Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 34 Asking for help from Yan Hai

After only three days of preparation, Li Yao came to the Australian mainland through the channels of the HR Alliance and participated in this big operation with most of the world's strongest players.

Li Yao's strength is not weak, and he also has the Black God suit, so he is naturally qualified to participate.

And not long after Li Yao arrived in Australia, he saw Luo Feng.

Facing the "enemy who killed his son", Li Yao could only choose to turn a blind eye and pretend not to know Luo Feng. But unfortunately, Li Yao didn't know that Luo Feng had already known many things through Wang Cheng.

At this moment, Li Yao pretended not to know him, which made Luo Feng suspicious, and Luo Feng quickly confirmed in his heart that Li Yao was here for him.

For a moment, Luo Feng also became vigilant. During the subsequent search, he tried his best to act together with other warriors in the extreme martial arts hall to avoid being alone.

Although Luo Feng is not afraid of Li Yao, he is also afraid of the other party's dirty tricks!

Under Luo Feng's caution, Li Yao naturally couldn't find any chance. Finally, Li Yao decided to give his senior Yan Hai a try.


Yan Hai is an old man with a slightly gray hair, but he is in good spirits.

When Li Yao saw Yan Hai, he was leisurely sipping tea in the tent near Kirishima.

"Little vulture, your heart is in chaos!" Yan Hai helped Li Yao pour a cup of tea and said slowly: "Don't be anxious, calm down first!"

"Let seniors laugh!" Li Yao said, and then he closed his eyes.

Soon, the aura on Li Yao's body completely calmed down.

Seeing Li Yao adjusting his emotions so quickly, Yan Hai nodded secretly in his heart. He had always been optimistic about Li Yao. Now it seems that Li Yao does have hope of breaking through and becoming a being that surpasses the God of War!

"What's the matter? Tell me!" Yan Hai said slowly.

"Yes!" Li Yao nodded, and then he whispered his story and request in a low voice.

As Li Yao spoke, Yan Hai's originally rather dull expression became serious.

"Do you know that First Speaker Hong attaches great importance to the Luo Feng you are talking about?" Yan Hai asked.

"Senior, I know that my request is very excessive, but I have no choice!" Li Yao continued: "With senior's strength, as long as we find an opportunity, it would only take an instant to kill Luo Feng. As long as senior is willing, Help, Wenina and I are willing to dedicate all the wealth we have accumulated over the years to our seniors!"

"What can you two juniors do with the little wealth you two have?" Yan Hai shook his head.


Li Yao didn't say anything. He understood that what Yan Hai said was true. As one of the few people on earth, Yan Hai was considered quite powerful among the parliamentarians. He was even worshiped by the HR Alliance. What he lacked most was money. Got it!

Therefore, Li Yao knew from the beginning that the possibility of his success in begging Yan Hai was very low. Now that Yan Hai refused, he did not continue talking because he knew that it would be useless to say anything else!

However, just when Li Yao was about to say goodbye, Yan Hai suddenly changed his tone and said slowly: "However, if you can find that time when Luo Feng was alone in a remote place, I will also I can help you take action once!"

"Senior?" Li Yao looked up at Yan Hai in disbelief.

"Go!" Yan Hai didn't mean to say more.


Li Yao nodded, and at the same time, he also walked out excitedly.

Although it is very difficult to find Luo Feng alone and in a very remote place, this is still a hope.

Suddenly, Li Yao, who was almost desperate, felt that the whole world was getting better.

On the other side, looking at Li Yao leaving, Yan Hai just sipped his tea quietly. As for what he was thinking at this time, only he knew!

. . .

With Yan Hai's guarantee, Li Yao secretly paid attention to Luo Feng's movements for the next period of time, but unfortunately, Li Yao failed to find a chance for several days.

But soon, a treasure called "Kuya Crystal" suddenly appeared, which made the already chaotic Kirishima underground suddenly become even more chaotic.

However, from Li Yao's point of view, this is a great good thing.

Mu Yao Jing is suspected of allowing people to quickly break through the planetary level. Of course Li Yao is also very interested, but at this moment he is more "interested" in Luo Feng.

Therefore, although Li Yao was searching for treasures like everyone else on the surface, in fact, he was more secretly paying attention to Luo Feng!


This time, Li Yao felt that God was really on his side. For some reason, Luo Feng, who was quite cautious at first, was following an underground river all the way to the depths of the ground.

It was remote and deserted, which was a perfect place to start.

Of course, Li Yao felt that Luo Feng's luck was quite good, because he found that Luo Feng seemed to have picked up a lot of wood crystals along the way.

Without hesitation, Li Yao contacted Yan Hai directly. Moreover, in order to increase the appeal, Li Yao also specially emphasized that Luo Feng seemed to have picked up a lot of wood crystals.

Although Yan Hai had promised Li Yao before, he was now at the critical moment of searching for Mu Yaojing. He was not planning to go there now. After all, no promise could compare with the high possibility that he would be able to break through and become a planet-level person. The third level wood crystal is precious!

But when Yan Hai heard Li Yao say that Luo Feng seemed to have picked up a lot of wood crystals, he instantly changed his mind!

"Are you sure he picked up a lot of wood crystals?" Yan Hai asked quickly.

"Senior, Luo Feng is a spiritual master. I dare not get too close. However, I have smelled the fragrance of rice from a distance many times. He must have picked up the wood crystal!" Li Yao said quickly.

"Okay, wait for me to come over!" Yan Hai made a decision immediately.



Li Yao waited anxiously for a moment, and soon, Yan Hai, whose whole body was wrapped in the black god suit, rushed over.

At this time, Yan Hai specially adjusted his body shape, and his whole body was wrapped in the Black God suit. Even the people who were most familiar with him couldn't recognize him as Yan Hai at all.

"Where are the people?" Yan Hai asked in a hoarse voice.

"It's right down there!" Li Yao suppressed the excitement in his heart and said in a deep voice.

"follow me!"

Yan Hai nodded, and he immediately went down quickly. When Li Yao saw this, he naturally followed quickly without hesitation.

After a while, the two came to a huge underground space. It looked like a cave, but it was empty. As for Luo Feng's figure... there was no trace at all!

"Why not?" Li Yao couldn't believe it.

"try to find!"

Yan Hai didn't panic, he said calmly.

"Yes!" Li Yao nodded, and then the two of them carefully searched the cave.

Li Yao and Yan Hai didn't know that there was an invisible spaceship in the center of this huge cave, and that Luo Feng was also in this spaceship at this time. In other words, the reason why Luo Feng was able to make the journey safely The reason why I came here without deviation is all because of the guidance of Babata, the intelligent life in that spacecraft.

At this time, Luo Feng had already met with Babata!

A few days ago, Hong just popularized the knowledge of the universe to Luo Feng, which refreshed Luo Feng's world view. Now, Babata has brought a new world view to Luo Feng.

The vast universe is displayed in front of Luo Feng. Even though he has strong acceptance ability, he is still a little dizzy at the moment...

. . .

At the same time, in Mingyue Community in Jiangnan Base City of China——

"I finally got in. My guidance was not in vain!" Wang Cheng leaned on the sofa and sighed deeply.

In fact, Wang Cheng was monitored by No. 1 for matters near Kirishima. With No. 1's detection capabilities, everything that happened there could not be hidden from Wang Cheng's eyes.

This Babata was really procrastinating in doing things. Wang Cheng even got Luo Feng in his face. It took him so long to decide to let Luo Feng be the successor of Huyanbo.

"The next step is to wait for Luo Feng to come back..." Wang Cheng thought silently in his heart.

However, at this moment, Wang Cheng seemed to notice something and suddenly looked towards the room where Jiang Mingyue was.

"Good things come in pairs?" Wang Cheng was a little surprised, but he didn't hesitate. He quickly came to Jiang Mingyue's room, opened the door and walked in.

At this time, the big cocoon that had previously tightly wrapped Jiang Mingyue had cracks in it. Under Wang Cheng's gaze, these cracks became more and more numerous.



The large purple cocoon was completely broken, and a crouched figure appeared in Wang Cheng's sight.

At this time, Jiang Mingyue's appearance still basically maintained that of an Earthling. The only big difference was that her ears had become much more pointed, and two pairs of somewhat transparent wings appeared on her back.

Both pairs of wings were very small, each pair was less than half a meter long. Wang Cheng guessed that they were not used for flying.


At this time, Jiang Mingyue also opened her eyes.

"Brother Cheng!" Jiang Mingyue saw Wang Cheng looking at her at first sight.

She stretched her crouched body and stood up quickly.

"It seems that I have to congratulate you. You have gained both strength and appearance!" Wang Cheng glanced at Jiang Mingyue and said with some admiration.

"Good looks?" Jiang Mingyue was slightly startled.

"You'll know when you look in the mirror later!" Wang Cheng said with a smile, "You change your clothes, I'll wait for you downstairs!"


Jiang Mingyue nodded, and Wang Cheng didn't stay long. He walked out quickly.

After Wang Cheng left, Jiang Mingyue was not in a hurry to look in the mirror. Instead, she felt the power in her body.

"What a powerful force..." Jiang Mingyue clenched her fist slightly, and at the same time she couldn't help but punched the air.


A gust of fist wind appeared, and in an instant, a big hole appeared in the wall on one side.

"You have to pay for the money to build the wall!" Wang Cheng's voice came through from downstairs.

"Got it!" Jiang Mingyue agreed absentmindedly. She looked at her fist and fell into deep thought for a long time.

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