Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 346 The God Eye Clan is chasing after them

Lord An Yong probably never dreamed that he would die here like this.

The Lord of Anyong has plant-like life clones millions of kilometers high. There is no doubt about his life-saving ability. Even if many true gods want to kill him, they will have to spend more effort.

But unfortunately, he met Wang Cheng.

In the entire cosmic sea, there are not many beings who can explode an eighth-level soul attack, but Wang Cheng can do it with the help of the most powerful treasure!

Even some true gods cannot ignore the eighth-level soul attack, let alone the mere Lord Anyong.


"You're looking for death yourself, and you can't blame me!" After killing the Lord of Anyong with one move, Wang Cheng's heart didn't waver at all. There was no original universe in the Universe Sea to limit his strength. Isn't it easy for him to kill a Lord of the Universe?

What's more, this is the Lord of Anyong who is seeking death himself, so Wang Cheng is naturally even less likely to think too much about it.

. . .


Wang Cheng rode the Seven Temples and quickly left the place.

At this time, in the other direction of the black-patterned stone pillar area, the Third God of the God Eye Tribe was quietly searching everything nearby.

"Lao San, come here quickly, something happened to An Yong!" The voice of the First Lord suddenly sounded in the heart of the Third Lord.


The Third Lord was slightly shocked. He did not hesitate and disappeared in an instant.


The Third Allah was extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, he arrived at the place where the Lord Anyong fell. At this time, the First Allah and the Fifth Allah had already arrived.

"There are no traces of fighting around here. It is certain that Anyong died in an instant!" The first Allah looked at the third Allah and said:

"If it can be done so that An Yong has no time to call for help, the murderer must have used a soul attack!"

"Soul attack? Is it Star Lord Beich?"

The Third Lord frowned slightly. Among those around here, who was good at soul attacks and could instantly kill the Lord of An Yong, the only one who met the conditions was the Beich Star Lord.

"Probably not. Beichi is famous for his good temper!" The First Allah and the Fifth Lord shook their heads. The character of Star Lord Beichi is such that he is unlikely to kill someone if they disagree.

"Several Lords of the Universe nearby saw An Yong blocking a palace-like treasure. Then, after the Lord An Yong exchanged a few words with the owner, his breath suddenly weakened!" The First Allah said:

"That palace should be similar to the most powerful and precious palace of the Lord of Infinity, so An Yong would intercept it, but he didn't expect that the other party would attack so ruthlessly!"


The Third God nodded slightly. At this time, the truth had been restored in his heart.

A true god who was good at soul attacks passed by here on a newly acquired palace-type treasure, and was stopped by the Lord of Anyong. Then the other party killed him after a disagreement.

At this time, the Third God did not have the slightest idea in his mind that the killer was Wang Cheng. That was simply impossible! How could a master of the universe instantly kill the master of An Yong with a soul attack?

Lord An Yong is not the new Lord of the Universe. His will is strong and his treasures are extremely powerful. It is impossible for ordinary soul attacks to do anything to him!

Only true gods have this strength!


"Even if An Yong blocked his palace first, killing An Yong after a disagreement is really disrespectful of our God Eye Clan!" The Third Lord said coldly:

"We can't just let this matter go!"

"Yes, the person who did it must give an explanation to our Divine Eye Clan!" The First Lord nodded without hesitation.

Don't say that the three of them are nearby. Even if they are not here, this matter cannot be ignored casually. If they don't care about this matter today, then I am afraid that anyone will dare to kill the Lord of the Universe of their Divine Eye Clan in the future. !

If this continues, how can the Divine Eye Clan gain a foothold in the cosmic sea?

"This man is riding a palace-like treasure. He can't run far. Let's catch up!" The first Allah said, and the third Allah and the fifth Allah nodded.

The next moment, the three people set off instantly.

In the blink of an eye, the speed of the three of them exceeded a hundred times the speed of light, and they quickly pursued Wang Cheng in the direction where he left.

. . .

In the blink of an eye, most of the day passed.

At this time, Wang Cheng was riding the Seven Gods to a dangerous place in the outer domain of the universe ship. This was a desert world. Normally, the master of the universe usually came here on foot because there were many unknown dangers in the sky.

However, Wang Cheng relied on his strong strength and the Seven Temples, and he was not afraid of those dangers. After entering this desert world, he continued to fly forward quickly.

Some dangers cannot be dealt with by the Seven Temples.


Wang Cheng's mentality was also very stable at the moment. He did not forget to continue practicing while on the way.

Suddenly, Wang Cheng opened his eyes in surprise.

Three figures appeared in three directions around the Seven Temples at some unknown time. The power of three terrifying domain-level pinnacle treasures were superimposed on each other, and they instantly descended on the Seven Temples.

In an instant, the speed of the Seven Temples slowed down.

"The three gods of the Divine Eye Clan?" Wang Cheng instantly thought of the Lord An Yong who was killed by him before. It was obvious that he was looking for trouble.

"No, how long did it take before I killed the Lord Anyong? The three gods of the God Eye Clan came to visit? Although the true god can break through the limit of a hundred times the speed of light in the cosmic sea, it is impossible to gather the three gods so quickly, unless... ...These three gods have been near the black-patterned stone pillars from the beginning!" This thought flashed through Wang Cheng's mind.

"The three gods were near the black-patterned stone pillars, and Lord Anyong stopped me inexplicably..." Wang Cheng thought quickly in his heart. He was not a fool, and he soon discovered something was wrong.

Previously, Wang Cheng regarded the behavior of Lord An Yong as this guy's "madman" behavior, but if you think about it carefully, although Lord An Yong is "crazy", his madness is actually to escape reincarnation and snatch treasures. Without knowing the details, Under such circumstances, it is abnormal for him to intercept a being who possesses a palace-like treasure!

Unless, the Lord of An Yong has other purposes!


While Wang Cheng was thinking, the voice of the First Lord from the outside also came over: "My friends inside, why don't you show up to see me?"

"Are the three of you here for the Lord Anyong?" Wang Cheng asked calmly.

"So, you really killed An Yong?" The First Lord's voice turned cold instantly. They had just caught up with Wang Cheng, and they were still a little unsure, but now, the other party is not asking for trouble!

"Of course it is me!"

Wang Cheng sneered, and the next moment, a light flashed above the Seven Temples, and Wang Cheng, wearing the "Celestial Vault of Hundred-Split Armor," instantly appeared above the Seven Temples.

"Who are you?"

Seeing Wang Cheng, the three masters were stunned for an instant.

They were looking for traces of Wang Cheng near the black-patterned stone pillars. Naturally, they knew Wang Cheng. However, how could he be the murderer who killed the Lord Anyong?

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