Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 334 The original ancestor appears

Flying upward from the palace at the top of Thunder Island, passing through layers of chaotic airflow, everyone soon saw the towering statue again.

"This is the original ancestor. He is the founder of my virtual universe company. He is also the teacher of me, Bingfeng, and Darkness. Even the founder of Giant Ax was taught by the teacher..." The Lord of Chaos City introduced to Luo Feng With.

Luo Feng kept nodding. Suddenly, Luo Feng was slightly startled. The Lord of Chaos City and several other Lords of the Universe also turned their heads as if they had sensed something.

A phantom dressed in white appeared under the statue at some point.



"Original Ancestor!"


Several Chaos City Lords exclaimed, Luo Feng was a little confused, and Wang Cheng was also slightly surprised. The original ancestor can indeed appear in the virtual universe, but he will not show up casually if nothing happens.

Even the Lord of Chaos City, the current head of the Virtual Universe Company, has probably not seen the original ancestor for a long time, and the founder of Giant Ax is no exception. I didn’t expect him to show up here!

"Chaos, this Luo Feng is also your disciple?" the original ancestor asked.


The Lord of Chaos City nodded, and he immediately asked: "Teacher, what are you doing?"

"Your ability to teach disciples is not small, you are better than me!" The original ancestor did not answer the question of the Lord of Chaos City. He said one sentence first, and then said:

"You guys go ahead and let me talk to your other disciple!"

Yuan Zu said, he looked at Wang Cheng.

"Wang Cheng?" Chaos City Lord and others were surprised, but soon they were relieved.

It is not surprising that the original ancestor would pay attention to Wang Cheng. After all, Wang Cheng now deserves to be the second in the human race. Even Wang Cheng created the seventh-level secret method early before breaking through to the true god. After breaking through to the true god, his strength is even more It is impossible to predict. It is almost inevitable to reach the level of the original ancestor.

It can only be said that Wang Cheng will be paid attention to by the original ancestor!

"Luo Feng, let's go first!" The Lord of Chaos City said, and then several people left temporarily.

Only Wang Cheng and Yuanzu were left in the place.


When Wang Cheng was still weak, he liked to wear black armor. Even if the armor was not black, he would turn it into black. His preference has not changed now, and he still wears black clothes.

At this time, Wang Cheng and Yuan Zu, one dressed in black and the other in white, were looking at each other.

"Master asked me to stay, but what do you have to say?" Wang Cheng was the first to speak.

"I haven't given you any help. Your master-disciple relationship with Chaos doesn't need to concern me!" Yuan Ancestor smiled and said: "Besides, those who achieve first come first. I admire your achievements. Just call me Yuan!"

"It is said that you, the original ancestor, once conquered the universe and were invincible. My achievements are far inferior to yours!" Wang Cheng said something strange. He was not being humble.

Although Wang Cheng is quite confident about his future, he is indeed not as good as his original ancestor now.

But the other party said that the master comes first?

"I'm not as good as you in dealing with the will of the original universe!" the original ancestor explained.


Wang Cheng was slightly startled, and soon he understood that the original ancestor was talking about the "Universal Messenger".

The virtual universe covers the real universe. Unless there is a powerful treasure blocking it or it is within the realm of the True God, as long as the original ancestor is willing, he can know anything happening anywhere at any time.

When Wang Cheng first practiced the "Cosmic Messenger" system, he was not within the Seven Temples, but practiced above the Wujian Continent. It is probably because of this that the original ancestor discovered the anomaly.

However, although the ultimate goal of the Cosmic Messenger system is to seize the original universe, it was not very noticeable when it first started practicing. Even the will of the original universe did not find any abnormalities. This original ancestor actually discovered something was wrong with the "Cosmic Messenger"?


"You are the master of the universe, and you have actually come up with this method of slowly eroding the original universe. I am not as good as you!" The original ancestor sighed slightly.

"I didn't come up with this. This is a special practice system. I just followed the steps!" Wang Cheng shook his head slightly.

"A new system?" The original ancestor was shocked, but he also felt a little enlightened, which is no wonder.

Originally, the original ancestor was surprised that Wang Cheng was so young and could only practice fast. Where did he have the time to come up with such ingenious ways to cannibalize the original universe?

It turns out that this is a well-established practice system!

"Original Ancestor, you met me specifically just to talk about this?" Wang Cheng asked.

"I want to remind you to be careful. The will of the original universe is not that simple. I have vaguely noticed that there are more vast and unpredictable existences on top of the will of the original universe. It is not easy to take the path of seizing the will of the original universe! "The original ancestor said with some solemnity.


Wang Cheng nodded, he knew that what the original ancestor said should be the supreme rule.

There are limits to the strong will of the original universe, but the supreme rules are really terrifying. The reason why former god kings such as Sishanke did not dare to be too arrogant in the original universe and the universe sea is that the will of the original universe is secondary. The key is the supreme rule.

Even if the mountain guest was once a god king, once he is targeted by the supreme rules, he will be doomed!

"Hope you can make it!"

The original ancestor didn't say much. After he murmured something, he quickly turned into many light spots and slowly dissipated into the void.


Wang Cheng was silent as he watched the original ancestor disappear. After thinking for a moment, he quickly left here.

The original ancestor suddenly appeared to see him and said only a few words. It seemed inexplicable, but it was actually not difficult to understand.

The original ancestor was suppressed by the original universe. In his own opinion, the original universe would never release him.

In other words, the original ancestor is waiting for death. When this reincarnation era ends and the original universe falls into great destruction, the original ancestor will naturally die along with it.

Originally, the original ancestor was helpless.

But if someone can seize the original universe, then he has hope.

It was the will of the original universe that suppressed the original ancestor, and the person who took the body of the original universe became the new will of the original universe. Isn't it just a matter of using hands to release him?

In this case, the original ancestor naturally hopes that Wang Cheng can succeed!

"Unfortunately, seizing the original universe is not that attractive to me. I will never do it unless I am 100% sure!" Wang Cheng shook his head secretly in his heart.

Of course, although Wang Cheng is not sure whether he wants to seize the original universe, he does know that in the future, when the world beasts are raging, there will be many opportunities to negotiate with the original universe to release the original ancestors.

After all, the original ancestor is the forerunner of the human race, and he also created the secret method of "virtual universe", which has made outstanding contributions to the human race. He is also the teacher of the Lord of Chaos City. In terms of emotion and reason, Wang Cheng is the one he should do within his ability. Help him.

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