Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 344 The Decision of the God Eye Clan

"This kind of energy still exists!" Wang Cheng was extremely shocked.

When Wang Cheng ate the original embryo, the benefits he gained were already great enough... Unparalleled talent, genes that reached the perfect level when he was a Realm Master, no matter which of them are benefits that can make people envious to death. !

But Wang Cheng didn't expect that the energy of the "primordial embryo" had never been exhausted. Instead, it was still lurking deep in his divine body.

If he hadn't gone into the flow of divine power this time and made further breakthroughs in the genetic level of his divine body, it would have been a long time before he had the chance to discover these hidden energies!

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

The colored energy seemed to be endless, pouring out turbulently and constantly integrating into every ounce of Wang Cheng's divine power. In just a moment, the amount of colored energy that poured out far exceeded the original amount of Wang Cheng's genes. The consumption when the level is pushed to 10081 times.

At this moment, Wang Cheng realized slightly that the transformation of the original body was probably just beginning now. He was too weak at the beginning, and the improvement in genetic level was most likely just incidental.


Without thinking too much, Wang Cheng quickly and quietly felt the changes in his divine power.

Integrating infinite colored energy, the color of his divine power also gradually changed, from colorless to colored. This divine power has not improved in quality, but Wang Cheng has the feeling that it has become a higher level of energy. .

Wang Cheng could clearly sense that every ray of divine power integrated into those colorful energies was comparable to the dozen or so rays in the past.

In other words, if all the divine power in Wang Cheng's body were transformed into this special divine power, even if the size of his divine body did not change, his total amount of divine power would be equivalent to an increase of more than ten times out of thin air.

This more than ten times may seem inconspicuous, but this is when Wang Cheng's current divine body remains unchanged in size. What if his divine body continues to grow in size in the future?

You know, Wang Cheng's goal is to reach at least 90,000 times the genetic level. When the time comes, he will frantically expand his divine body. Before long, the size of his divine body will be measured in light years!

For a divine body that has reached that level, every time it expands by 10% or 20% of its size, the increase in divine power is astronomical. What if it expands more than ten times?

It’s unimaginable!

"This high-level energy feels similar to the world beast..." Wang Cheng thought in his heart. As far as he knew, the power used by the world beast was not divine power, but another kind of power.

However, that kind of power level is extremely high and can easily compete with divine power in unequal proportions.

One force can consume a huge amount of divine power!

Wang Cheng's current divine power also surpasses ordinary divine power. If he were to use his divine power against others, others would have to spend more than ten points of divine power to consume even one point of his divine power!

Although this level is far less exaggerated than the realm beasts, you must know that Wang Cheng's path to divine power has only just begun, and his current genetic level is only more than 19,000 times higher!

What if he continues to improve in the future?


"That original embryo was definitely a terrifying treasure!"

Wang Cheng's heart moved slightly. He really didn't expect that the original embryo could have such a huge effect on him after he reached this stage.

. . .

While Wang Cheng was quietly waiting for the energy from the original embryo to transform his divine body, on the other side, the Blood Orchid Ancestor finally chose to contact the God Eye Clan after some tangles.

Although the God Eye Clan is strong, the Blood Orchid Ancestor has to admit that this is a good helper!


The God Eye Clan has seven small universes. At this time, in the third universe of the God Eye Clan, the Third God suddenly stood up from a huge throne.

"The Infinite Lord of the human race in the original universe?" The third Allah thought, and he quickly passed the news to the other six Allahs.

"The most powerful treasure is crucial to our race's reincarnation. This Lord of Infinity must be captured!" The First God said: "Although the giant ax of the human race is not easy to mess with, we, the Divine Eye Clan, may not be afraid of him. !”

"Yes, if such a big fat sheep dares to escape from the original universe, he is seeking death!"

"The fat is in your mouth. I, the Divine Eye Clan, have no reason not to eat it!"


All the other gods agreed.

"What are Xuelan's requirements?" Second Allah asked.

"Xuelan asked us to hand over the 'Eternal Divine Eye' to her for safekeeping, and then she was willing to tell us the location of the Lord of Infinity!" said the Third God.

"What? You want the eternal divine eye? This Blood Orchid is really brave!"

As soon as the Third God's voice fell, the other Gods exploded instantly. You must know that the Eternal Divine Eye is a sacred object of their God's Eye Clan. It may not be of high value to outsiders, but it is extremely important to the God's Eye Clan, even more than any other. The most powerful treasure, asking for the eternal divine eye, is equivalent to asking for the life of the divine eye clan.

"What Xuelan means is that when we get the most powerful treasure from the Lord of Infinity, we can exchange one of them for the Eye of Eternity, but she has to choose first!" The Third God explained.

"Even if this is the case, it is too much, and the Eternal Divine Eye must not be lost!" The First Lord said lightly: "Third brother, you continue to talk to Xuelan, and stabilize her first!

As for us, we went to search near the black-patterned stone pillars. Xuelan never liked running around. What source of information could she have? I concluded that the Lord of Infernal Affairs is near the black-patterned stone pillar. As long as we find the Lord of Infernal Affairs on our own, what's wrong with her Xuelan? "


Hearing the words of the First Allah, the other Allahs agreed. In this way, even if they can't find it, they can continue to cooperate with the Bloodland Ancestor. If they can find it, they will make a lot of money.

You can swallow a big fat sheep all by yourself!


"Are we all going over?" Sixth Allah asked.

"The Lords of the Universe near the black-grained stone pillars all went over to help. As for the seven of us..." After thinking about it, the First Allah said immediately:

"Me, Lao San, and Lao Wu can just go. Our clan has arrangements in other places. There is no need to move lightly. Otherwise, if an accident occurs, we will regret it!"

"That's okay. Although the Lord of Infernal Affairs has many powerful treasures, he is still the Lord of the Universe. Three people are enough!" The other gods nodded.

Among the seven gods of the Divine Eye Clan, the most powerful one is naturally the First Allah. During the time when the original ancestor was traversing the universe sea, the first god could escape from the hands of the original ancestor, and the second most powerful one is the third god.

The other gods are all about the same strength!

This time, it seems that there are only three Allahs taking action, but in fact the first and third Allahs, the most powerful ones, have taken action. The Divine Eye Clan has definitely come out in full force!

. . .

On the other side, in the black token space, Wang Cheng was still sitting cross-legged quietly waiting for the transformation of colored energy to be completed.

This has lasted nearly twenty years.

However, the long wait turned out to be good!

At this moment, all the divine power in Wang Cheng's body had turned into that special colorful divine power.

What makes Wang Cheng even more satisfied is that now, after consuming these colored divine powers, the new divine powers he replenishes will automatically be converted into this colored divine power.

Of course, the transformation of colored divine power requires more energy, and this high-quality divine power cannot be generated out of thin air.

However, Wang Cheng doesn't care about this. After all, what he lacks most is treasures containing a lot of energy!

"The harvest this time is huge!"

Wang Cheng sighed secretly in his heart, and immediately he stood up without hesitation and quickly left the black token space!

PS: Three updates.

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