Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 343: The Plan of the Blood Orchid Ancestor

"Although the genetic level is still below 30,000 times, the most critical step has finally been taken!" Wang Cheng thought in his heart, and with a thought, he quickly controlled the Seven Temples and headed towards the space ship.

Wang Cheng also has a clone on the black-patterned stone pillar of the space ship. To reorganize the divine body, all clones must return.

There are two ways to make the clone return. The first is to let the clone dissipate, and Wang Cheng only needs to replenish the energy and soul he lost after the clone dissipated!

However, there are still some treasures on that clone, especially a rare item. Naturally, Wang Cheng will not choose this method so extravagantly!

The second method is to let the clone reintegrate into the main body. This method requires the main body to meet the clone.

Wang Cheng did not choose to let the clone come to see the original person. He planned to let the original person find the clone.

Without him, the main body has more treasures and stronger strength, and can make the main body and the clone meet in a shorter time.

After all, "Shenmu Mountain" Wang Cheng has been released, and Shenmu Mountain will be born in fifty years, and he does not want to miss this opportunity.


In the Cosmic Sea, although Wang Cheng's speed could not exceed the limit of a hundred times the speed of light, he could pass through some places directly with the help of the Seven Temples of the Supreme Treasure and his own powerful strength.

Therefore, Wang Cheng's speed is naturally astonishing. The clone traveled a hundred years, but Wang Cheng's original body only walked a few months.

At this time, Wang Cheng's clone also started to rush back from the place where the time of the black-grained stone pillar was accelerated by nearly 100,000 times. Not long after, the original body and the clone met at the place where time was accelerated by about 10,000 times.

This is the place where Wang Cheng's will discovered the black token space when he first broke through the level of true god.


After Wang Cheng took back the clone, he simply entered the black token space directly.

When practicing in the cosmic sea, there is no safer place than this token space. He wants to improve the genetic level of his divine body, and this black token space is just right.

However, what Wang Cheng didn't know was that when he entered the black token space, deep in the black-patterned stone pillars, the ancestor of Blood Orchid, surrounded by countless bloody vines, suddenly woke up.

"The Seven-Colored Temple? That should be the most powerful and precious palace of Lord Wu Jian. In other words, it is very likely that the person coming this time is his true form!" the ancestor of Blood Orchid thought in his heart.

At first, the ancestor of Blood Orchid was chasing Wang Cheng's clone, but at the critical moment Wang Cheng revealed his identity. The ancestor of Blood Orchid gave up the pursuit of Wang Cheng because he was afraid of the founder of the giant axe.

But Wang Cheng was negligent. Soon after, he became famous in the universe for possessing several powerful treasures, and even many true gods were eyeing him.

This naturally includes the ancestor of Blood Orchid!

However, the ancestor of Blood Orchid guessed that Wang Cheng was just a clone on the black-patterned stone pillar, so she did not act rashly, but kept secretly staring at Wang Cheng's clone.

Facts have also proved that the wait of the ancestor of Blood Orchid is meaningful. Wang Cheng's true self has now arrived in the space ship!


"The giant ax of the human race is not easy to mess with, but for the most powerful treasure, what does the giant ax mean?"

The ancestor of Blood Orchid sneered in her heart. If she could obtain several powerful treasures at once, she would not be afraid even if the original ancestor reappeared in the universe sea.

Moreover, the most powerful treasure is far more effective in breaking through reincarnation than any other treasure. In order to break through reincarnation, not to mention offending a giant axe, even if he offends a group of giant axes, the ancestor of Blood Orchid will not hesitate at all!

Of course, the ancestor of Blood Orchid did not lose her mind. She also knew that it would be difficult for her alone to deal with Wang Cheng, who owned several powerful treasures.

Although Wang Cheng is only the Lord of the Universe, there are several extremely powerful treasures. One super treasure is enough to establish his position as the strongest person in the universe. With several of them, even the Lord of the Universe cannot be a soft persimmon.

"Gotta get some help!"

The ancestor of Blood Orchid made a decision in her heart, and soon she contacted the Bei Chi Star Lord who was also near the black-grained stone pillar and also came from the first reincarnation era.

Star Lord Bei Chi is also among the top group among the true gods. The ancestor of Blood Orchid believes that if Star Lord Bei Chi agrees to take action, then she and Star Lord Bei Chi will be enough!

However, after the ancestor of Blood Orchid contacted Star Lord Bei Chi, the other party refused!

"Bei Chi is still so hypocritical!"

The ancestor of Blood Orchid sneered with some disdain. Lord Pei Chi Star has always been a good guy, but no matter how good a good guy he is, he still has to face the hurdles of reincarnation. Faced with several powerful treasures that can greatly increase the success rate of reincarnation, Bei Chi Star The Lord still refused.

Of course this makes the ancestor of Blood Orchid disdain!

However, no matter the disdain, the matter must continue to be resolved!

"Bei Chi doesn't agree, then who should I invite?" The ancestor of Blood Orchid was thinking in his heart. Among the true gods near the black-patterned stone pillar, apart from Star Lord Bei Chi, the only remaining one was the Rampant Demon God.

But in the opinion of the ancestor of Blood Orchid, the Rampant Demon God's "shell" is too hard to attack and kill, and he cannot deal with Wang Cheng at all.

Moreover, the Rampant Demon God is the True God of the Second Reincarnation Era, and the Blood Orchid Ancestor is not familiar with him either.

"Are we going to invite them?" The ancestor of Blood Orchid was a little undecided.

In the first era of reincarnation, the most powerful force was definitely the "God Eye Clan". From the First Allah to the Seventh Allah, there were seven true gods, and few people dared to provoke them.

For example, the two holy places, although they are transcendent, do not have the existence of true gods. In terms of deterrence, the two holy places are actually far inferior to the God Eye Clan!

The ancestor of Blood Orchid is sure that if this news is told to the God Eye Clan, then the Lord of Infinite Escape will definitely have nowhere to escape, and the God Eye Clan will have enough strength to keep him.

However, the strength of the God Eye Clan is too strong. Once they eat alone, the Blood Orchid Ancestor can only watch.

The ancestor of Blood Orchid is looking for a helper, and it is not her original intention to be turned against her.

. . .

the other side--

While the ancestor of Blood Orchid was thinking about who to ask for help, Wang Cheng had already sat down cross-legged in the black token space.

The stable genetic structure has been deduced by him, and it is not difficult to improve his own genes. Wang Cheng's whole body is boiling with divine power, and soon, his overall genetic level has undergone qualitative changes.

In an instant, Wang Cheng's genetic level instantly increased from 10,081 times to more than 19,000 times!

Of course, with the improvement in the quality of his divine power, Wang Cheng's total amount of divine power was instantly reduced by nearly half.

"If it had been anyone else, it would have taken a long time to replenish so much divine power!" Wang Cheng thought in his heart. Soon, he took out some treasures and quickly began to replenish his divine body.

Wang Cheng has many treasures that contain huge amounts of energy. It is indeed very simple for him to replenish his divine body. Even a divine body with a length of 90,000 kilometers is just a drop of water for him!

The divine power was smoothly replenished bit by bit, and Wang Cheng was also leisurely observing his new divine body.

Suddenly, as if he had discovered something, his originally leisurely expression changed instantly!

"This is?"

Wang Cheng quietly felt the depths of his divine body, where wisps of extremely familiar colored energy kept pouring out, and quickly submerged into every ray of his divine power...

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