Unlike the Giant Ax Conference, in addition to the strongest people in the universe and all the masters of the universe, the highest meeting of the human race will also participate in all the cosmic lords of the human race.

There are more than 6,000 Human Race Universe Venerables, so the place where the Human Race’s Supreme Conference is held is much larger than the Giant Ax Conference in terms of venue alone.


Virtual universe, mountains of gods, temples of gods.

As thousands of golden lights flashed, the figures of all the universe lords and universe sages of the human race all appeared around a huge round table.

The seats on this round table are divided into five levels. The stronger the strength, the higher you go up, and the wider it becomes.


At this time, Wang Cheng's figure solidified on a golden throne. On his right were the other Lords of the Universe, on the left were two empty black thrones, and on the opposite side was the Lord of Chaos City.

"Teacher, what is the reason for convening the Supreme Meeting this time?" Wang Cheng looked at the Lord of Chaos City and asked at the same time.

Although the meeting has not yet begun, as Wang Cheng is, the Lord of Chaos City will naturally not hide it from him. He directly said: "Do you know about the Primordial Star? According to the intelligence, the Primordial Star is likely to be opened soon!"

"Primordial Star?"

Wang Cheng was slightly startled, calculating the time, it seemed to be about the same.

"The Primordial Star is the core of the primitive universe, and it is also a place fought for by hundreds of millions of people. The Primordial Star contains a huge amount of treasures..." The Lord of Chaos City thought that Wang Cheng didn't know, so he introduced Wang Cheng one time.

Hearing the introduction from the Lord of Chaos City, Wang Cheng nodded slightly. In fact, he knew the primitive stars very well. Wang Cheng even thought a long time ago that when the primitive stars were opened, he would definitely send clones to capture them in the 10081 primitive stars. Take a chance.

But now, with the passage of time, Wang Cheng no longer has that idea.

There is indeed a huge amount of treasures in the primitive star, but the quality is only average. I have never heard of the existence of the most powerful treasure in the primitive star. If you want to get the ultimate treasure from it, you have to rely on luck.

And with Wang Cheng's current net worth, he no longer pays attention to ordinary treasures, which means that the most powerful treasures are still worthy of his attention.

Although the original star may not have the most powerful treasure, the chance of him catching it is low, so why waste the chance points?

If you have that opportunity, you might as well save it and wait to grab the truly precious treasure later.

All in all, Wang Cheng is a little interested in the current primitive star. He doesn't mind taking a clone to see it, but he has no idea of ​​​​consuming chance points in it.


While Wang Cheng was talking to the Lord of Chaos City, many Universe Lords below also noticed the situation above.

Many of the Universe Venerables are quite ancient beings, and they basically know the position of the Supreme Council clearly. The higher up, the higher the status.

The one with the highest status is undoubtedly the founder of the giant axe, who is the most powerful person in the universe.

After that, there are the most powerful lords of the universe such as the Lord of Chaos City and the Lord of Peng Gong.

But at this moment, the position of the Lord of Chaos City has not changed, and the position of Lord Peng Gong has actually moved down one place, replaced by a relatively unfamiliar face.

"The Lord of Infinity is sitting in position three, am I right?" Many of the Universe Venerables who noticed this were a little confused.

"This is the highest meeting of the human race. There can be no mistakes in the arrangement. The other masters of the universe have no objections. This shows that this arrangement is reasonable!" Someone analyzed:

"After all, the Lord of Infernal Affairs is young. If his status is only about the same as that of Lord Peng Gong, he will definitely not be able to sit in front of Lord Peng Gong. This situation will only show that the status of Lord of Infernal Affairs is even higher."

"The Lord of Chaos City is the teacher of the Lord of Infernal Affairs. Otherwise, the Lord of Infernal Affairs might have to sit in the second position, right?"


There is no stupid person among the Universe Lords present. Although it is a simple change of seats, they have also come to this conclusion that may sound unbelievable at first, but is actually very likely to be true - the strength of the Lord of Infinity. I'm afraid it's far beyond their previous knowledge!


"Gan Wu, I heard that the Lord of Wu Jian paid off your debt?" Suddenly, another king of the universe looked at the king of Gan Wu.

The great turnaround of Lord Ganwu is not a secret among these venerables. Many people also know that Lord Wujian helped Lord Ganwu. Therefore, after they discovered something unusual, they immediately came to talk to Lord Ganwu. The conversation started.

Faced with many inquiries, the leader of Ganwu Kingdom was a little confused at first, but soon he also discovered that something was unusual.

"My backer is so unbelievably strong!" The leader of Ganwu Kingdom was also shocked. The Lord of Infernal Affairs, who had only broken through less than 50,000 years ago, actually reached the top three positions in the human race?

What is this concept?

. . .

After chatting with the Lord of Chaos City for a while, Wang Cheng seemed to have thought of something and glanced at the many cosmic lords below.

"Teacher, how is Junior Brother Luo Feng?" Wang Cheng suddenly asked.

"Luo Feng?"

Mentioning Luo Feng, the Lord of Chaos City frowned slightly, and he chose to say: "It stands to reason that he should have broken through to immortality tens of thousands of years ago, but he has been delaying it and is still wandering outside!"

"Have you not made a breakthrough yet?" Wang Cheng nodded slightly.

I don't know whether the original star opened a little earlier or Luo Feng's breakthrough was a little late. Logically speaking, Luo Feng should have joined the meeting as a half-venerable at this time. As a result, Wang Cheng just scanned the circle below. , but still didn’t see half of his shadow.

"However, the activation time of the primitive star will last for ten million years, so the problem is not big!" Wang Cheng thought in his heart. At this time, the Lord of Chaos City sighed:

"However, when it comes to your vision, you are more vicious. Although Luo Feng has not yet achieved immortality, his potential already has a feeling that I cannot see through. Perhaps it is as you said, within a thousand epochs, he will You can grow to the point where we and others take it seriously!"

"hope so......."

Wang Cheng smiled, but he didn't say much. If everything goes well, it won't take a thousand years, but another hundred thousand years, Luo Feng will probably take off.


After a while, a black throne on Wang Cheng's left suddenly lit up, and then the founder of the giant axe, who looked like a savage, appeared here.

"Because of some things, it was delayed for a while!" The founder of Giant Ax explained to many masters of the universe.

"Giant Axe, are you still in Liuzhong Mountain?" the Chaos City Lord asked.

"Well, we just went deep into Liuzhong Mountain, and it's hard to come out now!" The founder of Giant Ax nodded, and he continued: "But I will incarnate in the original universe and show up in the virtual universe to calm people's hearts! This time the original star is opened , although I am not here, Wu Jian is enough to take my place!"

The founder of the giant ax said and turned to look at Wang Cheng.

Wang Cheng has sixth-level strength, which is already the ceiling in the original universe, and the founder of the giant ax also knows that in addition to the soul offensive supreme treasure, Wang Cheng also has an even more powerful palace-type supreme treasure. The human race has Wang Cheng Sitting in charge, the founder of Giant Ax is quite relieved.

"It's okay to leave the affairs of the Primordial Star to me!" Wang Cheng nodded slightly. His strength is now different from what it used to be. His strength is completely comparable to that of a true god. It is also simple to guard the opening of the Primordial Star for the human race.


"Have you not already obtained the most powerful treasure, founder of the giant axe, why did you go to Liuzhong Mountain again?" Wang Cheng looked at the founder of the giant ax and asked with some confusion.

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