Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 320 The Lord of Dragon Walk asks for help

In a starry sky that is far away from the territory of the human race.


There was a fluctuation in the void, and Wang Cheng's figure walked out.

"The Primeval Star is here!" Wang Cheng looked ahead. It was a void of space with a large amount of particle flow floating in it. This place was a forbidden area for ordinary life, and only those who were strong enough could enter it.


Wang Cheng took a step and disappeared instantly.

After a moment, Wang Cheng flew out of a huge vortex channel suspended in mid-air, with a vast land in front of him.

"Primordial Star No. 1!" Wang Cheng looked ahead, and at the same time he was also feeling the difference between this place and the outside world.

"It is indeed the core place of the original universe!"

Wang Cheng sighed in his heart, the gravity here is extremely astonishing, more terrifying than some black holes. If the ordinary venerable is not strong enough, he will struggle here!

In addition, the space here is suppressed, and there is no space fluctuation at all, so it is impossible to teleport here, cannot be teleported from the Kingdom of God, and it even takes a while to accelerate to the speed of light.

The most important thing is that Wang Cheng feels that his ability as a cosmic messenger has been greatly suppressed.

In the outside world, the space he can control is measured in billions of light years, even if he creates a clone. But here, the space he can control has shrunk significantly, down to millions of kilometers. Outrageous!

"But it's not surprising. This is the core of the original universe after all. If I could control all the space here, then the entire original universe would have been mine long ago!" Wang Cheng shook his head slightly. He didn't think much and stepped forward. Go.

After walking for a while, Wang Cheng had a thought in his mind and spent two opportunity points to seize an opportunity.

The original star is not small, countless times larger than a star, but the original star is not too big, with a diameter of 100 billion kilometers, almost one hundredth of a light-year. Therefore, two points of chance are enough to cover an entire area. The whole original star.

After the two opportunity points were consumed, Wang Cheng also obtained a top-notch treasure.

In the past, if Wang Cheng could get a top-level treasure with two chance points, he would be happy for a while, but now, he has no fluctuations.

The reason why Wang Cheng spent the opportunity points to draw is because he just wanted to give it a try. Come on, if you don't draw, it's nothing!

Of course, there are a total of 10,081 primitive stars. Wang Cheng cannot spend too many chance points on each planet. He only needs to visit each planet once. If he is lucky, he will get a good treasure. If he is not lucky, he will be unlucky. .

Anyway, Wang Cheng couldn't waste too many opportunities here.

. . .

After Wang Cheng came to the primitive star, he wandered aimlessly from primitive star to primitive star. He grabbed an opportunity at each primitive star. In addition, he was lucky enough to encounter some. treasure.

Of course, considering Wang Cheng's wealth, he doesn't like these treasures very much, so they can only be left in a corner to gather dust.

And while Wang Cheng was searching like this, more than a hundred years passed in the blink of an eye.

At this time, Wang Cheng had basically visited all the 10,081 primitive stars. He was already thinking about whether to leave primitiveness temporarily and find a place nearby to retreat.

The Primordial Star has been open for a full thousand epochs. Wang Cheng can't always wander around in the Primordial Line. This clone carries nearly half of his strength and soul. Wouldn't it be nice for him to practice?

"It doesn't have to be in the original star to be in charge of the original star. I am in retreat nearby. If anything happens, I will rush over in time!" Wang Cheng made a decision in his heart. He was not interested in the original star at all. It is really a waste to wander around here. time.

However, just as Wang Cheng was preparing to leave temporarily through the whirlpool passages, suddenly, the Lord of Dragon Walk came from the virtual universe asking for help.


"It's the Father God of the Machine Tribe who is chasing me. I'm on the original star numbered 0563!" The Lord of Dragon Walk came to see Wang Cheng with a glimmer of consciousness in the virtual universe.

"I'll be there right away!" Wang Cheng said immediately.

"Wujian, the Father God of the Mechanical Clan is not afraid of soul attacks. I'm afraid you can't do it alone? Why don't you call Chaos again!" The Lord of Dragon Walk said again.

"Okay, you go ask my teacher!" Wang Cheng nodded in agreement.

In fact, Wang Cheng has already created the seventh-level secret method by relying on the dense pattern flow, not to mention that he can be blessed by the power of the original universe in the original universe. He wants to explode a sixth-level physical attack. Simple things.

But the Lord of Dragon Walk didn't know about this, and Wang Cheng couldn't directly promote how powerful he was at this time, so he directly agreed to the proposal of the Lord of Dragon Walk.

After all, this can also make the Lord of Dragon Walk feel more at ease!

The Lord of Dragon Walk is indeed right. Sometimes the soul attack is very strong, but sometimes it is very weak. It is even more ineffective against the Father God of the Mechanical Tribe. In this case, the Lord of Chaos City, please also It makes perfect sense to come and help.

The Lord of Chaos City has the fifth level of top strength. In the original universe, the Father God of the Mechanical Clan could suppress the Lord of Chaos City, but was far from being able to kill him. According to the strength and talent that Wang Cheng had shown before, 50,000 years later, the Lord of Dragon Walk I feel that Wang Cheng must have reached the top of the fifth level in terms of material attacks, so Chaos City Lord plus Wang Cheng is the safest choice.

"If you hold on a little longer, I'll be there soon!" Wang Cheng said to the Lord of Dragon Walk, and then he exited the virtual universe directly.

"Oh, I happened to meet the Father God of the Mechanical Tribe, so I'm unlucky!" The Lord of Dragon Walk also sighed. The Father God of the Mechanical Tribe was seriously injured before, and the Human Race, Monster Tribe, and Zerg Tribe often attacked the Mechanical Tribe.

Especially the human race, they are even more evil!

The Father God of the Mechanical Tribe recovered now, and naturally he hated the three tribes, especially the Human Race. The Lord of Dragon Walk happened to discover a newly born treasure at the same time as the Father God of the Mechanical Tribe. He was not hunted down. That’s weird!

After all, no matter how powerful the giant ax is in the cosmic sea, it is only at the sixth level of strength in the original universe. The father god of the mechanical race is not afraid of the human race at the moment.

Furthermore, the Father God of the Mechanical Tribe also understands that the hatred between the human race and the Mechanical Tribe is huge. Even if he gives in now, if he goes to the Universe Sea and encounters a giant axe, the giant ax will not let him go. It's better to take this opportunity to get angry.


In just a moment, Wang Cheng flew out of a huge whirlpool channel. After he identified the direction for a moment, he quickly flew away in one direction.

At this time, Wang Cheng's speed completely turned into a thunderous roar, and in the blink of an eye, he soared to the speed of light.

This is very scary. The original star environment is special, and it is far more difficult to increase the speed than the outside world.

It reached the speed of light in an instant, and the difficulty was even higher than the outside world.

If you can do this on the primitive star, the speed in the outside world can also be imagined...

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