
Seeing Wang Cheng appear, Luo Feng came over instantly.

"Don't worry, the second person has left!" Wang Cheng smiled.

"Is it the strongest person who came to assassinate me?" Luo Feng was a little unbelievable.

"And there are two!" Wang Cheng added, he was actually a little surprised.

It stands to reason that the person who came to assassinate Luo Feng should be the Demon God of Xu Zhen, but now he has become the founder of the Black Universe and the mountain guest.

But these are all changes brought about by Wang Cheng, and they are not difficult to understand.

There are only more than ten true gods in the entire original universe. Apart from the true gods of the six peak races' respective alliances, the Northern Xinjiang Alliance, and the Starry Sky Behemoth Alliance, there are only a few of the strongest lone warriors left.

In other words, the Demon God of Xu Zhen, the ancestor of monsters, the Mountain Guest, and the founder of the Black Universe.

Last time, the Demon God Xu Zhen, together with the Father God of the Mechanical Clan, the two True Gods of the Demon Clan, and the Queen of the Zerg Clan, besieged the giant ax and suffered a huge loss. It is strange that he is willing to help the three tribes this time.

The same goes for the ancestor of monsters!

Therefore, this time the three tribes can only invite the mountain guest and the founder of Black Universe.

And they were ruthless enough to invite two at a time. You must know that the true god cannot be invited casually. Even if they are only asked to kill a cosmic lord, they cannot be invited casually.

Inviting two at a time will definitely produce a lot of blood.

However, the three tribes were unlucky enough that they actually invited the mountain guest. Even if there was no Wang Cheng this time, the mountain guest would definitely only work hard and not contribute. Luo Feng was trained with great difficulty. How could he Maybe he really takes action against Luo Feng?

. . .

Naturally, Luo Feng didn't know that the matter was so complicated. At this time, when he heard that two of the strongest people in the universe were coming to deal with him, he was also frightened.

Although he had completely transformed at this time and was full of confidence in himself, they were still the two strongest people.

"Senior brother, who is the other strongest person?" Luo Feng asked.

"Sitting on the mountain!" Wang Cheng laughed.

"Sitting on the mountain?!" Luo Feng looked strange, and most of the fear in his heart disappeared instantly.

This is like sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai.

I don’t know who hired the killer, but he hired the mountain guest.

"You have a close relationship with Mountain Guest, so even if you don't have me, nothing will happen!" Wang Cheng said.

"Senior brother, do you know everything?" Luo Feng was stunned.

"Of course I know!" Wang Cheng thought for a moment and then said, "The teacher told me!"



Wang Cheng didn't say anything. He nodded slightly. Apart from what he already knew, the first time he heard about the relationship between Luo Feng and Mountain Guest was indeed from the Lord of Chaos City.

It seems that the Lord of Chaos City has discovered something!

It’s not surprising that the Earth has something to do with the Mountain Guest. Chaos City Lord has long known that with Luo Feng’s rapid rise, it’s normal for Chaos City Lord to notice something!

. . .

Wang Cheng and Luo Feng didn't say a few words before the fighting outside had stopped.

Soon, the two-faced ancestor god also came here.

"God Ancestral!" Luo Feng said gratefully: "Senior brother has told me that God Ancestral, you have always lived next door to me just to protect my safety."

"You are the inheritor of my Ancestral God Religion, so I will naturally keep you safe!" The Double-faced Ancestral God said: "However, you have also seen that even the strongest people come to assassinate you. You must be cautious in your actions in the future!"


Luo Feng nodded solemnly.



An assassination incident passed quickly. Luo Feng did not choose to continue practicing in seclusion in the Ancestral God Religion. He soon left the Ancestral God Religion and headed straight for the Primordial Star.

Wang Cheng knew that Luo Feng had gone to the Primordial Star to cause trouble. Only if he showed enough strength to make others think that he had become the Lord of the Universe, and it would not be easy to kill him, would the assassination against him end.

Wang Cheng did not follow him this time. After the last assassination, Luo Feng himself must have become alert.

Relying on the Star Tower to guard his soul, Luo Feng has another avatar. Unless he is in the universe sea, there is no limit to the strength of the true god. In the entire original universe, it is difficult for anyone to do anything to Luo Feng.


Wang Cheng's guess was good. Luo Feng's trip to the Primordial Star had indeed caused big things.

First, he almost killed a top demon clan overlord, and then killed more than 7,000 universe sages in one breath... The three clans now probably want to kill Luo Feng more than before, so Luo Feng killed the universe. His Holiness is also more.

And Luo Feng, who had done such a big thing, instantly made the three tribes crazy.

The three clans frantically wanted to kill Luo Feng, but Luo Feng disappeared directly. Instead, the more notorious "Lord of Blood Cloud Palace" appeared, which suddenly helped Luo Feng attract a lot of hatred.

Of course, Wang Cheng knew that the master of Xueyun Palace was actually Luo Feng, but he was Luo Feng's disguised identity.

In order for Luo Feng to disguise himself as the master of the Bloody Cloud Palace, Sitting Mountain Guest specially refined a treasure for him that can disguise his aura. Even in an all-out battle, it will not show any flaws. It can be said that it is a well-intentioned thing!


Although Wang Cheng was far away in Wujian Continent, he knew all of them through the virtual universe. At this time, the human race also reached a consensus that Luo Feng was already the master of the universe!

. . .

In the virtual universe, at the top of Thunder Island, Wang Cheng's figure appeared, and he slowly entered the hall.


Luo Feng, who had already arrived before, quickly said hello.

"Luo Feng, I heard about you, you did a great job!" Wang Cheng smiled, then walked to his seat and sat down.

This is naturally the place where many universe masters of the Virtual Universe Company hold meetings. At this time, Wang Cheng's status is completely different from the last time he came here.

Killing the clone of the Lord of the Deep Current of the Demon Clan, killing the Lord of Wuhai, repelling the Father God of the Mechanical Clan, and capturing alive the Lord of Black Shen of the Mechanical Clan... These are Wang Cheng's achievements, and they naturally appear as sculptures. On the seat behind him.

Of course, Wang Cheng himself doesn't care about these things.

"Teacher, is this meeting for Luo Feng?" Wang Cheng looked at the Lord of Chaos City.

"Yes!" The Lord of Chaos City nodded and said:

"The three of us master and apprentice met first, then Darkness, Bingfeng and others came over, and finally there was a giant ax meeting, where Luo Feng was officially announced as the Lord of the Universe!"

"Haha, chaos, endless!"

At this time, a laugh came from a distance, and then, the Lord of Dragon Walk walked in quickly.

Wang Cheng and the Lord of Chaos City both nodded, and the Lord of Dragon Walk also started chatting with Luo Feng. What Luo Feng did on the Primordial Star was indeed shocking. Even the Lord of Dragon Walk was very impressed at this moment.

Soon, the Lord of Darkness, the Lord of Ice Peak, and the Lord of Youhou also arrived one after another.

After everyone met, the Lord of Chaos City said: "Luo Feng has also joined us. Our lineage of Virtual Universe Company has undoubtedly become stronger and stronger. This is a great joy..."


The Lord of Darkness, who had not spoken much, suddenly spoke.

"Huh?" The Lord of Chaos City was confused.

"When will you recruit more disciples? If our lineage in Virtual Universe Company wants to become more powerful, I'm afraid it depends on you!" the Lord of Darkness said slowly.


The Lord of Chaos City fell silent immediately, but except for Wang Cheng and Luo Feng, the Lord of Dragon Walk and the Lord of Frozen nodded their heads.

Although there is another reason why Wang Cheng and Luo Feng became stronger so quickly, others don't know it.

And there is no doubt about one thing. Wang Cheng and Luo Feng were both disciples of the Lord of Chaos City, and they became disciples of the Lord of Chaos City not long ago.

Not to mention Luo Feng and Wang Cheng's senior brothers, Luo Feng and Wang Cheng are both so outstanding, don't they still prove the ability of the Lord of Chaos City? Even if it cannot prove that the Lord of Chaos City was very capable in the past, it can at least prove that he is very capable in teaching his disciples now, and he is extremely capable!

"Let's discuss this matter again!"

The Lord of Chaos City was also a little speechless. Juaxe had said similar words a few days ago, but he knew clearly that Luo Feng and Wang Cheng both developed on their own and had nothing to do with him.

If he really had the ability to train such a talented disciple, he would have taught him long ago, why wait until now?

"Let's go see the teacher first!" said the Lord of Chaos City.


The Lord of Ice Peak and the Lord of Darkness were momentarily solemn, and the Lord of Dragon Walk also nodded slightly.


Luo Feng was a little confused.

"He is the founder of my virtual universe company..." Wang Cheng explained. At the same time, he also raised his head and looked up at the sky. He didn't see the original ancestor last time. He didn't know if he could see him this time. .

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