Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 328 Accident, the world of dreams

A total of twenty-one opportunity grabs, consuming 6 million opportunity points, Wang Cheng has indeed gained a huge amount.

After Wang Cheng carefully sorted out his gains, he quickly made new plans for the future.

The Void Path and Time can be combined together to take this path, and the flow of divine power must also take it... In short, he must create a perfect small universe structure!


Wang Cheng made a decision in his heart, and immediately stood up, preparing to go out to find the life that needed to be studied to practice the divine power flow.

The primitive universe is a very high-level universe, and there are many kinds of life in it. A considerable part of the 108 major types of life recorded in "Original Art" should be found in the primitive universe.

"The human race and the demon race should be considered the same category of life, but they belong to different species. The insect race and the machine race are the other two categories, the crystal race and the prison race are two major categories, and the starry sky beasts are also one category... ....." Wang Cheng thought about the species of the major ethnic groups in the original universe. Wang Cheng easily analyzed the species of the peak ethnic groups and some ethnic groups with clear characteristics.

However, the universe is vast, there are too many ethnic groups, and there are countless unique and special beings. There are some beings whose species cannot be determined based on surface information alone. Therefore, Wang Cheng has to verify it himself.

Moreover, most of the special beings who are not strong enough also know that all races in the universe are not friendly to them. They have too many things that all races in the universe need. Therefore, when they are not strong enough, these special beings will hide themselves. No one knows they exist.

Fortunately, Wang Cheng also cultivates the "Cosmic Messenger" system. In terms of his ability to search in the universe, no one can match him. He is quite confident in finding some rare and special life forms.


Wang Cheng did not bring the Seven Temples with him. After he left the Seven Temples, he quickly took a step and disappeared directly into the Wujian Continent.

It has been more than three thousand years since Wang Cheng left.

Although it only lasts for more than three thousand years, Wang Cheng has been traveling around the universe during this period. He has visited all the races in the universe. With his ability as a "cosmic messenger", he has also kidnapped many special people along the way. life.

Of course, because Wang Cheng did not deliberately search for them, the special beings abducted by him were only a small part of the original universe, both in terms of type and quantity.

The meal must be eaten one bite at a time, and the road must be walked step by step. Wang Cheng is not in a hurry at the moment. When he goes out this time, he does not have the idea of ​​​​wiping out all kinds of life in the primitive universe. He mainly wants to eliminate the primitive universe first. Some races on the bright side of the universe were searched.

"However, I have basically seen all the more famous life forms in the original universe. So far, I have only found 72 major categories and a total of 4,781 kinds of life. I don't know if some of the more hidden life forms can save the remaining ones. Complete the 36 categories!" Wang Cheng thought in his heart.

It's okay if he can't find all the 10081 kinds of life. Wang Cheng understands that if he wants to achieve real great achievements in the "divine power flow", 108 major categories of life are indispensable.

But unfortunately, after searching all the ethnic groups on the surface of the original universe, Wang Cheng could only find 72 categories.

With 36 major categories left, we can only hope for a wide variety of special life forms...


Wang Cheng didn't think much about it. At this time, he teleported through the Kingdom of God and had returned to the vicinity of Wujian Continent.

With another teleport, Wang Cheng directly entered the sky above Wujian Continent, but at this time, Wang Cheng suddenly frowned slightly.

An inexplicable fluctuation enveloped the entire continent. The continent that was originally full of vitality was now completely plunged into deathly silence.

All life forms, from the ordinary planet level to the one and only Universe Lord, all fell down at this moment.


"I actually forgot about this!" Wang Cheng observed everything around him, thoughtfully in his heart.

Wang Cheng is naturally familiar with the fluctuations that envelope the entire continent. This is actually a "dream world."

The reason why the secret technique of "Dream World" enveloped the entire continent is probably because Wang Cheng's clones had an accident while using the "Dream Induction Technique" to practice.

Although the dream entrainment technique is good, it occasionally has side effects, that is, the beings who are practicing will unconsciously do some things related to practice.

Although Wang Cheng's original deity left the Seven Temples before, his clones were still practicing there.

Wang Cheng's use of "Dream Induction Technique" has always been done in the dream world of his auxiliary secret technique, because this can reduce the difficulty of using Dream Induction Technique!

So when Wang Cheng saw this situation, he immediately understood that this was an accident caused by the "Dream Induction Technique".

"However, the spread of the dream world actually pulled so many people into it?" Wang Cheng was thinking about the reason.

The initial "Dream World" is similar to the "Dream Induction Technique". It is also a pure soul method. Only when Wang Cheng infuses laws into it and transforms it from illusion to semi-illusion can it evolve into an attack or attack. It’s an auxiliary means!

It stands to reason that the initial "dream world" should be the separate dream world of each clone of Wang Cheng, and outsiders have nothing to do with it.

But unfortunately, everyone is now unconscious, and their consciousness must have been pulled into the dream world that envelopes the entire continent.

"I wonder which clone went wrong!"

Wang Cheng was thinking in his heart. He took a step and instantly entered the Seven Temples.

At this time, the Seven Temples were silent, and all the clones were practicing with the help of "Dream Induction Technique". In this state of clones, Wang Cheng could not perceive their specific situation, and could only obtain a steady stream of energy from these clones. Enlightenment.

Wang Cheng judged based on the insights passed on by many clones. These clones were all in a similar state, and it didn't look like something had gone wrong at all.

But given the external situation, Wang Cheng definitely couldn't pretend that nothing happened.

"Is there something wrong with all the clones?" Wang Cheng guessed. However, although he has been searching for various lives in the outside world these years, he has also been receiving insights from many clones. He did not feel that there was anything wrong. What an anomaly.

"I should have known I would have left a sober clone here to watch!" Wang Cheng shook his head slightly.

Out of confidence in the Seven Temples, Wang Cheng did not leave too much defense here before, and because of this, he is a little confused now.

Of course, this is actually not a big deal. Even if Wang Cheng does nothing, as long as these clones finish their practice, they will wake up naturally.

Wang Cheng did not set a long cultivation time for these clones, but it was only five thousand years.

Now that three thousand years have passed, even if Wang Cheng does nothing, in another two thousand years, the dream world outside will disappear.

However, after thinking about it, Wang Cheng decided to do something. He was very interested in the current changes in the "Dream World" and wanted to find out what was happening in it.

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