Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 319 The original star opens

Northern Xinjiang Alliance, inside a tall temple.

A creature with white fur and four hooves walked out of the void and entered the hall.

"Qilan, what's the matter?" A huge figure on the throne in the main hall said slowly.

"Leader, my disciple Peifeng is dead, please help me resurrect him!" said the Lord of Qilan.

"Pei Feng? I remember him, he was a nice little guy!" The leader of the Northern Xinjiang Alliance said slowly: "However, your disciple is the overlord of the universe. If you want to resurrect me, I have to pay a huge price, and the treasures must be indispensable!"

"Of course everything is ready!" Lord Qilan nodded.

"That's no problem!" The leader of the Northern Xinjiang Alliance nodded, but as if he thought of something, he suddenly asked: "Who killed your disciple?"

"It's the Lord of Wujian!" Lord Qilan said: "Alliance Leader, the cosmic overlord of our Northern Xinjiang Alliance was killed at will. This matter cannot be left alone!"

"Lord of Infernal Affairs?" The leader of the Northern Xinjiang Alliance was slightly startled, and then asked: "The one from the human race?"

"Yes!" The Lord of Qi Lan nodded.

"Qilan, I understand your mood, but this matter needs long-term consideration!" The huge figure rejected the proposal of the Lord of Qilan without hesitation.

The Infernal Lord of the human race?

According to the intelligence from the Monster Tribe, Zerg Tribe, and Mechanical Tribe, this person has a high probability of possessing the most powerful treasure, and he also has sixth-level strength in the original universe!

What’s even more terrifying is that he has only been practicing for tens of thousands of years!

The Zerg, Monster, and Mechanical Tribes have always wanted to target the Lord of Infinity, but the result is not disgrace? The Northern Xinjiang Alliance can compete with one of the three tribes, but if the three tribes unite, their power far exceeds that of the Northern Xinjiang Alliance. Even the three tribes cannot deal with people. How can the Northern Xinjiang Alliance deal with them?

In addition, the giant ax of the human race is now so powerful that if the strongest person in the universe encounters him in the cosmic sea, he will be in danger of falling. Even if he can escape, he will be in absolute embarrassment.

It can be said that the leader of the Northern Xinjiang Alliance least wants to provoke the human race right now! After all, he is not the Ancestral God of the Ancestral God Sect. He will have to go to the Universe Sea in the future!



The Lord of Qilan didn't say much, he nodded directly.

The Lord of Qi Lan actually said this casually, because he also knew that his alliance leader could not agree to this matter. The position of this alliance leader was originally dispensable to the other party, not to mention that it was extremely difficult to deal with. The Lord of Infernal Affairs, even any human lord of the universe would not be able to agree.

If this alliance leader were a little tougher, with the number of strong men in the Northern Xinjiang Alliance, their current status in the universe would not be the same!

Although the Northern Xinjiang Alliance is also one of the most powerful forces in the original universe, its presence is not very high! Many small things are just fine. When it comes to big things, the Northern Xinjiang Alliance cannot stand up at all.

"The human race has too many geniuses!" Lord Qi Lan sighed in his heart.

From the original ancestor to the giant axe, to the Lord of Infinity, who is not a talented person?

There is also the newly appeared Luo Feng... After all, the Barking Mirror King is a special life with a life gene level of two thousand times, but he was forced to self-destruct by a few moves from Luo Feng, who was in the same realm.

Once Luo Feng grows up, he will probably be a troublesome person again.

"This race is so terrifying!" Lord Qilan shook his head slightly. Although Venerable Peifeng was his disciple, to be honest, he was not willing to provoke the human race that was now at its peak.

Although the original ancestor has been suppressed, there is still a giant axe, a Lord of Infinity, who is really not easy to mess with!

. . .

And when the Lord of Qilan went to see the leader of the Northern Xinjiang Alliance, on the other side was within the Ancestral God Sect.

A being with two faces and six arms walked out of Wang Cheng's residence. After turning his head and taking a look, he disappeared in an instant.

Wang Cheng watched the other party disappear, shaking his head in his heart.

He came to the Ancestral God Cult quietly, but he had directly killed a universe overlord before, so he must not have been able to hide it.

In addition, the Venerable Peifeng whom he killed was one of the seventy-two generals of the Ancestral God Sect, so of course the Ancestral God of the Ancestral God Sect would notice him.

What comes now is the two-faced Ancestral God, one of the three Ancestral Gods of the Ancestral God Sect.

Of course, he did not come to settle accounts with Wang Cheng. Although Venerable Peifeng was a divine general of the Ancestral God Sect, it was impossible for the Ancestral God Sect to fight Wang Cheng because of him. Venerable Peifeng did not have that qualification.

The two-faced ancestor god came to see Wang Cheng, first of all to find out Wang Cheng's purpose. Now Wang Cheng's strength has been spread to a small extent in the original universe. Almost all the top beings know that Wang Cheng has sixth level strength.

Therefore, Wang Cheng's appearance in the Ancestral God Sect is not a trivial matter. The Ancestral God of the Ancestral God Sect naturally wants to find out his purpose.

After knowing that Wang Cheng came here to learn the ways of the Beast God, the Double-faced Ancestral God breathed a sigh of relief and also tried to win over Wang Cheng. But unfortunately, the current Wang Cheng was no longer something that the Ancestral God Sect could win over. It's moving.

For example, Luo Feng is still weak, and the Ancestral God Sect can win over him by paying an ordinary treasure. But if he wants to win over Wang Cheng, if the Ancestral God Sect is willing to hand over their most powerful treasure to Wang Cheng, Wang Cheng will consider it.

But unfortunately, this is obviously impossible.

Therefore, the Two-faced Ancestor God quickly gave up this plan and then said goodbye and left.

However, although he failed to win over Wang Cheng, he finally figured out Wang Cheng's purpose. The two-faced ancestor was quite satisfied with the meeting, so he naturally left without hesitation.


"I promised the will of the original universe to help deal with the world beasts. I will definitely have to deal with the Ancestral God Sect in the future!" Looking at the two-faced Ancestral God leaving, this thought flashed through Wang Cheng's mind.

But he soon stopped thinking about it.

In fact, even if he does not agree to the will of the original universe, Wang Cheng cannot leave the world beasts alone, so dealing with the world beasts is nothing. As for dealing with the Ancestral God Sect, that will have to be discussed later. It is useless to think about it now.

"Continue to practice!"

Wang Cheng thought, he turned around and went back to study the rules.

. . .

Time passed slowly, and ten years passed in the blink of an eye.

Finally, the original star opens.

As soon as the news of the official opening of the Primordial Star spread, the strong men in the universe who had been waiting for it for a long time no longer hesitated and set off one after another, heading straight for the Primordial Star.

Those who are strong enough and confident in themselves can enter alone.

If you are weaker, you will find some complementary people to form a team and enter it to have a try... Of course, if you dare to enter the primitive star, no matter how weak you are, you will be at the high-level Venerable level. Those below the high-level Venerable will enter the primitive star. , basically looking for death.

After Wang Cheng learned the news, he also sent a clone there.

Originally, Wang Cheng was not very interested in the primitive star, but since he replaced the giant ax to help the human race suppress the situation, he naturally had to be more active.

And precisely because he was going to "control the place", the clone Wang Cheng sent out carried half of his strength. Even the most powerful treasure "The Sky's Hundred-Split Armor" Wang Cheng let the clone take it with him.

In fact, with Wang Cheng's current strength, in the original universe, the Heavenly Vault Hundred Split Armor helped Wang Cheng far more than the Jiuli Sword. After all, the original universe had an upper limit on attack power. Now Wang Cheng only relies on himself. This upper limit can be reached, and the Jiuli Sword, which is the most powerful soul offensive treasure, naturally loses its due role.

As the most powerful defensive treasure, the Heaven's Hundred-Split Armor can be very effective at this time.

The true god-level supreme treasure armor is immune to sixth-level attacks. Wearing this armor in the original universe is just like a turtle shell. Of course, its effect is greater!

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