apprenticeship ceremony, and a smile appeared on the face of Weng Shen.

"I know that you have a good background, and you will definitely be able to achieve the 'Chaos Realm' in the future, which is what you call the 'Sacred' realm. When the time comes, you can become my master's direct disciple when you come here again, and you can also be retained by my master. The real secret skill." After the Weng Shen finished speaking, he waved his hand, and in an instant, a virtual light screen appeared in front of Wang Cheng, with lines of text on the light screen.

"As for now, you can choose any three of these inheritances or treasures!" After the Weng God finished speaking, he closed his eyes and waited quietly.

"A saint is a direct disciple? It seems that my new teacher is indeed a very terrifying existence. He is a strong person among the god kings, perhaps no less than the owner of the Tree of Time!" Wang Cheng was thinking in his heart, and at the same time He also quickly browsed the light screen.

The light curtain has countless entries, divided into three major categories, namely treasures, secrets, and inheritance!

Wang Cheng swept past the treasures and headed straight for the secret method and inheritance.

With the opportunity capture system, Wang Cheng is not worried about his lack of treasures. Instead, it is secret techniques and inheritance. If he relies solely on chance capture, it will not be easy to capture the ones that suit him. Now that he has the opportunity to choose, Wang Cheng will naturally not let it go. Pass.


The first one among the inheritances is the "Void Dao" inheritance, and at the same time, the word "core" is marked below this inheritance.

"It seems that this Void Tao inheritance is a must-choose..."

This thought flashed through Wang Cheng's mind. He was not stupid. This core inheritance was the essence of this inheritance land. Although he already had the inheritance of "Light**", he didn't have too much of it.

Maybe he is not suitable for the "Light Path", but is more suitable for the "Void Path"!

After Void Dao, Wang Cheng quickly browsed through other secret techniques and inheritances.

Finally, Wang Cheng took a fancy to two more inheritances and one secret method.

"The secret method 'Dream Induction Technique', the inherited 'Witch God Body', the inherited 'Cosmic Messenger'!" Wang Cheng looked at the two inheritances, the introduction of a secret method, and gradually became entangled in his heart.

These two inheritances and a secret method, plus the Void Dao inheritance, are four choices, but he can only choose three, which means that he must give up one of them...

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