Among the three inheritances, it goes without saying that the Void Dao inheritance is the core inheritance. The teacher Wang Cheng just worshiped, "Eastern Divine Jade", should be a powerful person in the direction of the Void Dao.

Therefore, this Void Tao inheritance is a must-choose!

The "Witch Divine Body" inheritance is a way to temper the divine body, or in other words, this is the inheritance of the divine power stream!

According to its introduction, if you start this inheritance, you can break through the limitations of the perfect gene, and if you practice it to perfection, you can have 90,000 times the gene.

In addition, the "Witch Divine Body" has additional effects. Not only will the genetic level of the cultivator's divine body increase, but the divine body will also become harder and harder. The entire divine body at the true god stage, from the inside to the outside, is comparable to the peak treasure!

In the future, as the strength of practitioners continues to improve, this "Witch God Body" will become more and more abnormal. The Void True God will be able to reach the hardness of a true god-level weapon, and the Eternal True God will be a void true god-level weapon...

It can be said that this is a very powerful divine power flow method. The only drawback is that it is quite difficult to learn. According to the introduction at the end of 'Witch Divine Body', although this is a divine power flow inheritance, practicing it to follow the divine power flow is almost as difficult as It is even greater than trying to get around by yourself.

Nothing else, because the "Witch Divine Body" not only transforms the genetic level of the divine body, but also has terrifying additional effects, which instantly makes it more difficult.


In addition, Wang Cheng was also quite envious of the last of the three inheritances, the "Universal Messenger".

This should be another kind of cultivation system. Practitioners gradually become stronger by becoming the "spokesperson" of the universe. However, the power of this system is to use the power of the universe to fight. It has an upper limit, and the upper limit is higher or lower. It depends on the level of the universe.

Like some universes created by great powers, the upper limit of this system is probably the true god level. Even for universes carefully cultivated by great powers, the upper limit can hardly exceed the void true god level.

The reason why Wang Cheng was attracted to this "Cosmic Messenger" system is because it mentioned the primitive universe bred in the universe sea at the end. If this system could be practiced in the primitive universe, the upper limit would be enough to reach the realm of chaos, and there would even be a chance to start from " "Messenger of the Universe" becomes "Master of the Universe".

In other words, you can seize the original universe silently after practicing halfway!

However, the biggest benefit of the "Cosmic Messenger" system is not this. As a minor, it can be of unimaginable help to the law school and the divine power school.

Like the original universe, it contains endless mysteries. If you become the cosmic messenger of the original universe, you can have part of the authority of the original universe and observe the universe from a certain angle, ranging from the operation of the universe to the birth of life...

Like the powerful people in the original universe, if they want to observe the operation of the universe, they have to look at it bit by bit. But as the messenger of the universe, they can observe the whole thing anytime and anywhere.

Even the origin of the universe can be entered and viewed at will.

"Most universes have no will, and the messengers of the universe can practice at will. But for a universe like the original universe that has its own will, you have to be careful when practicing and let it know that you are helpful to it!" Wang Cheng looked at the introduction of the cosmic messenger system and nodded slightly in his heart.

The original will of the universe only has instinct and no wisdom. It should not be difficult to practice this system.

If the original ancestor had been a little gentler, he would not have ended up being suppressed.

"The three Ancestral Gods of the Ancestral God Sect are a bit like cosmic messengers, but their authority is still too small, and they will be abandoned at the end of a reincarnation era, so they can only be regarded as half cosmic messengers..." Wang Chengxin He was thinking about it, he didn't have to practice this cosmic messenger system to a very advanced level, as long as he could get some permissions in the original universe, he would make a lot of money.


Finally, apart from the three inheritances, there is the only secret technique favored by Wang Cheng, which is the "Dream Induction Technique"!

This is a secret technique that can assist in practice. It can draw the consciousness of life into the world of dreams, allowing life to practice at several times the usual efficiency for a considerable period of time.

This secret technique also has quite a shortcoming, that is, once you enter the dream world, it is very difficult to wake up. You must either complete the practice goals set before entering the dream, or the practitioner sets a specific time before entering the dream. , once the time is reached, the practitioner will also wake up on his own.

In addition, when practicing this secret technique, it is best to go to a deserted and remote place. The "consciousness" of the practitioner is in the dream, but the divine body in reality is not completely motionless. Its divine body will occasionally move along with the practice in the dream. Some things are similar to sleepwalking. If one goes wrong, it will cause unknown consequences.

"However, compared to the advantages, the shortcomings of this dream induction technique are really nothing!" Wang Cheng sighed slightly in his heart. Through the introduction of this secret technique, Wang Cheng knew at a glance that this was a god who practiced the law school. Level secret technique.

The law school relies the least on external objects. Once the dream entrainment technique is used, the efficiency of practice can be improved by more than just several times as described on the surface.

The most important thing is that this dream-inducing technique draws consciousness into the dream, and it does not conflict with Wang Cheng's "Tree of Time". When the two are combined, one can imagine the speed of practice!

It was precisely because of this that Wang Cheng didn't care about a bunch of other secret arts, but he took a fancy to the "Dream Entrainment Technique" at a glance. It was even ranked alongside the "Witch God Body" inheritance and the "Universal Messenger" inheritance!

. . .

Three major inheritances, a secret technique, each has its own advantages, but one of them must be given up. After pondering for a long time, Wang Cheng finally made a decision.

"Just give up the 'Witch God Body'!" This thought flashed through Wang Cheng's mind.

Wang Cheng, the "divine power flow", will definitely go for a while. It's hard to say how far he can go, but as long as he can achieve some achievements, Wang Cheng will be stronger after breaking through to the true god.

And since he wants to follow the divine power flow, the "divine power flow" inheritance will naturally be of great use to him, but the usefulness of the divine power flow inheritance is not now.

Having reached this point in his practice, Wang Cheng understands the importance of concentration even more. His main energy now is still in the flow of laws, and the flow of divine power will naturally come later.

If there is a chance to get the divine power inheritance, then it doesn't matter if he gets it first, but if he is entangled, then it is not a bad idea to give up first.

After all, Wang Cheng will have many opportunities to seize in the future, and the chance of obtaining the inheritance of the divine power flow is also great. Moreover, he may be able to obtain a better inheritance than the "Witch Divine Body".

This is not to say that the inheritance of the "Witch Divine Body" is not possible, but Wang Cheng knows that the peak of the divine power flow is not the 90,000 times genetic level of the divine body, but the 100,000 times genetic level.

Although there is only a small 10,000-fold difference between the two, their abilities and potential are vastly different.

The "Witch God Body" has its advantages, but it also has disadvantages. According to its inheritance, it will be no problem to reach 90,000 times, but it will be extremely difficult to break through the 90,000 times limit. It is even more difficult than 90,000 times. It would be countless times more difficult to break through this limit in any inheritance!

It's a very simple truth. A complete inheritance has a fixed route from the beginning. You follow this path from the beginning, but at the end you want to change paths easily. How can there be such a good thing in this world?

"The Witch God Body is not what I urgently need, and it also has flaws. It's better to give up!" Wang Cheng no longer thought about it. He quickly looked up at the rabbit-like "urn god"!

"Senior, I have chosen!"

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