Nearly a month passed in a blink of an eye. Wang Cheng was studying the way of the Beast God step by step in the Ancestral God Sect.

Although his eight clones in the Ancestral God Religion are not under the Tree of Time, they can also enjoy the time-accelerating effect of the Tree of Time as long as they keep their consciousness synchronized with the original one.

Under the acceleration of one hundred thousand times, just one month is nearly ten thousand years, which is not a small amount of time for Wang Cheng.

"The way of the eight beast gods is almost complete!"

Wang Cheng nodded slightly in his heart. Although he only separated eight ordinary clones to understand the ways of the eight beast gods, Wang Cheng had previously studied the secret pattern flow, and the basic 64 secret patterns were originally from the eight beast gods. It is related to the Tao, coupled with the favorable environment of the Ancestral God Sect, three thousand five hundred years, which is a full three hundred and fifty million years under the tree of time, and the long period of enlightenment also made Wang Cheng almost understand this. Master the ways of the eight beast gods.

Of course, it is not enough to just initially master the ways of the eight beast gods. Wang Cheng has to practice them to the limit of the Lord of the Universe, that is, each of the ways of the beast gods can independently create the most powerful secret method of the Lord of the Universe.

"Huh? A fight started?"

Suddenly, Wang Cheng noticed the situation in a fragmented space in the Ancestral Mystic Realm.

Wang Cheng became the messenger of the universe. Although his clone cannot control the tens of billions of light-years of space around him like his original self, it is still no problem to control a small part.

Although this is the headquarters of the Ancestral God Sect, Wang Cheng doesn't explore the places where secrets are hidden. He can basically detect what happens in other dimensions.

For example, now, he sensed that the battle between Luo Feng and the Barking Mirror King had begun, and the battle started quickly and ended very quickly.

Luo Feng's burst of strength was completely unmatched by King Barking Mirror.

Luo Feng's one move could kill almost one-tenth of King Barking Mirror's life. Under Luo Feng's continuous attacks, King Barking Mirror King, a special life who was so arrogant before taking action, fell directly.

Luo Feng proved with practical actions that special beings are not invincible.

Of course, Luo Feng's situation is much more abnormal than that of special beings. Ordinary races of the same level cannot defeat special beings...



Suddenly, Wang Cheng frowned, and the next moment, he stood up and disappeared from the place with a whoosh.

Wang Cheng was extremely fast. He set off from Bauhinia Island and arrived in the broken space in just a moment.

call! call!

At this time, Luo Feng was running frantically for his life, and two black whirlwinds were surrounding him. Apparently, after Luo Feng killed the King of Barking Mirrors, the Lord of the Universe behind the King of Barking Mirrors took action.

Wang Cheng stretched out his hand without hesitation, and in an instant, a vast golden light burst out from his body.

boom! boom! boom!

The endless golden light instantly wiped out the two black mysterious winds.


Luo Feng was overjoyed when he saw Wang Cheng.


Wang Cheng nodded slightly, and the next moment, he looked into the distance.

"Are all the nobles of the Northern Xinjiang Alliance so courageous?" Wang Cheng looked at the figure in the distance calmly.

"Who are you?"

Venerable Peifeng was a little confused, Daohe King's senior brother? Isn't that the disciple of the human race's Chaos City Lord? Judging from the opponent's recent move, he should also be a cosmic overlord. Why hasn't he heard of it?

"Take one of my moves. If you can't catch it, just die!" Wang Cheng said, which made Venerable Peifeng frown. Kill him with one move? Is this person stupid?

However, just when this idea arose in Venerable Peifeng's mind, the next moment, he was confused.


Endless colorful light rises, thousands of times more dazzling than a star that suddenly explodes.

laugh! laugh! laugh!

Rays of light carrying terrifying and destructive power passed through Venerable Peifeng's divine body. He couldn't even dodge, and could only feel his divine body being wiped away bit by bit.

In the blink of an eye, Venerable Peifeng was dead.


The light dissipated, and Wang Cheng, whose aura was mostly weakened, waved to the distance. In an instant, all the treasures were collected by him.

"Senior brother, are you okay?" Luo Feng flew over instantly, mainly because Wang Cheng's aura was too weak.

"It's okay, it's a bit expensive, I'll just make up for it later!" Wang Cheng shook his head calmly.

The clone he separated contains very little divine power, and is only equivalent to twice the genetic level of the Universe Lord. To be honest, even the weakest Universe Lord's divine body should have ten times the genes, so from the perspective of the divine body , Wang Cheng’s divine body is not as good as ordinary venerables.

With this kind of divine body, it is naturally impossible to kill a universe overlord instantly.

Wang Cheng directly used the most powerful secret technique of the Lord of the Universe... Only then did Venerable Peifeng be instantly annihilated.

Of course, if it is the most powerful secret method of the ordinary Lord of the Universe, all the divine power of Wang Cheng's avatar is not enough to consume it. Let alone the strongest secret method of the Lord of the Universe, even if it is the ultimate secret method of the Lord of the Universe, this clone will not be able to consume it. All are somewhat difficult.

Without him, the divine power is too weak and too little!

Fortunately, Wang Cheng's realm is high enough. He has created many of the most powerful secrets of the Lord of the Universe, including secrets that consume very little, so Wang Cheng can use this clone.

"Senior brother, your clone seems a little... strange!" Luo Feng was a little confused. He also had a clone, but the appearance of the clone was different from his original body.

The Golden Horned Behemoth and the Demon Killer Clan clones were fine, but the last Jiuyou clone was simply a sea.

Unlike Wang Cheng, the clone is actually the same as the original one. Moreover, Wang Cheng's original version is the Lord of the Universe. Logically speaking, the clone should also be the Lord of the Universe. But how can the Lord of the Universe kill a Universe Lord with great expenditure?

"It's quite peculiar!"

Wang Cheng nodded in agreement. After all, his clone technique was a secret technique at the eternal true god level, and it was not comparable to the "clone" secret technique given by the original universe.

Luo Feng: "..."


At this time, there was another wave of fluctuations in the void, and a human venerable suddenly appeared.

"Huh? Is it over?" The human race venerable was slightly stunned.

"Venerable Jiufeng, it was my senior brother who came to help!" Luo Feng explained. At this time, Venerable Jiufeng also noticed Wang Cheng, and his expression changed instantly.

"I have seen the Lord of Infinite Life!"

Lord Jiufeng hurriedly saluted. You must know that at the Human Race's Supreme Meeting not long ago, this person was sitting in the third position of the Human Race. What's even more frightening is that this Lord of Infinity is still terrifyingly young.

Seriously speaking, Lord of Infernal Affairs and Daohe King Luo Feng are of the same generation.

The current Luo Feng is already so talented that it is scary. There are few geniuses in the past who can compare with Luo Feng, and this Lord of Infernal Affairs...

"No need to be polite!" Wang Cheng nodded, and he immediately said to Luo Feng: "Luo Feng, my clone will stay in the Ancestral God Cult for a while. If you have any trouble, just come to me!"

"Yeah!" Luo Feng nodded.


When Lord Jiufeng saw this scene, he was secretly surprised.

This Daohe King is really lucky. Not only does he have the help of his teacher, the Lord of Chaos City, but also his senior brother, the Lord of Infernal Affairs, takes care of him like this.

The Lord of Infernal Affairs can say that you can go to him at any time, which shows the relationship between the two.

PS: Three updates.

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