Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 315 The cosmic messenger with great advantages

The cosmic messenger is similar to the three great ancestral gods of the Ancestral God Sect. The existence of the cosmic messenger is harmless to the original universe, at least in the early stages of practice.

The original will of the universe did not come because he felt threatened by Wang Cheng. He just felt that Wang Cheng was doing something related to it, so it came.

Wang Cheng had already expected this. As long as he mastered the will of the original universe now, there would be no obstacles for him to practice the "Cosmic Messenger" system in the future.

As for how to get rid of the will of the original universe, Wang Cheng already has a way.

It might be more troublesome to switch to other primitive universes, but the primitive universe where Wang Cheng is located is very easy, because it really needs help right now.


Wang Cheng used the secret technique in the inheritance of the "Universal Messenger" to communicate with the original will of the universe. After a long time, the will of the original universe receded, and Wang Cheng also felt that an invisible bondage on his body was completely released.

"From now on, there will be no obstacles for me to practice the cosmic messenger system!" Wang Cheng nodded slightly in his heart.

As for the reason why he can convince the will of the original universe so is naturally because of the existence of the world beast!

World beasts have long been born in the dark land of Qingfeng Realm, but right now, the world beasts are still fighting each other. No world beast is willing to leave the dark land, so it is not known to many powerful people in the universe sea.

But the will of the original universe is different. As the natural enemies of the original universe, the world beasts are already aware of the will of the original universe at the moment of their birth. However, it has no wisdom, only instinct. Coupled with the restrictions of the supreme rules, it has no influence on the world beasts at all. Nothing can be done.

At this moment, Wang Cheng used this as a reason to persuade the will of the original universe, and the effect was naturally outstanding.

"However, it still feels too easy. The will of the original universe retreated so easily. Maybe there is a reason I don't know!" Wang Cheng thought for a moment in his heart, but he had no clue and could only give up temporarily.


Without hesitation, Wang Cheng continued to sit cross-legged in the void and started practicing quickly.

Wang Cheng's practice of the "Cosmic Messenger" system is only a minor, so his practice speed is astonishingly fast. If an ordinary person practices this system, the space in the universe he can control at first should be very small, maybe even a living planet The range is not within reach.

And if he wants to continue practicing, the practitioner must rely on the energy of a small part of the space he controls to improve his life gene level.

As the level of life genes continues to improve, and the soul becomes stronger and stronger, the range of space it can control will naturally become larger and larger.

Entering a virtuous circle in this way is a complete cosmic messenger system.

But Wang Cheng is different. He is already the Lord of the Universe, his soul is already extremely powerful, and his will has reached the level of a true god, so he does not need to upgrade his soul, he only needs to rapidly expand the scope of his control.

This kind of practice involves the real cosmic space, and the consciousness acceleration of the Tree of Time is of little use, so Wang Cheng just sat cross-legged in the void of the universe and began to practice.

Time passed by little by little, and in the blink of an eye, more than three thousand years passed.

"We've almost reached our limit!" Wang Cheng finally opened his eyes.

Three thousand years of continuous expansion, with Wang Cheng as the center, and the surrounding tens of billions of light-years of space are already under his control. In this cosmic space, Wang Cheng can do many things.

"I can see many secret places at a glance... Well, it's not completely clear. There are still some obstacles in some core places of the human race!" Wang Cheng quietly realized.

At this time, the space controlled by Wang Cheng covers almost half of the human race. He can clearly see everything in this cosmic space. Even some core places of the human race can be forcibly explored if he is willing, but he will be Discover.

Such a higher perspective, observing the universe from this perspective, can see many things that ordinary life cannot see. This perspective is the best aid for the practice of Law Flow.


“And within the space I control, I can descend into the incarnation of consciousness anytime, anywhere, and the energy of incarnation is provided by the original universe.

In addition, I can clearly sense the origin of the original universe. I am afraid that I will not need to worry about divine power in the future. The consumed divine power can be replenished in an instant through the origin of the original universe!

Also, if I take action in the original universe now, I should be able to get the blessing of the original universe. Like the three ancestor gods of the Ancestral God Sect, even if I only use the fifth-level secret method, I can still exert the sixth-level power without the help of the most powerful treasure. ..."

Wang Cheng not only sensed his own abilities, but he also sighed in his heart that this cosmic messenger system was too omnipotent inside the universe, not to mention outside the universe.

It can assist in practice, has special means, has no shortage of energy, and has strong combat power... Not only does it have various advantages, but it is also much less difficult to practice than the law stream.

Needless to say, in the later stage of practice, the future of the universe messenger is limited, but in the early stage of practice, this system is indeed powerful!

"If this system spreads, I'm afraid everyone will want to be a cosmic messenger!" Wang Cheng shook his head slightly in his heart.

It is impossible for him to spread this system to outsiders. After all, cosmic messengers are nothing in some ordinary universes, but the ultimate goal of practicing in the original universe is to seize the original universe. Although Wang Cheng himself has not thought about whether to seize the original universe, he But he will not find competitors for himself for no reason.


"However, now, my soul carrying capacity has almost reached its limit. This cosmic messenger system will end here first!" Wang Cheng made a decision in his heart.

If Wang Cheng continues to practice, he can naturally use the "Cosmic Messenger" system to strengthen his soul and divine body, so as to continue to increase the scope of the universe he controls.

But this is totally unnecessary!

Wang Cheng is only a minor in the Cosmic Envoy system. The real path he wants to take is the "Time Path" and the "Void Way" or one of the two paths of law flow. Even the divine power flow is more important than the Cosmic Envoy system. Countless times!

I have practiced for three thousand years, which is enough. There is no need to waste any more time. When he breaks through and becomes a true god in the future, his soul and divine body will naturally become more powerful. It will not be too late for him to continue to practice this system.


Wang Cheng quickly returned to the Seven Temples on the Wujian Continent. At this time, many of his clones were still practicing under the Tree of Time.

Wang Cheng didn't hesitate and walked over.

Time flies, and nearly five hundred years have passed.

At this time, the Lord of Chaos City suddenly sent a message to Wang Cheng, saying that the highest meeting of the human race was to be held.

"Supreme Meeting?" Wang Cheng was a little surprised. After he became the Lord of the Universe, he had participated in the Giant Ax Meeting twice. This was really the first time for the Supreme Meeting!

Wang Cheng didn't think much, he directly logged into the virtual universe and headed directly to the plane where the Supreme Meeting was held.

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