Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 227 Twenty-one opportunities to seize

Wang Cheng hasn't used opportunity points to seize opportunities for a long time. He has saved all the opportunity points in the past two hundred thousand years. At this time, there are more than 6 million opportunity points.

This is an extremely terrifying number. If Wang Cheng uses it to seize opportunities in the cosmic sea, then the most powerful treasure he obtains will probably enable him to arm all the masters of the universe of the entire human race.

However, Wang Cheng's current demand for the most powerful treasure is not great, and he has no idea of ​​doing so.

The best way to accumulate opportunity points is to accumulate a bunch of opportunity points together to extract truly big opportunities.

Now, Wang Cheng feels it’s time to take a shot!


"I only spent 150,000 chance points to capture the inheritance place left by Teacher Dong Shenyu. This may not rule out that I am very lucky, but it cannot be denied that 150,000 chance points are enough to capture it. It's enough to seize a real big opportunity!" Wang Cheng thought in his heart, and he quickly made a decision.

There were more than 6 million chance points, of which he divided 3 million into twenty times, consuming 150,000 chance points at a time.

After many chance grabs, Wang Cheng could hope to catch what he needed. As for the remaining three million chance points, Wang Cheng planned to spend three million chance points on a super grab, and the rest would be temporary. Stay and wait until the next opportunity to grab them together.

"I hope you have better luck!"

Wang Cheng was thinking in his heart, and immediately he started to seize opportunities again and again.

. . .

call! call! call!

Fluctuations continued to spread rapidly from the original universe, and the twenty chance captures quickly ended. Wang Cheng captured eight weapons, six special treasures, and five secret techniques.

Among them, the seven weapons are undoubtedly the most powerful and precious treasures, and they are the most powerful and precious treasures that far exceed the weapons of the true god level. These weapons have extremely stringent requirements on the will of the owner. Although they are extremely precious, they are not Wang Cheng needs it now.

Then there are six special treasures. Among the six special treasures, three treasures contain massive amounts of energy. But unfortunately, Wang Cheng has no idea how to use these treasures.

The remaining three special treasures are a mechanical chain, a bead with a strange aura, and a colorful mountain.

Needless to say, the mechanical style chain is a mechanical style weapon, and the characteristic of mechanical style weapons is that it allows the person holding it to exert strength far beyond his or her own.

The bead that contains other auras is called the "Thousand-faced Bead". After eating it, you can change your aura at will and maintain a stable aura during battle.

Treasures that can conceal the aura are very common, but at the level of the Lord of the Universe, it is difficult to completely conceal the aura under all-out fighting.

For example, Wang Cheng fought against the Lord of Blood and Light at the black-patterned stone pillar before. It was because Wang Cheng was a newcomer to the universe sea and no one had seen his aura, so no one knew that he was actually the human race Wu Jian. Lord.

Like Sitting on the Mountain, in order to refine a treasure that can cover his aura during battle, he directly killed the Lord of the Universe.

You can see the difficulty.

But even with the superb craftsmanship of the mountain guest and the sacrifice of a universe master, the treasure can only be disguised as an aura, but this bead can disguise an aura at will.

Therefore, this bead is quite powerful.

As for the last colorful mountain... it's called "Cosmic Monument". The chance capture system only said that it is the cornerstone of the universe, and then there is no other introduction.

Like the other three treasures filled with infinite energy, this was only briefly introduced, and Wang Cheng had no idea of ​​its specific functions.

As for the inheritance of the five secret techniques.

One of the secret techniques is a purely offensive secret technique. It is so complex that Wang Cheng cannot even understand it. It is estimated that it is at least a secret technique at the level of chaos.

This secret technique is indeed quite precious, but unfortunately, Wang Cheng cannot use it.

Among the remaining four inheritances, three were equally useless to Wang Cheng, but the last one surprised him a bit.

This is a divine power inheritance, and its core is a secret book called "Origin Technique". This secret book divides all life into 108 categories, and each category has different numbers of species. Come up, there are 10081 species in total.

According to the guidance of this "Origin Technique", you can look for different categories and species of life to conduct research. As long as your talent is not too bad, you can easily make a breakthrough in the flow of divine power.

"This "Origin Technique" is simply a training outline for the divine power stream. With it, it will be many times easier to follow the divine power stream!" Wang Cheng secretly sighed in his heart.

Although this inheritance also contains some knowledge about other divine power streams, such as how to conduct research on various major species, etc., Wang Cheng understands that other inheritances are just minutiae, and that "Source Technique" is the real core. in the core.

. . .

After twenty chance grabs, Wang Cheng was already quite satisfied to get a piece of divine power inheritance.

However, Wang Cheng still insisted on completing this opportunity grab according to the original plan.

After twenty tentative chance grabs, Wang Cheng finally made a big move. He consumed 3 million chance points at one time and then chose to grab.


The invisible wave spread out, and it took a long time for it to finally return.

At this time, lines of text also appeared in front of Wang Cheng.

[Consumption of 3 million chance points, chance capture successful]

[Opportunity Category: Treasure]

[Chance name: Shenmu Mountain]

[Opportunity effect: Shenmu Mountain contains great opportunities, which can be taken out in an open place]


"Another mountain?" Wang Cheng was slightly surprised. He had just captured a huge mountain called "Cosmic Monument" before, and now there was another Shenmu Mountain.

However, the Universe Monument only cost Wang Cheng 150,000 chance points, while the "Shenmu Mountain" consumed a full 3 million chance points. The two are probably not the same.

"Specially remind me to take it out in an open place..." Wang Cheng felt a little surprised. Different beings have different understandings of openness. For ordinary humans, maybe a few hundred meters in radius is considered open, but Wang Cheng's current true body size is as high as 90,000 kilometers. To him, the entire Wujian Continent is not empty.

"It seems that Jiumu Mountain should be huge!"

Wang Cheng was thinking in his heart, and then he separated his consciousness and entered the space connected to his consciousness.

Soon, Wang Cheng found the newly caught treasure.

Wang Cheng did not let his consciousness get close. With the lessons of the Tree of Time, Wang Cheng knew that the treasures he caught were very likely to be fatal. It was unwise to touch them with his consciousness rashly.

However, although there is no contact, generally speaking, Wang Cheng can clearly see what the treasure looks like from a distance.

But this time, what he saw was chaos, and he couldn't see anything.

He tried to get a little bit closer with some consciousness, but was bounced back in an instant...

"It doesn't look like an ordinary treasure!"

Wang Cheng understood in his heart, and at the same time, he also decided to wait for an opportunity to release it later, and it would be best to release it into the universe sea.

When it comes to emptiness, there is no more suitable place than the endless sea of ​​space!

PS: Three updates.

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