Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 214: Cultivation, Messenger of the Universe

This continent is called the "True Demon Continent". Most of the people living on this continent are human beings. There are many immortal beings among them, and there is also a cosmic lord. However, they are completely isolated from the outside world and have no signs of contact with the outside world.

At the same time, the entire continent is ruled by the "True Demon Palace", which enshrines the statue of the "True Demon" as well as the tests and inheritance left by the True Demon.

"This should be the inheritance left by the master of the alien universe, right? The test design is quite clever, but it is too difficult. It is not something that normal people can pass!" Wang Cheng shook his head slightly.

"This continent is pretty good. Now that I've discovered it, it belongs to me!" Wang Cheng made the decision without hesitation.

Regardless of whether the Lord of the Universe who left this continent is dead or alive, Wang Cheng doesn't care. He doesn't take ordinary Lords of the Universe at all.

Moreover, this is the territory of the human race. Although it is already the border of the territory of the human race, it is still the territory of the human race. As the master of the human race universe, it is very reasonable for Wang Cheng to expropriate it after discovering this place.


Thinking in his heart, even if Wang Chengxuan no longer hides, he directly controls the Seven Temples to appear from the void.


Endless colorful light illuminated the entire continent instantly, and a mighty voice also sounded in the hearts of every life on the True Demon Continent.

"I, the Lord of Wujian, from now on, this continent belongs to me and will be renamed Wujian Continent!"


"Lord of Infernal Affairs? Who is this? You want to change the name of the True Demon Continent?"

"It's too arrogant, the True Demon Palace will not agree to it!"

"Wait to see the reaction of the True Demon Palace!"


One by one, powerful beings were waiting, but unfortunately, there was no response from the True Demon Palace.

At this time, the strongest man in the True Demon Palace, the Universe Venerable, was staying motionless, not daring to move at all.

He felt that there was boundless terrifying power brewing around him. Once he made any change, he would probably be greeted by a thunderous strike.

"Lord of Infernal Affairs? Is he the Lord of the Universe? The True Demon Continent has been hiding in a corner for countless years, and it was finally discovered!" The Lord of the Universe sighed secretly in his heart.

After all, he is the Lord of the Universe, and his knowledge is not comparable to that of some natives born and raised on this continent.

Claiming to be the Lord of Infinity, his divine power spread to the entire continent in an instant. Only the Lord of the Universe has such power!


The Lord of the Universe waited quietly, but time passed little by little, but nothing happened again, and even the terrifying power that had been lingering around him dissipated.

"It seems that the Lord of Infinity didn't pay attention to my intention. I wonder if the other party noticed when the 'Lord of the True Demon' stayed to pass on?" The Lord of the Universe fell into deep thought.

. . .

the other side--

Wang Cheng controlled the Seven Gods to land in a mountain on the mainland, and he officially settled here.

As for the True Demon Palace and the inheritance of the unknown Lord of the Universe, Wang Cheng didn't care. As long as he didn't provoke him, he could do whatever he wanted. What he did just now was just to establish his authority. After all, he wanted to make people Don't dare to provoke him, you must first let people know how terrifying he is!

"This will be my place of retreat for a long time from now on!" This thought flashed through Wang Cheng's mind, but he didn't think too much about it, and then he thought about his next practice.

Using the secret method of creating the secret pattern flow, understanding the ways of the eight beast gods, the inheritance of the cosmic messenger, and the secret technique of dream induction... these are what Wang Cheng needs to do right now.

If it were anyone else, he would probably have to make a choice between so many things, but Wang Cheng was different. After all, he had the ability to clone himself, so many things could be done at the same time.

Thinking about this, Wang Cheng directly separated eight avatars at the level of ordinary universe lords. Wang Cheng handed them the eight Beast God Tokens and then asked them to leave this continent and go to the Mysterious Ancestral Realm.

Then, Wang Cheng took out the Tree of Time and created many clones at the same time.


Wisps of light fell, and Wang Cheng quickly began to comprehend under the Tree of Time.

Not to mention the secret method of creation, with Wang Cheng's attainments in the secret pattern flow, this is not difficult!

In addition, it is not difficult to understand the cosmic messenger inheritance. What is difficult is when you actually start practicing.

Only the "Dream Induction Technique" is somewhat difficult to comprehend.

This is a very wonderful secret technique. As long as you understand it thoroughly, you can use it even at the planet level. But the difficulty is that it is extremely difficult to understand it thoroughly. This secret technique does not involve any laws. It is purely a kind of secret technique. Application to the soul.

According to the description of "Dream Induction Technique", the stronger the person, the more control he has over his own soul, and the easier it is to practice this secret technique.

A normal master of the universe, unless his soul talent is extremely strong, would take hundreds of millions of years to master this secret technique.

"Try it first and then talk about it! I have practiced for ten thousand years with the help of the Tree of Time. If it doesn't work, wait until I break through to the true god before practicing this secret technique!" Wang Cheng didn't think much, and soon he began to practice seriously.


Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, a hundred years passed.

A hundred years under the acceleration of time one hundred thousand times, that is tens of millions of years.

During this period of time, Wang Cheng's creation of the secret method went quite smoothly, and his understanding of the inheritance of the "Cosmic Messenger" has been basically completed.

Without any further hesitation, Wang Cheng left the Seven Temples directly and came to the void outside Wujian Continent.

Wang Cheng is ready to officially start his training as a cosmic messenger!


"Try it first!"

This thought flashed through Wang Cheng's mind, and then he sat down cross-legged in the void.

call! call! call!

Under the influence of Wang Cheng's thoughts, a large amount of energy surged out of the void and circulated rapidly under him. Soon, a mysterious rune appeared under Wang Cheng.

This first rune was just the beginning, and then, at the same position, the second rune quickly began to condense.

After that, the third, fourth, fifth... until the 108th rune was condensed, the excess energy around it finally dissipated.

One hundred and eight runes were superimposed, and a mysterious wave emanated from Wang Cheng. At this time, Wang Cheng felt that his consciousness left his divine body, and in an instant it spread throughout the entire Wujian Continent below, and it was still continuing. of expansion.

During this expansion, Wang Cheng felt that everything around him was under his control. His consciousness seemed to have an invisible connection with the universe, and the relationship between the two became closer.

Wang Cheng knew that for the ordinary universe, if he could achieve this step, he would have initially completed the system, but in the original universe, there was still a second step that needed to be done!

Wang Cheng didn't try to continue to expand. I don't know how long it took before a vast and boundless consciousness suddenly came.

This piece of consciousness is chaotic and ignorant. Only instinct exists, but it also has unlimited power!

Wang Cheng had been exposed to it once when the gene was perfect, so he knew very well that this was the original will of the universe!

If you want to become a cosmic messenger in the original universe, you must pass the will of the original universe!

PS: Two updates first, there will be more tonight!

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