On the original star No. 0359.

The Lord of Darkness sat on a black throne, quickly passing through pieces of land, searching within the primitive star.

Suddenly, the Lord of Darkness stopped suddenly as if he noticed something.

"Lord of Infinity?"

The Lord of Darkness looked at the figure that had appeared in the distance at some point, and a bad feeling flashed through his heart.

"What a coincidence!"

Wang Cheng smiled and took out a golden halberd.

This is a pinnacle treasure, one of the six pinnacle treasures that Wang Cheng had previously captured by chance. However, due to Wang Cheng's previous battle with the Father God of the Machine Clan, many people have misunderstood it as the most powerful treasure.

At this time, the Lord of Heishen saw Wang Cheng taking out the "Supreme Treasure", and he instantly understood that Wang Cheng was specifically looking for trouble.


The Lord of Darkness turned into a stream of light and fled quickly into the distance. At the same time, he also directly asked for help from the Father God of the Mechanical Clan.

But at this time, a golden light flashed in the void, and in an instant it caught up with the escaping Lord of Darkness.

"Lord of Darkness, stay!"

Wang Cheng's low shout sounded, and the Lord of Darkness was horrified. He didn't expect Wang Cheng's speed to be so fast.

In the heart of the Lord of Darkness, although Wang Cheng has sixth-level combat power, he reached the sixth level with the help of the most powerful treasure, which is different from the serious strongest man.

The strongest ones have no shortcomings. They speak the rules in the original universe and can avoid some of the rules of the original universe. Naturally, their speed is much faster than that of the Lord of the Universe.

Therefore, the Lord of Darkness initially thought that if he ran away directly, Wang Cheng might not be able to catch up with him, but now, he knew that he was wrong!

Wang Cheng's speed is equally incredible!



The overwhelming halberd shadows smashed in crazily, reaching the peak of the sixth level of attack, causing many defenses arranged by the Lord of Darkness to collapse instantly.

"So strong!"

The Lord of Darkness felt tremendous pressure. He was also the fourth-level Lord of the Universe, which was not weak. However, the gap between the two levels made him feel the crisis of death.

"We must delay it until Father God comes!"

The Lord of Black Shen knew very well that he would never be able to escape on his own. The Lord of Infinity was no less difficult than the real strongest man.

The Lord of Black Shen tried his best to delay, but in the face of absolute strength, delaying was useless. After being severely chopped by Wang Cheng and losing a lot of his divine body, the Lord of Black Shen took out a palace item without hesitation. Like a treasure, and then got into it.

"Lord of Wujian, Father God will be here soon, you can't do anything to me!" The voice of the Lord of Darkness came from the palace-like treasure, and he was quite confident.

This is natural. The mechanical race is not afraid of soul attacks. The palace-type treasures are immune to all physical attacks before they are broken. A strong attack cannot hurt the Lord of Darkness hiding inside.

As for the means of suppression, the Lord of Darkness is also confident.

His palace-type treasure is also at the top level. Even if the peak palace-type treasure can suppress him, it will take a long time. By this time, Father God has already arrived!

"I really can't do anything to you!"

Wang Cheng looked at the Lord of Darkness hiding in the palace-like treasure, and put away the golden halberd in his hand.

"Huh? The Lord of Infernal Affairs has given up now?" The Lord of Heishen was surprised. How could the Lord of Infernal Affairs give up so easily?

"But, I can!"

Suddenly, another voice sounded nearby.

The next moment, endless colorful light bloomed, and a majestic colorful temple instantly emerged in the void.


A terrifying suction force instantly emitted from the colorful temple, and the Lord of Darkness immediately felt something was wrong.

Almost at the same time, Wang Cheng, who had just put away the golden halberd, immediately used a special trick.

"seal up!"

A cold shout sounded, and countless golden chains instantly spread across the void, and then tightly wrapped around the palace-like treasure where the Lord of Darkness was located.

A suction force, a blockade, and double suppression, the struggle of the palace-like treasure lost its effect in an instant.


The palace-like treasure instantly turned into a stream of light and was submerged in the colorful light.

"It's over!!"

At this time, the heart of the Lord of Darkness, who was hiding in the palace-like treasure, sank instantly. He had no clone, and he was suppressed in another palace-like treasure, which almost meant that he was equated with death.

"Father God, I have been suppressed!"

The Lord of Darkness had no choice but to pass the news to the Father God of the Mechanical Clan.


At this time, entering the whirlpool passage of the original star No. 0359, the face of the father of the mechanical clan changed directly.

After he got the news, he rushed over immediately, but how long had he been? The Lord of Darkness was directly suppressed?


The Father God of the Mechanical Tribe was extremely angry. He tried his best to activate the giant black sphere, passed through the whirlpool channel in the blink of an eye, and then went straight to the place where the Lord of Darkness last sent the news.


Not long after, Father God of the Mechanical Clan rushed to the place where the Lord of Darkness last sent the news.

At this time, Wang Cheng did not leave. He sat cross-legged on top of the Seven Temples and waited calmly. It was not until the Father God of the Mechanical Tribe arrived that Wang Cheng opened his eyes.

"The most powerful and precious palace..."

The Father God of the Mechanical Tribe was a little shocked. Where did the Lord of Infernal Affairs get so many powerful treasures?

However, the Father God of the Mechanical Tribe did not think much. He directly asked coldly: "Lord of Wu Jian, where is Hei Chen?"

"Here I am, still alive!" Wang Cheng said unhurriedly.

"What do you want?" Father God of the Mechanical Tribe asked again.

"I didn't think anything of it, I just happened to meet the Lord of Darkness!" Wang Cheng said lightly.

"Let Hei Shen go, you have to set the conditions!" The Father God of the Mechanical Tribe said.

"Give me your most powerful treasure!" Wang Cheng said directly.

"You are provoking my bottom line, and you are also causing trouble for the human race!" The tone of the Father God of the Machine Tribe became increasingly cold.

"Are you threatening me?" Wang Cheng sneered:

"The thing that my human race is least afraid of is threats. Moreover, before you threaten me, you have to think about whether you have that ability. The Lord of Dragon Walk told me last time that he blocked your attack without much effort. , You are still the strongest in vain, it is simply embarrassing!"

"The power of words!"

The Father God of the Mechanical Tribe snorted coldly, but he also knew in his heart that if he and the human race really attacked each other, the Mechanical Tribe would still suffer.

There are many human lords of the universe who have clones, so that’s it. The key is that he is not sure to capture the fourth-level lord of the human universe or above in a short period of time, but this Lord of Infinity is very strange, and he is the most powerful in his hands. One treasure after another, even the Lord of Darkness was caught directly!

With the example of the Lord of Darkness, this means that, except for the fifth-level Lord of the Universe, any Master of the Universe in the Mechanical Clan may not be able to escape if he encounters Wang Cheng alone.

What's more, the human race still has a giant ax...

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