Hong really wanted to talk to Luo Feng. He knew that Luo Feng was very familiar with Wang Cheng before, but he did not deliberately contact Luo Feng because he was concerned about Wang Cheng's thoughts. Now that he finally got the chance, he naturally had to talk to him carefully. Let’s chat with Luo Feng.

For example, how Luo Feng met Wang Cheng, what Wang Cheng is like in daily life, etc...

In fact, Luo Feng also had many questions to ask "Hong". In his past impression, Hong was the strongest person in the world. But since Wang Cheng appeared, this impression in Luo Feng's mind was broken, because Wang Cheng All the performances are even more incredible!

Moreover, Luo Feng also discovered that when Wang Cheng and Hong communicated before, although the two only exchanged a few words, Wang Cheng clearly occupied a dominant position.

A combination of various reasons made Luo Feng curious about Wang Cheng's identity.

After Luo Feng answered many things that Hong wanted to know, Luo Feng also asked the questions in his heart.

"You can't guess because you have too little knowledge!" Hong exclaimed, "I'll tell you about this universe!"

"The universe?" Luo Feng was slightly confused, why is it related to the universe?

"Of course we have to talk about the universe. After all, that Mr. Wang is most likely an 'alien'!" Hong said with a smile.

"Alien?" Luo Feng was even more confused.

"listen to me......"

Hong slowly taught Luo Feng what he knew. For a moment, Luo Feng felt that his outlook on things was a bit broken. Of course, it was just a little bit. Luo Feng's ability to accept new things was still quite strong.


While the two were talking, on the other side, Wang Cheng had returned to Mingyue Community in Jiangnan Base City.

Babata didn't want to hand over the inheritance to Luo Feng easily, and Wang Cheng was speechless. However, he had specifically told Hong about the good things under the island. As long as Hong was curious, what would happen next would be In any case, it would not be like in "Swallowing the Stars". It was not until a year and a half later that many forces on the earth noticed the abnormality of the Kirishima.

There is not much that Wang Cheng can do now, just wait!

. . .

At this time, in the Australian mainland, Hong, who had been chatting with Luo Feng for a long time, quickly sent two of his personal guards to the fog island to take out all the grass and tree spirits. However, at the last moment, However, several very terrifying vine tentacles appeared under Kirishima.

Hong's two personal guards were defeated and had no choice but to flee in confusion.

But after Hong came after hearing the news, he was overjoyed.

"There are actually Moyundeng on the earth?" Hong thought in his mind whether this was the treasure Wang Cheng said, and at the same time, he took action with all his strength to subdue the Moyundeng.

"The treasure Mr. Wang mentioned is under the ground. Is there any treasure more precious than Moyundeng under the ground?" Hong had not doubted Wang Cheng's words, but now Moyundeng appeared as evidence, plus Wang Cheng's strength is indeed unfathomable, so Hong now begins to believe Wang Cheng's words.

Hong immediately decided that he would mobilize more manpower to search here later!


Because of Hong Da's massive mobilization of manpower, Extreme Martial Arts' actions in the Australian continent were not small. Soon, the five major countries on the earth, the HR Alliance, and the Thunder Martial Arts Academy all knew about this matter.

Hong has never been a person who eats alone. He directly disclosed what the extreme martial arts gym was doing. For a while, all the major forces on the earth sent a large number of masters, and they all went to explore under Kirishima.

In fact, those who can come here to explore are strong!

Because there is a surrounding river around Kirishima, and within the river, there are very dense monsters. Although this river is an inland river, the monsters in it are denser than those in the sea. Here Under such circumstances, no high-ranking God of War without the Black God's weapons dared to enter.


On the other side, Luo Feng also stayed after the Extreme Martial Arts Gym began to explore the island.

Most of the plant spirits that Luo Feng picked from Kirishima have been sold to Hong. In addition, Luo Feng also enjoys 50% of the plant spirits that Hong picked from Kirishima. At this time, Luo Feng He can be said to be wealthy, at least much richer than he was at the same time in "Swallowing the Stars", so Luo Feng directly exchanged a set of Black God weapons from Hong.

Although Luo Feng had never seen the Black God Arms before, when he was choosing treasures, Hong took the initiative to introduce the various benefits of the Black God Arms. In this case, Luo Feng naturally chose to exchange them directly.

Of course, in addition to the Black God Arms, Luo Feng also exchanged a bunch of other treasures from Hong, such as smart fighter jets, the exclusive weapon of the Psychic Master, the Escape Sky Shuttle, and so on.

. . .

The investigation of Kirishima was huge. A group of earthly experts were searching near Kirishima. There would inevitably be conflicts. Luo Feng was among them, so he naturally had conflicts with the gods of war from other forces.

After Luo Feng showed extremely terrifying strength, his reputation soon spread among the God of War circle, and even many planet-level councilors also took Luo Feng seriously.

First of all, Luo Feng is only 18 years old, which is too young.

Secondly, Hong paid special attention to Luo Feng. He often showed up to communicate with Luo Feng and occasionally gave Luo Feng advice!

Of course, although Hong's attention to Luo Feng has attracted the attention of many council members, no one is surprised because Luo Feng himself is a member of the Extreme Martial Arts School and he is young, so it is not surprising that he is taken seriously!

In fact, Hong deliberately showed his importance to Luo Feng because he was afraid that Luo Feng would be tricked by others. Not only was Luo Feng a genius, he also had a very close relationship with Wang Cheng, and his future was promising, no matter from any aspect. , Hongdu will never want anything unexpected to happen to Luo Feng...

. . .

And just when the search for the powerful people on the Australian continent was in full swing, far away in Jiangnan Shanshui Community in Jiangnan Base City——


An extremely valuable vase was suddenly smashed into pieces!

boom! boom! boom!

One precious thing after another was broken into pieces.

After venting for a while, Li Yao finally sat down on the sofa that had become cluttered.

"Yao, what's wrong?" Li Yao's wife, Venina, who is also a senior god of war, opened the door and walked in.

"The murderer of our son has been identified!" Li Yao said in a hoarse voice.

"Who?!" Upon hearing this, Venina's eyes narrowed instantly.

"Didn't several warriors from abroad report to us that there is a warrior suspected of being a spiritual master? Now it has been confirmed that he is indeed a spiritual master, and he is very powerful!" Li Yao said expressionlessly.

"That Luo Feng is finally willing to leave the warrior community?" Wenina said in a cold voice: "I want him to die now!"

Of course Wenina remembered Luo Feng, but when the warrior team explained the news to her, they did not provide definite evidence, so she has been waiting for the opportunity to confirm the matter.

But the problem is that Luo Feng has never left Yangzhou City since he went home last time. This gives Wenina and Li Yao no chance to test Luo Feng.

But they are not in a hurry. After all, in their eyes, Luo Feng is just a newcomer who has just been a warrior for half a year. They can definitely wait!

Now, in Venina's opinion, the opportunity has come!

"Death?" Li Yao shook his head.

"What?" Wenina finally realized something was wrong.

"This is the news that Senior Yan Hai told me, take a look!" Li Yao sent some information to Wenina's communicator.


Wenina looked at Luo Feng's information, and soon a look of disbelief appeared on her face.

Invincible God of War? Black god suit? A genius valued by Hong, the strongest man?

"Did Senior Yan Hai make a mistake?" Wenina raised her head and asked.

"There are photos, could it be wrong?" Li Yao clenched his fists tightly. The strength and resources Luo Feng now displayed made him feel powerless.

"How is it possible..." Wenina shook her head. She couldn't accept the news, and Li Yao remained silent.

Suddenly, Venina shouted: "He is in the light, we are in the dark, we still have a chance, cheer up, Yao!"

"What chance are there?" Li Yao shook his head.

"Now you go to the Australian mainland and look for opportunities to plot against him!" Wenina said.

"My injury is only getting better now. It will take at least a month to fully recover!" Li Yao shook his head and continued:

"Besides, Luo Feng is a spiritual master himself, and he also has a black god suit. Why should I plot against him?"

"I will buy treasures for you through the alliance to help you recover quickly from your injuries!" Wenina said: "Go to the Australian continent and take action if you find an opportunity. If you don't find an opportunity, endure it. As long as you become a being that surpasses the God of War. , there is hope!”

"Even if I become a being that surpasses the God of War, I may not be able to kill him. Besides, can I do it?" Li Yao still shook his head.

"Could it be that if we don't do anything, our son's death will be in vain?!" Venina was also angry.

"Of course not!" Li Yao said coldly with a cold look in his eyes: "If Luo Feng kills my son, I will also let him taste the feeling of losing his family!"

"Yao, you are crazy!" Wenina looked at Li Yao in disbelief, and then persuaded: "The matter has not reached that point yet, we still have a chance, you go to Senior Yan Hai, maybe he is willing help?"

"Hong attaches great importance to Luo Feng. Senior Yan Hai will not help me!" Li Yao shook his head.

"With all our property as the price, we have to give it a try!"

Wenina continued to persuade, although she wanted to let Luo Feng's family die, but that was only a last resort, because if the hatred between warriors spreads to the family, it is equivalent to making enemies of the warriors all over the world. Once discovered, it can almost be said that death is certain!

"...Okay!" Li Yao finally nodded.

"I'll get ready!" Venina said, and then she quickly walked out of the room.


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