In the void near the black-patterned stone pillar, Wang Cheng's figure appeared from it.

After thinking for a moment, he immediately separated another clone containing one-tenth of his divine power, and let it continue to penetrate deep into the black-grained stone pillar.

It is still necessary to sharpen your will, and Wang Cheng will naturally not give up.

Wang Cheng has now been able to reach a place where time is accelerated nearly 100,000 times, and the strength of his will has completely reached the limit of a true god. As long as he can break through this limit and reach the will of the void true god level, his strength will change qualitatively.

Not to mention the benefits of having a strong will, just the several most powerful and precious weapons that Wang Cheng had obtained before, he is now unable to use them as his own.

And once his will breaks through, those most powerful treasures that he could not recognize as their masters before can be used one after another.

Wang Cheng now has three types of supreme treasures: armor, palace, and soul attack. He also has three rare items. The Chain of Ice Sea can also be regarded as a domain-type supreme treasure, but this is still not comprehensive.

Wang Cheng still lacks the most powerful treasure for soul defense and the most powerful treasure for material attack!

And once those extremely powerful supreme treasures recognize their masters, Wang Cheng's last shortcoming will be made up for, and then he will be truly comprehensive.

Even if your strength is several levels higher than him, you may not be able to defeat him!

Of course, now that I have searched the universe, I can't find anyone who is several levels stronger than Wang Cheng, but in any case, it is a good thing that the strength can qualitatively change again, and Wang Cheng will definitely not give up this opportunity!

. . .

After splitting a clone, Wang Cheng did not hesitate anymore. He directly rode the Seven Temples and headed outside the black-patterned stone pillar area.

However, not long after flying, Wang Cheng suddenly felt as if someone was staring at him.

"Huh? Lord of An Yong?"

Wang Cheng turned his head and took a look, only to see in the distant void, a being with a faint look of madness in his eyes staring at the Seven Temples he was riding on.

This is the Lord An Yong of the Divine Eye Clan. Because he is a being from the first round of the era and is close to his end, he is quite crazy. Regardless of whether there is any grudge or not, whether it involves the struggle for treasures or not, he will attack all the people in the universe who are targeted by him. Lord, most of them are made disgraced by it.

Without him, this guy is not afraid of death at all——

The Lord of An Yong has a special plant-like life clone that is millions of kilometers high. With this clone, the Lord of An Yong fights with people, often exchanging injuries for injuries. From the beginning, it is with the hope of fighting each other's divine power, grinding and grinding. Go ahead and grind to death!

Such a lunatic has a great reputation. Compared with the Lord of Blood and Light who was killed by Wang Cheng before, this Lord of Anyong is much more famous!

It was also because of this that Wang Cheng recognized him at a glance.


"This guy has bad intentions!"

Wang Cheng looked at the Lord Anyong across the temple, and this thought flashed through his mind.

Wang Cheng didn't think about the Shenyan clan's intention to target him. He came to the spaceship quite low-key. The appearance of the Seven Temples has been changed by him using secret methods. It is completely different from the Seven Temples that appeared in the original universe!

Under this situation, Wang Cheng naturally believed that no one knew his whereabouts, and the Divine Eye Clan would not be an exception.

"Lord Anyong, this lunatic, could he have targeted me?" Wang Cheng was speechless. The Lord of Blood and Light last time, and the Lord Anyong this time, both targeted me near the black-patterned stone pillars. He, is this place so evil?


Just as Wang Cheng was thinking about it, the Lord Anyong in the distance suddenly moved and flew towards him quickly.

"Stop!" Lord Anyong arrived in front of the Seven Temples and stopped Wang Cheng.

"Lord Anyong, don't blame me for not reminding you, get out of the way!" Wang Cheng said calmly without thinking any more.

Although the Lord of Anyong is a crazier lunatic than the Lord of Blood and Light, the current Wang Cheng is not the same as before. Moreover, Wang Cheng’s true form is coming now, and it is also not comparable to the previous clone. If the Lord of Anyong is If you continue to provoke, he will naturally not be polite.

"You hidden guy, come out!" Lord An Yong shouted coldly again, without any fear in his eyes!

Although the palace in front of you is different in appearance from the most powerful palace of the Lord of Infinity in the information from the original universe, this palace is shining with colorful light, similar to the palace of Lord of Infinity!

Based on this alone, it was impossible for him to let this palace pass.

Lord An Yong controls the cosmic sea and is not something to be scared of. Moreover, in the eyes of Lord An Yong, there are three gods in their Divine Eye Clan who are all nearby!

Once something happens, "thousands of troops" will arrive in an instant!

Even if the palace is not the Lord of Infernal Affairs, but someone who is the strongest in the universe, the Lord of An Yong is not afraid at all!



Wang Cheng snorted coldly. He did not hesitate any longer. As his thoughts moved slightly, a small crystal sword appeared in front of his eyebrows.


A phantom divine power exploded in an instant.

The next moment, Lord An Yong, who was blocking the front of the Seven Temples, felt an explosion in his mind, and a seemingly endless divine sword appeared in his heart, as if to destroy everything.


The Lord Anyong was going crazy in his heart. This was a terrifying attack coming from the soul level. Divine power, secret techniques, and material treasures were all useless in front of this attack.

Only resistance at the soul level is true resistance.

As the Lord of the Universe in the first era of reincarnation, Lord Anyong's will has already reached the level of a true god, and he also has a top-level soul defensive treasure.

But these were all so powerless in front of that divine sword falling from the sky.

Wang Cheng has not studied the "soul secret method" in depth, but his level of "time consciousness" is so high that he can now create his own seventh-level soul attack secret method.

In such a realm, Wang Cheng can easily comprehend the dense patterns on the "Jiuli Sword" to a higher level.

The Jiuli Sword has a total of nine dense patterns. The first three dense patterns represent attacks at the Lord of the Universe level. The third to sixth dense patterns represent attacks at the true god level.

From the seventh to the ninth level of secret patterns, Wang Cheng guessed that they should be attacks at the level of the True God of the Void!

And now, Wang Cheng has fully understood the first five layers of the Jiuli Sword. He is now activating the "Jiuli Sword" with all his strength, which is an eighth-level attack, and it is a soul attack!


Even if the soul of the Lord of the Universe has a will that reaches the level of a true god, how can it withstand an eighth-level soul attack?

If Lord An Yong's soul defense treasure is the pinnacle treasure, he may still have a glimmer of hope, but it is just a top-level soul defense treasure, which is too ridiculous in the face of eighth-level soul attacks.


The divine sword struck down hard, and Lord An Yong's expression froze in an instant.

At this moment, the aura of the Lord An Yong who was blocking the front of the Seven Temples, the huge plant-like clone with a height of millions of kilometers hidden in his world ring, began to weaken rapidly.

The Lord of Anyong has fallen!

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