The Lord of Chaos City and the Lord of Dragon Walk chatted with Wang Cheng for a while, and gradually learned more about the secret pattern flow.

"The sixty-four basic cryptograms are just that. According to what Wu Jian said, there are probably people in the original universe who know them, but the 256 advanced cryptograms are not trivial. It is not appropriate to let too many people know about them for the time being!" The Lord of Dragon Walk said.

"Well, just declare to the outside world that Wang Cheng, you have obtained another powerful treasure!" The Lord of Chaos City looked at Wang Cheng and said.


Wang Cheng nodded indifferently. After thinking for a while, he immediately said: "Teacher, this dense pattern flow depends on talent. If you are not talented enough, you may not be able to achieve much after countless years of research. If you are talented enough, maybe You can achieve something in a very short period of time!”

"Do you need to look at talent?" Both the Chaos City Master and the Dragon Walking Master were stunned.

"Of course it depends on the talent. Don't think that the secret pattern flow does not require the understanding of specific laws, but the talent of a flash of inspiration is very important. Without this kind of talent, understanding the secret pattern flow is just a waste of time!" Wang Cheng explained.

"That's it!" The Lord of Chaos City nodded. He originally listened to Wang Cheng's description of this genre and thought it was a purely luck-based genre. Unexpectedly, it had higher talent requirements.

"Wujian, according to you, the secret pattern is beneficial to the improvement of our realm!" The Lord of Dragon Walk suddenly asked: "You said that you have been able to create the seventh-level secret method. That doesn't mean that as long as you are willing, you can easily Will you soon be able to improve your realm and surpass the strongest?"

"My secret pattern flow is on the wrong path, and I won't make a breakthrough based on this!" Wang Cheng shook his head slightly.

A high level of dense pattern flow is indeed beneficial to the progress of law flow, but it must be at a corresponding level of dense pattern flow to be beneficial to the cultivation of law flow.

Wang Cheng's secret pattern achievement was the path he figured out when he was creating the secret method related to the "Clone Technique". It had nothing to do with the "Time Path" or the "Void Path" he wanted to follow. Naturally, he didn't I will break through to the true God along this path.

After such a breakthrough, although Wang Cheng can still switch to the Void Dao, the Time Path, etc., it will not be as good as breaking through with these two Dao as the core.

Moreover, Wang Cheng is still preparing to use the divine power stream. Now that there is no shadow of the divine power stream, it is even more impossible for him to break through!


"Among the Lords of the Universe, no one wants to break through the strongest one, but you think it's bad to despise 'Lu'?" The Lord of Dragon Walk looked at Wang Cheng speechlessly.

Only today did he know that the gap between the Master of the Universe and the Master of the Universe is so big. He and Wang Cheng are both the Masters of the Human Race's Universe, but the gap between him and Wang Cheng is wider than the gap between him and the Father God of the Machine Race. ...


Wang Cheng smiled and said nothing. The scenery he saw was different, and the decision he made was naturally different.

Breaking through the True God is not difficult for him, but this is not his ultimate goal. What he wants is a perfect breakthrough!

Otherwise, even if you achieve a breakthrough, you will only be a third-rate true god!

. . . .

While Wang Cheng and the Lord of Chaos City were chatting, news spread rapidly among all the races in the universe that Wang Cheng had fought with the Father God of the Mechanical Clan and then retreated.

The reason why the news spread so quickly is that in the original star No. 0536, many people saw the human dragon leader being chased by the father god of the mechanical race. Afterwards, the news of Wang Cheng's fight with the father god of the mechanical race was even more extreme. Big, naturally this cannot be hidden from people who are interested.

For a time, the news spread quickly.

All races in the universe were shocked by the news, and even the human race was stunned.

Isn't the Lord of Infinity good at soul attacks? Why are you fighting against the Father God of the Machine Clan again?

Although the Lord of Chaos City has agreed with Wang Cheng that he will attribute his strength to the most powerful treasure, he will not explain it publicly. There is no need at all!

Therefore, everyone's doubts at this time can only be doubted first...

But there is no doubt that Wang Cheng's reputation has become even louder!


the other side--

Wang Cheng did not chat with the Chaos City Lord for too long, and they quickly exited the virtual universe.

At this moment in the original star, Wang Cheng and the Lord of Dragon Walk were not separated, they were still together.

"The Father God of the Mechanical Clan was chasing me before, and I lost a lot of my divine body. I have to withdraw and recuperate for a while before coming back!" said the Lord of Dragon Walk.

"Yeah!" Wang Cheng nodded slightly.

"But Wujian, do you really have to do that?" The Lord of Dragon Walk suddenly asked.

"Yes, it's disrespectful to come back without reciprocating. Since the Father God of the Mechanical Tribe dares to attack you, then the Master of the Universe of their Mechanical Tribe must be prepared to be attacked by me!" Wang Cheng nodded.

"That's true!" The Lord of Dragon Walk nodded, but he also advised: "But you must also be careful. The primitive star has thousands of races fighting against each other. If the human race and the mechanical race start a full-scale war, it will only make it easier for other people watching the fun!"

Although Wang Cheng's approach was to avenge him, the Lord of Dragon Walk could still take into account the overall situation. The opening of the primitive star meant opportunities. At this time, the human race naturally could not continue to fight with the mechanical race.

Otherwise, the only person who loses at this time is himself, and the gains are made by other ethnic groups.

"Don't worry, I'm just giving them a warning!" Wang Cheng nodded slightly.

His choice of revenge was indeed just to give other true gods a warning. Otherwise, if anyone dared to chase and kill the Lord of the Human Universe, would he be bored to death?

As for fighting with the mechanical tribe, Wang Cheng naturally doesn't want to.

If the situation evolves into him and the Father God of the Machine Tribe continuously attacking the masters of the universes on both sides, the masters of the universes of the two tribes will not come to the original star for a long time in the future.

This is also a huge loss for the human race, and the gain outweighs the loss.


The Lord of Dragon Walk didn't say much. He quickly left the original star No. 0536, and Wang Cheng, who was originally planning to leave, also stayed temporarily.

In the blink of an eye, more than three years have passed.

At this time, the Lord of Chaos City finally sent a message to Wang Cheng.

"On the original star No. 0359, traces of the Lord of Darkness were discovered!"

"Lord of Darkness?"

Wang Cheng looked at the news from the Lord of Chaos City, and a smile appeared on his face. Isn't this a coincidence?

Wang Cheng remembered that the Lord of Darkness forced one of his clones to self-destruct. He had no chance before, but this time it happened that old and new grudges were avenged together!



Wang Cheng moved and quickly headed towards the 10081 passages on the original star No. 0536.

Each primitive star has 10081 channels, and each channel corresponds to a primitive star. Therefore, when Wang Cheng crossed this channel at this time, he came directly to the 0539 primitive star where the Lord of Black Sin was.

"Lord of Darkness, just wait!" Wang Cheng sneered in his heart. He did not hesitate and flew towards the distance quickly.

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