Wang Cheng waited outside for about ten minutes, and at the same time asked "No. 1" to check Jiang Mingyue's current situation.

Soon, Wang Cheng knew a lot of information about Jiang Mingyue.

For example, at this time, Jiang Mingyue's life level had undergone a huge transformation as Wang Cheng expected. She was already a fifth-level planet-level life!

"Although I had expected that she would transform directly into the planetary level, I didn't expect that she would suddenly jump to the fifth level of the planetary level!" Wang Cheng was a little surprised, but it was only a little bit.

For Wang Cheng, there is actually not much difference whether it is the first or fifth planetary level.


While Wang Cheng was waiting, Jiang Mingyue quickly walked out. At this time, she was wearing a new maid outfit. However, the back of the new outfit was torn with two gaps. A pair of slightly transparent ones. Wings stretched out from it.

"Fortunately, you didn't turn into an ugly monster. Otherwise, even if I am reluctant to let you go, I would have to consider changing my servant!" Wang Cheng said with a smile.

Hearing Wang Cheng's teasing, Jiang Mingyue smiled slightly, but then she said seriously: "Brother Cheng, I want to kill someone!"

"Kill someone?" Wang Cheng was slightly startled.

"He is my enemy. I have determined to kill him since ten years ago. Now I think I have the ability to kill him!" Jiang Mingyue said without hesitation.

"Enemy?" Wang Cheng nodded, and then he ordered No. 1 in his heart to investigate the matter.

As long as there are any clues left on the earth, it will basically not escape No. 1's search, so in less than a second, a bunch of information appeared in Wang Cheng's mind.

"Yan Hai?" Wang Cheng asked.

Jiang Mingyue's expression changed slightly when she heard the name, but she nodded immediately.

Jiang Mingyue was a little surprised that Wang Cheng could say this name at once, but considering Wang Cheng's mystery, Jiang Mingyue felt that it was a matter of course.

"You are now at the fifth level of planetary level. It is not difficult to kill Yan Hai!" Wang Cheng smiled, and then said: "Coincidentally, I happen to know where Yan Hai is!"

"Brother Wang has an intersection with Yan Hai?" Jiang Mingyue asked with some confusion.

"You're overthinking!" Wang Cheng didn't say much, he said directly: "Let's go, I'll take you to Yan Hai, by the way, I also have to collect a bill!"

"Okay!" Jiang Mingyue agreed immediately.

At this time, Jiang Mingyue couldn't think too much. She only had one idea in her mind, and that was to find Yan Hai and kill him!

. . .

Jiang Mingyue, who is at the fifth level of planetary level, has much better physical fitness than Luo Feng, who is at God of War level. Therefore, Wang Cheng flew much faster with Jiang Mingyue. They left home in less than a minute. People then came to the Australian continent.

Wang Cheng asked No. 1 to block all exploration, and he took Jiang Mingyue directly underground.


Following the underground river, Wang Cheng took Jiang Mingyue to a place 15,000 meters underground in Australia.

"The person wrapped in black is Yan Hai!" Wang Cheng looked at Yan Hai who was searching in the distance and said calmly.

"Brother Cheng, I'll trouble you this time!" Jiang Mingyue said, and then she flew towards Yan Hai expressionlessly.

Jiang Mingyue barely concealed her murderous intention, and coupled with the terror of her own aura, at this moment, the hair on Yan Hai, who was slowly searching for Luo Feng, stood up instantly.

Yan Hai raised his head and saw Jiang Mingyue flying towards him.

"Who are you?"

Yan Hai's pupils suddenly shrank. Jiang Mingyue's dress looked very strange to Yan Hai. She was wearing a maid outfit and a pair of transparent wings on her back.

This look wouldn't be weird at all at some comic shows, but here, it looks weird!

However, no matter how weird Jiang Mingyue was, Yan Hai did not dare to be careless at this time, because the unabashedly powerful aura and killing intent on Jiang Mingyue were not fake!

"My father is Jiang Zhenguo, and my mother is Helan, Yan Hai, do you remember?" Jiang Mingyue asked coldly.

"Jiang Zhenguo?" A look of shock appeared on Yan Hai's face hidden under the black god suit. He looked at Jiang Mingyue in disbelief.

"Are you that girl from back then?" Yan Hai recalled the scene ten years ago, when he had just broken through and became a member of Parliament, and it was the time when he was most energetic.

At that time, even some adults did not dare to look him in the eye, but a sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl dared to rush up and tell him that he must pay the price.

"It seems you remember it very clearly!" Jiang Mingyue sneered, "Then you can go die!"

"Wait, there may be some misunderstanding about your father..." Yan Hai wanted to say something else, but unfortunately, Jiang Mingyue obviously had no intention of telling him more. Yan Hai just spoke, and he was just flying slowly. Jiang Mingyue suddenly disappeared from the spot.


Yan Hai's pupils shrank slightly, and the next moment——


Jiang Mingyue appeared beside Yan Hai without any warning, and at the same time, she punched him down.

This punch had no special skills, it was just a simple straight punch, but it was so fast that Yan Hai could hardly react. At the critical moment, Yan Hai crossed his arms and could barely block the punch.

But the violent force that followed directly blew him away.


Yan Hai vomited blood and hit the wall instantly.

There is an eight-fold difference in strength between the fifth-level planetary level and the second-level planetary level. Even if Yan Hai had the Black God Suit, Jiang Mingyue's punch would have seriously injured him.

The Black God Suit can defend against almost all physical attacks below the planet level, but at the planet level, its effect is much less!


Jiang Mingyue didn't give Yan Hai any chance to react. She rushed forward again. Under Jiang Mingyue's crazy punches and kicks, Yan Hai's body quickly became blurry under the black god suit.

Yan Hai's life was also passing by rapidly. He wanted to ask for help or even mercy, but Jiang Mingyue never gave him a chance!

At this time, Luo Feng was also surprised among the invisible Falling Ink Star nearby.

He looked at the "little devil" floating in front of him and asked with some surprise: "You said Yan Hai is being hunted outside?"

"Quack, we're not chasing him now, he's almost dead!" The little devil Babata said with a quack smile: "It seems you are lucky. Someone blocked the door just now, but his own enemy has caught up with him!"


Luo Feng was speechless. After he came to this spaceship, he quickly learned everything about the "Huyanbo" inheritance.

At the same time, Babata also told him that Li Yao was searching for him with a second-level planetary level person outside.

Luo Feng naturally understood Li Yao's ill intentions towards him, so he immediately knew that the second-level planetary Yan Hai also came with bad intentions. Luo Feng himself did not have the confidence to deal with Yan Hai, so he originally planned to hide in the spaceship , he would go out after the two of them left.

But who would have thought that before he could hide for long, Yan Hai would be hunted down by his enemies.

"I heard that MPs rarely conflict, and no MP has ever died in a conflict with each other. Moreover, Yan Hai is still a second-level planet-level person. How could he be hunted down and about to be killed?" Luo Feng asked with some confusion.

"See for yourself!"

Babata projected a light screen, and on the light screen was the scene of Jiang Mingyue violently torturing Yan Hai.

"**?" Luo Feng was slightly startled. He instantly recognized Jiang Mingyue.

"Do you know her?" Babata asked a little strangely.

"She works at my neighbor's house..." Luo Feng thought about Wang Cheng's strength, and suddenly he was not surprised that Jiang Mingyue showed such strength.

"Why is there a pair of wings on the back?" Luo Feng soon discovered something was wrong.

"This is what I was about to tell you!" Babata suddenly became serious.

"Well..." Luo Feng nodded.

"This person is not from Earth!" Babata said, pointing to Jiang Mingyue on the screen.

"Not an Earthling?" Luo Feng was slightly shocked, but he had already learned a lot from "Hong" before. He already knew that Wang Cheng was probably an alien, and Jiang Mingyue was a maid working at Wang Cheng's house. , it seems that people who are not from Earth cannot understand!

"What are you thinking about?" Babata's voice suddenly sounded, and Luo Feng came back to his senses. He also shook his head.

"Listen carefully, before my master died, he had used a secret method to hide the space coordinates around the earth. Logically speaking, humans in the ordinary universe cannot come here!" Babata continued:

"Although I don't know what's going on with the cosmic human being outside, you have to know that my master's inheritance will definitely arouse the covetousness of countless people. You must hide it well after you go out..."

What Baba said, probably meant that Luo Feng should be careful not to be exposed until he became completely powerful.

However, at this moment, the communicator in Luo Feng's hand suddenly lit up, and then it connected automatically.

"Luo Feng, Yan Hai is almost beaten to death. I'm waiting for you outside. Come out!" Wang Cheng's voice sounded.

In an instant, Babata's voice stopped suddenly, and Luo Feng asked in surprise: "Brother Wang, you?"

"Come out and tell me, I will explain to you!" Wang Cheng smiled and hung up the communication.

"Is there anyone else outside? He actually passed me directly and contacted you..." There was a hint of nervousness in Babata's voice. From his inspection, it was clear that there were only Li Yao, Yan Hai, and Jiang outside the spacecraft. Among the three Mingyue people, where did the fourth person come from?

Moreover, now that Luo Feng is inside the Fallen Ink Star, the other party can actually contact Luo Feng directly without him...

"Babata, let's go out!" Luo Feng said.

"Who is that person?" Babata asked quickly.

"My neighbor Wang Cheng, I work for him!" Luo Feng said truthfully, and he continued: "I found out about Neng Kirishima because Brother Wang brought me to the Australian mainland. Brother Wang also said before that I was in Kirishima. There’s a baby down there.”


Hearing what Luo Feng said, Babata's mentality collapsed. In other words, his choice of Luo Feng as his successor was probably calculated by others?

Of course, Luo Feng was able to tell all the doubts in one breath at this moment. It was obvious that he was also aware of this matter.

"what do you think?"

Babata looked at Luo Feng. If there was a chance to regret it, he really wanted to give up now. However, the only soul mark left by his master has now entered Luo Feng's sea of ​​consciousness. Although it has not been completely integrated, But he couldn't even take it out!

Moreover, Babata was also very loyal. Luo Feng had officially become a disciple before, so he could not leave Luo Feng alone.

"Of course, go out!" Luo Feng thought for a while, and then asked: "Actually, Brother Wang said a long time ago that he had other purposes for helping me. My intuition tells me that Brother Wang has no ill intentions towards me!"

"Is your intuition accurate?" Babata kept thinking about the way out, and finally he realized that no matter what, he still had to go out and take a look first.

No matter what the purpose of Luo Feng's "neighbor" is, all he can do now is to show off his tactics!

PS: Two updates.

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