After a long silence, the Father God of the Mechanical Tribe finally said: "Lord of Infernal Affairs, you should understand that if you continue to fight against me, you will only let others take advantage!"

"I know this, but you attacked Long Xing before, and I happened to meet the Lord of Darkness and took action. There should be nothing wrong with it, right?" Wang Cheng sneered.

"I'll give you two pinnacle treasures, and you let Hei Shen go!" Father God of the Mechanical Tribe directly put forward the conditions.

"Two pinnacle treasures? Sounds good!" Wang Cheng smiled, but he immediately said: "But, it's not a deal now! I will deal with you again when the original star is closed!"

"No!" The Father God of the Mechanical Tribe refused without hesitation. When the Primordial Star was closed and Wang Cheng regretted it, wouldn't he just have to watch?

The Father God of the Mechanical Tribe is not a fool either, so there is no way he would agree to this!

"I have the final say on this matter, you have no right to bargain!" Wang Cheng sneered.

"Lord of Infernal Affairs, there is no need to beat around the bush. You should know that I cannot agree to that condition!" said the Father God of the Mechanical Tribe:

"There's no need for words, show your sincerity!"

"The Primordial Star will be open for ten million years. Let's do this. After nine million years, we will come here to discuss this matter. At that time, I will consider letting the Lord of Black Sin go!" Wang Cheng put forward the conditions.


The Father God of the Mechanical Tribe did not speak, but in principle he agreed with Wang Cheng's plan. If Wang Cheng regrets it by then, don't blame him for also attacking the Lord of the Human Universe.

By then, the machine race will have a difficult time, and the human race will not be safe either!

However, nine million years is too long. There will only be one million years left before the original star is closed. If the human race completely withdraws from the original star, he will be dumbfounded!

"One million years!" said the Father God of the Mechanical Tribe.

"You are the strongest person in the universe after all, why are you so fussy about it?" Wang Cheng said lightly: "We agreed on a fixed price, five million years!"


The Father God of the Mechanical Tribe said nothing more. After taking a deep look at Wang Cheng, he quickly left.

Wang Cheng didn't move. He watched the father of the mechanical clan leave with a sneer on his face.

The Lord of Darkness was caught by him, and he still wants to come out? That's a dream!

The reason why he set a time with the Father God of the Mechanical Tribe is simply to temporarily stabilize the other party. After all, if the Mechanical Tribe really counterattacks crazily, the human race will indeed be unable to stay on the primitive star. It has made it easier for other peak races and the peak forces in the universe.

As for five million years from now... Wang Cheng has only been practicing for 50,000 years. After five million years, he will still have the confidence to deal with the entire mechanical race.

Moreover, the pattern of the universe will probably have changed by then. It is really hard to say how effective this agreement will be!

Of course, this is what Wang Cheng would think about.

For a being at the level of the Father God of the Machine Tribe, five million years is just a blink of an eye. Before anything happened, no matter how hard he thought, he would never have imagined that the pattern of the universe would change in just five million years. .

. . .

Wang Cheng didn't think much, he quickly put away the Seven Temples and left the place quickly.

Originally, when he sent his clone to the original star, he did not bring the Seven Temples with him. However, in order to deal with the Master of the Universe of the Machine Tribe, Wang Cheng temporarily asked him to bring the Seven Temples with him.

Only then could he easily take down the Lord of Darkness. Without the Seven Temples, it would still be difficult for Wang Cheng to suppress the Lord of Darkness in the original universe.

After all, the original universe only has the upper limit of level 6, and the Lord of Darkness is not a weakling. He has the strength of level 4. Naturally, it will not be easy to defeat him.

Just like the Lord of the Dragon Walk, the Father God of the Mechanical Clan took action against him, and the Lord of the Dragon Walk held on until Wang Cheng arrived.


Wang Cheng himself soon left the Primordial Star with the Seven Temples and returned all the way. Wang Cheng's clone also left the Primordial Star, but he did not leave too far. Instead, he found a place nearby to stay temporarily.

At the same time, Wang Cheng also went to the virtual universe to meet with the Lord of Chaos City and asked the Lord of Chaos City to remind the masters of the human universe to be careful in the near future.

Although the ancestral god of the Machine Tribe agreed to the five-hundred-year deal, he still couldn’t completely trust the other party. The other party was currently planning to capture a human lord of the universe and then exchange it with Wang Cheng. It wasn’t impossible!

Therefore, it is natural for the many universe masters in the human race to be careful.


"I didn't expect that the Lord of Black Shen was directly captured by you!" At this time, the Lord of Chaos City looked at Wang Cheng, and he was also a little emotional.

He also agreed with Wang Cheng's revenge on the Machine Clan. After all, this would show the attitude of the human race and make the human race safer on the primitive star in the future.

But he didn't expect that Wang Cheng would directly capture the Lord of Darkness alive.

"I am also relying on the most powerful treasure, otherwise I am afraid it will be difficult to catch the Lord of Darkness!" Wang Cheng said with a smile.


The Lord of Chaos City nodded, feeling deeply in his heart that Wang Cheng indeed had many powerful treasures.

The Lord of Chaos City guessed that the cosmic sea powerhouse who left the inheritance should be a very powerful one, otherwise he would not have left so many treasures!

"You made an agreement with the Father God of the Mechanical Clan to talk again in five million years. What are you going to do then?" The Lord of Chaos City suddenly asked.

"Teacher, I have only practiced for 50,000 years. How could I think so far ahead? Let's talk about it then!" Wang Cheng smiled and said nothing more.


The Lord of Chaos City was silent. Wang Cheng didn't say anything. He almost forgot that Wang Cheng had only practiced cultivation for less than 50,000 years!

The outside world thought that Wang Cheng relied on the Supreme Treasure to achieve sixth-level strength, but the Lord of Chaos City knew that Wang Cheng had even created a seventh-level secret method, and his true strength was no less than the strongest in the universe!

This is the result of fifty thousand years of practice. What about five million years later?

"I'm afraid the Machinery Clan will suffer this loss!" This thought flashed through the mind of the Lord of Chaos City.

. . .

Time passed, and in the universe, the name of the "Lord of the Infinite" became loud again.

First, he defeated the Father God of the Mechanical Clan, and now he captured the Lord of Darkness alive. This record was indeed a bit scary.

However, the most eye-catching thing about the rumors about Wang Cheng is not actually Wang Cheng's strength. What attracts the most attention is his treasure.

Fifty thousand years ago, Wang Cheng revealed the most powerful soul offensive treasure. Three years ago, Wang Cheng fought against the Father God of the Machine Tribe. All races in the universe speculated that he should also have a most powerful material offensive treasure!

This time to capture the Lord of Darkness alive, Wang Cheng took out another palace-type supreme treasure.

These three times alone are three powerful treasures!

How incredible is this?

Moreover, this was revealed by Wang Cheng. Who knows if he has any other treasures?

Therefore, quietly, Wang Cheng had the title of being the richest man in the original universe. After all, just three of the most powerful treasures could outshine many of the strongest people in the universe!

Moreover, Wang Cheng’s reputation spread to the universe.

Many true gods in the universe sea also know about this big fat sheep Wang Cheng.

A master of the universe has at least three most powerful treasures, isn't he a big fat sheep?

When the Zerg, Monster, and Mechanical Tribes had to deal with Wang Cheng before, not many strong people in the universe noticed him, but this time, no one could ignore Wang Cheng anymore.

Although Wang Cheng has the most powerful palace-like treasure, he is just the Lord of the Universe. If they put some thought into it, they may not be able to succeed in a sneak attack.

Of course, the premise is that this big fat sheep gets the cosmic sea...

PS: Three updates.

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