Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 213 Return to the Original Universe

In the original secret realm, in a palace shining with colorful light, Wang Cheng, who had been silent for nearly 50,000 years, suddenly opened his eyes.

"came back!"

Wang Cheng looked around. After the founder of the giant ax returned the Seven Temples of the Most Powerful Treasures that he lent, he announced to the outside world that he was retreating in the Seven Temples. In fact, he went to the "unnamed inheritance place" again.

Nearly fifty thousand years passed before Wang Cheng returned.

However, although it took a long time to go to the permanent secret realm this time, Wang Cheng's gains were also huge, including the Void Dao inheritance, the Universe Messenger inheritance, the secret technique of dream induction, and... the secret pattern flow inheritance. !

That's right, the inheritance Wang Cheng received actually also included the inheritance of the dense pattern flow!

Even because Wang Cheng has personally mastered the secret pattern of the Void True God level, even the original will of the universe cannot block this part of the knowledge.

Of course, although Wang Cheng has mastered it himself, under the will of the original universe, anything beyond the level of a true god cannot be presented in any form, so he can only master it himself!

Just like the "Ninth Level Secret Code", if it were not carried by the Heavenly Soul Crystal, it would not be able to appear inside the original universe!


Wang Cheng thought about it, and at this time, Sikaya, who had been waiting outside, walked in.

"Congratulations, master, for coming out of seclusion!" Sikaya saluted with a happy face.


Wang Cheng nodded slightly, and immediately asked: "What major events have happened in the universe in the past 40,000 years?"

"When it comes to big things, the biggest thing is that the three races of humans, bugs, and monsters attacked the machine race almost at the same time, causing the machine race to lose a large territory..." Sikaya said, and Wang Cheng quickly He waved his hand to stop her. Wang Cheng naturally knew about this, and it was not a big deal to him.

"Other than that, nothing more!" Sikaya shook her head.


Wang Cheng nodded slightly. This is not surprising. Fifty thousand years is quite a long time for him, but it is ordinary for the universe. It is normal for nothing to happen in less than fifty thousand years.

"Is there anyone looking for me?" Wang Cheng asked again.

"The Lord of Chaos City asked Master once in the virtual universe. I have answered on behalf of Master. Master, your junior brother Luo Feng also came to see Master once when he returned to the original secret realm more than 40,000 years ago. However, Master is in retreat, so I will Let him go back..." Sikaya said one after another, and Wang Cheng nodded slightly.

The Lord of Chaos City came to him probably because he saw that he had been in seclusion for too long, so he asked about it. There was nothing noteworthy about this.

Luo Feng appeared in the original secret realm. I don’t know whether he survived the recognition of the master of the Star Tower or whether he was resurrected by the Lord of Chaos City after death... Wang Cheng felt that it was most likely the former. When he saw Luo Feng later, he saw You should be able to confirm it by looking at the level to which his will has been honed!

Sikaya didn't mention anything else about Luo Feng. It should be that he was still stuck by his own original core and failed to break through immortality. Otherwise, Luo Feng would immediately have the strength of the Venerable level after breaking through immortality, which is not a small thing. Got it!

As for the others, they are all trivial matters.


Wang Cheng quickly dismissed Sikaya, and then he logged into the virtual universe and went to Thunder Island to meet the Lord of Chaos City.

The Lord of Chaos City was also a little surprised that Wang Cheng had been in seclusion for nearly 50,000 years. For the Lord of the ordinary universe, 50,000 years was nothing, but Wang Cheng... after all, the total time he had practiced before was It has not been more than ten thousand years, but he has been in seclusion for nearly fifty thousand years, which naturally attracts people's attention.

Of course, the Lord of Chaos City was not overly surprised. The road Wang Cheng was going to take next was countless times more difficult than before. It was normal for him to stay in seclusion for a longer time.

"Are there any gains from this retreat?" The Lord of Chaos City looked at Wang Cheng and asked.

"Great gains!" Wang Cheng nodded slightly, and then said: "But we are still far from breaking through to the strongest!"

"This road is not that easy, it's good to be able to gain something!" The Lord of Chaos City said with a smile, and at the same time he was slightly relieved.

The disciple is so outstanding, but the teacher is also under great pressure sometimes!

"I know!"

Wang Cheng smiled and said nothing.

You know, he has been studying the secret pattern flow for nearly 50,000 years. Although he did not pay much attention to the basics, and the secret techniques he created were all created with reference to his "Clone Technique", at least he He has also created secret techniques at the level of the Void True God. With Wang Cheng's current achievements in the secret pattern flow, it is hard to say that the eighth-level secret technique is difficult to create, but the seventh-level secret technique can be said to be easy.

This is to reach the seventh level without the help of the most powerful treasure. Although Wang Cheng is not a true god now, he is better than a true god, and he has three most powerful treasures with him. Even in the universe sea, ordinary true gods may not be his opponent. !

Of course, Wang Cheng has no plans to talk about this at the moment. In the original universe, the upper limit of attack power is the sixth level peak. He is not planning to go to the cosmic sea in the near future, so the seventh level attack does not make much sense for the time being.


Wang Cheng talked to the Lord of Chaos City for a while, and finally, he talked about the real purpose of his visit.

"Are you leaving the original secret realm?" The Lord of Chaos City glanced at Wang Cheng in surprise, and then asked: "Where do you plan to go?"

"I want to practice a secret technique, which may be dangerous, so I'm going to find a more remote place!" Wang Cheng said.

"Dangerous secret technique?"

The Lord of Chaos City didn't ask any further questions. He quickly nodded. With Wang Cheng's current strength, no one in the original universe could easily hurt him. It would be no problem for him to go anywhere!


. . .

Wang Cheng quickly exited the virtual universe, and then he controlled the "Seven Temples" to sink into the void.

In the blink of an eye, Wang Cheng left the original secret realm.

"It's okay to practice the 'Dream Induction Technique'. The worst thing you can do is do some uncontrollable things, but practice the 'Universal Messenger' system and you have to deal with the will of the original universe. You have to be careful..."

Wang Cheng stood in the Seven Temples with his hands behind his hands. He was thinking in his heart. After a moment, Wang Cheng decided to go to the border of the human race.


The border of the human race was not too far for Wang Cheng, and he did not need to teleport from the Kingdom of God. He just relied on the Seven Temples to travel through the void again and again, and it didn't take long for him to reach his destination.


There was a fluctuation in the void, and the Seven Temples flashing with colorful lights instantly appeared in the void.

"Oh? There is actually a continent here?"

Wang Cheng looked dozens of light-years away. That continent was probably the size of a star system, and its area was almost as large as the headquarters continent of the Virtual Universe Company.

It is not surprising that such a huge continent appears in the secret realm of the universe, but it is almost impossible to appear in the normal starry sky of the universe. Whenever it appears, it is almost all man-made.

"This continent is not recorded in the human race's information, which is a bit strange!" Wang Cheng thought to himself.

Although the borders of the human race are vast and mostly desolate and empty, no one pays attention to this place, but such a continent should not have no records.

"Go and see!"

Wang Cheng drove the Seven Temples and quietly arrived over the continent. At the same time, he directly used a top-level domain treasure to cover the entire continent silently.

At this moment, Wang Cheng learned a lot of information on this continent one by one. Wang Cheng also quickly figured out the situation on this continent...

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