Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 342 Divine Power Breakthrough

"This power is really terrifying!"

Wang Cheng looked at the master of Yuan Ao who was wiped out in an instant, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

The divine body of the Lord of Yuan'ao is huge, reaching a height of one million kilometers. In the original universe, this is already a special divine body at the level second only to the "Nine Nether Sea".

Like Wang Cheng, although he has perfect genes, his divine body is only 90,000 kilometers away.

The master of Yuan Ao's divine body is more than ten times stronger than Wang Cheng, and his total divine power is probably more than a thousand times that of Wang Cheng.

But even so, Wang Cheng still wiped it out with one move!

Without him, the Lord of Yuan Ao had nowhere to hide in the "Seven Temples". He could only resist Wang Cheng's attack, and Wang Cheng's attack just now had the power of the ninth level.

Wang Cheng created his own eighth-level offensive secret method, and with the blessing of rare objects, it is naturally a ninth-level power!

The Lord of Yuan Ao does not rely on strange objects, he is just a fourth-level Lord of the Universe. There is a gap of five levels. No matter how big his divine body is, Wang Cheng can still kill him instantly with one move!

. . .

Killing the Lord of Yuan'ao was just a trivial matter for Wang Cheng. Wang Cheng glanced at the treasures left behind by the Lord of Yuan'ao, and then he collected them all with a wave of his hand.

All of a sudden, the number of strange objects in Wang Cheng's hand turned into three. This number would scare others to death if told about it.

In addition, Wang Cheng also put away the map of Qingfeng Realm left by the master of Yuan'ao who claimed to be the super powerful "Xuan Yuan" in the past.

This map is fake. It seems that the Lord of Yuan'ao returned to the original universe with strange objects to seek death out of ignorance. In fact, it is because he has surrendered to the world beast.

If you go to the Qingfeng Realm according to the map of Lord Yuan Ao, you may encounter the three true gods from the first reincarnation era who have also taken refuge in the realm beasts, and you may also encounter the realm beasts.

All in all, this is a trap.

However, although it was a trap, Wang Cheng still put it away.

He doesn't need this map now, but he may not need it in the future!

World beasts are enemies that Wang Cheng must deal with. If he doesn't go now, it doesn't mean he won't go in the future!

When Wang Cheng wants to cause trouble with the realm beasts, he only needs to follow this map to find the realm beasts hidden in the dark places of Qingfeng Realm. It can be said that he saves a lot of trouble. !

"Moreover, the giant ax will not go to Qingfeng Realm now, and there is no misleading from this fake map. It is unlikely that he will die if he encounters a realm beast again!" Wang Cheng thought in his heart, and soon he withdrew. This branch of the palace.


outside world--

Under the control of Wang Cheng's consciousness, the temple shimmering with colorful light quickly left the place.

After flying for an unknown distance in one breath, Wang Cheng finally saw from a distance the towering giant mountain that seemed to have had a part cut off. In terms of height alone, the giant mountain was probably hundreds of billions of light-years high.

"Liu Zhongshan..."

Wang Cheng did not continue to move forward. He took the Seven Temples and searched nearby.

"When I came here to seize opportunities before, I found a very empty void. It would be suitable to place Shenmu Mountain near there!"

Wang Cheng planned in his mind. After about a few hours, Wang Cheng finally controlled the Seven Temples and stopped.

"This is it!"

Wang Cheng teleported to the outside of the Seven Temples. In front of him was a vast expanse of void, with billions of light-years of empty space, and occasionally a few inconspicuous and dangerous places.

"After all, it was an opportunity that cost three million chance points to seize. Don't be careless!" Wang Cheng thought secretly in his heart, and his mind slowly came into contact with the vague light in the space connected to his consciousness.


The light instantly dissipated in the space connected to Wang Cheng's consciousness. At the same time, a light spot about a hundred meters high suddenly appeared in the void in front of Wang Cheng, and disappeared into the void in an instant.

At the same time, pieces of information also emerged in Wang Cheng's mind.

"A hundred years?"

Wang Cheng stared at the void where the light disappeared. He thought in his heart for a moment, then he flashed back to the Seven Temples, and then escaped into the void without hesitation and left the place.


Just now, the moment Wang Cheng released the "Shenmu Mountain", he got a piece of news.

The light that envelopes the "Shenmu Mountain" will dissipate in a hundred years, and by then, the complete Shenmu Mountain will appear in the cosmic sea.

"The movement of the birth of Shenmu Mountain will probably be huge, otherwise the light will not last for a full hundred years before dissipating!"

This thought flashed through Wang Cheng's mind, and he was also thankful. Fortunately, he chose to release Shenmu Mountain in the cosmic sea. If he had released it in the original universe, he still doesn't know what would happen!


"It's only been a hundred years, and it's gone by in the blink of an eye!" Wang Cheng didn't think too much, and he had no idea of ​​returning to the original universe immediately. After controlling the Seven Temples to fly hundreds of billions of light years in one go, Wang Cheng let the Seven Temples land in a A remote place, and he himself started practicing directly here.

In just a short period of a hundred years, Wang Cheng had no idea of ​​using the "Dream Induction Technique", so he simply began to study the inheritance of the "Divine Power Flow" wholeheartedly.

In the blink of an eye, fifty years passed.

Just fifty years, in Wang Cheng's cultivation career, can only be said to be inconspicuous. Even if the Tree of Time accelerates time a million times, it is only fifty million years.

However, in these short fifty years of practice, Wang Cheng has gained tremendously.

At this moment, every clone created by Wang Cheng has a part of its divine power that is constantly collapsing and reorganizing, collapsing, and reorganizing...

Every time these divine powers are recombined, the gene multiples will change.

Most of the time, it is lower than 10081 times, but occasionally it is higher than 10081 times, and sometimes it can even reach more than 20,000 times. However, these structures are unstable, so they were abandoned by Wang Cheng without hesitation.

Suddenly, one of Wang Cheng's clones stopped moving.


Wang Cheng's attention instantly turned to the clone. After confirming that the recombinant divine body was stable, Wang Cheng also instantly knew the genetic multiple of this recombinant divine body.

Nineteen thousand times! ! !

"This is a qualitative breakthrough!" Wang Cheng was extremely happy.


The divine power flow is divided into five levels. The first stage is from ten thousand times the gene to the thirty thousand times the gene. The genes at this stage can already break through to the true god, but it is no different from the ordinary law flow true god.

Wang Cheng is now at this stage. This stage may seem ordinary, but in fact it means that he has taken a crucial step in the divine flow, which is of extraordinary significance!


Then there are 30,000 times the gene to 60,000 times the gene. This is the second stage. Life at this stage is already considered a formal practitioner of the divine power flow.

The third stage is from 60,000 times the gene to 90,000 times the gene. This stage is already extremely powerful.

After that, the fourth stage is from 90,000 times the gene to infinitely close to the 100,000 times the gene. This stage is also the highest level considered by 99% of the spiritual power practitioners. At this stage, the most significant feature is , the divine body can be as large or small as you want.

Wang Cheng's goal is to at least reach this stage.

The reason is very simple. Wang Cheng's current divine body is only 90,000 kilometers high, which is incomparable to the special beings like the Lord of Yuan'ao who are not considered top-notch, let alone the special beings like the "Lord of the Nine Nethers".

However, once he reaches the third stage of his divine body, as long as Wang Cheng can find enough power sources for his divine body to absorb, his divine body will expand without limit. It is only a trivial matter to exceed the Nine Nether Sea.

Of course, even if ordinary people reach this stage, it is impossible to really make the divine body infinite in size. After all, the endless energy is not so easy to collect.

Even a behemoth like the original universe would not support a "vampire" without limit!

However, Wang Cheng had previously obtained many treasures containing a large amount of energy by relying on the chance capture system, and there would undoubtedly be more in the future, so he was not worried in this regard.

Wang Cheng is confident that as long as his genetic level exceeds 90,000 times, he will be sure to expand the size of his divine body to a terrifying level in a short period of time!


Of course, Wang Cheng's goal is to achieve 90,000 times the divine body. The last stage of the divine power stream, 100,000 times the genetic level, is also Wang Cheng's goal.

Once this goal is achieved, the perfect small universe structure that Wang Cheng has been thinking about will be realized immediately...

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