Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 348: Fame spreads far and wide

In the space ship, above the desert world, after the Divine Eyes clan fulfilled their promise, Wang Cheng quickly left in the Seven Temples.

At this time, seeing the Seven Gods disappearing rapidly, the three gods of the Divine Eye Clan felt inexplicably relieved.

This time they were in an embarrassing situation. The most critical reason was of course that they did not understand Wang Cheng's true strength. Only then did Wang Cheng seize the weakness of the "Fifth Allah" and give them a fatal blow, so that they could not Never give up.

Otherwise, it would not be the case for the three of them to attack at the same time. After all, their Divine Eye Clan spans the universe. In addition to being strong enough, there is another point that is particularly important-these gods can each other. Join forces to form a more terrifying combined attack.

Once the combined attack is formed, even if the Lord of Infinity cannot be defeated, it will not be a problem to defeat him!

It's a pity that they had no intention of using combined attack from the beginning, which led to them losing everything...

However, there are two things that are unquestionable in this battle!

First, the strength of the Lord of Infinity is extremely terrifying!

Secondly, the Lord of Infinite Treasures has so many treasures - just a bunch of powerful treasures. The key is that in this battle, the opponent actually took out three rare items in one go as if he wanted money!

This is simply outrageous!


"Has this Lord of Infinity broken through to the strongest person? His secret method is definitely far beyond the level of the Lord of the Universe, even much stronger than me!" The Fifth Lord was also a little confused at this time. He is the strongest person in the universe. , but it turns out that the secret method is not as good as the Lord of the Universe. Isn’t this nonsense?

"You can go near the original universe to see if a new small universe is born!" The Third God said:

"Break through and become the strongest. Other things can be changed using special methods, but the small universe cannot be covered up. If the Lord of Infinity has broken through, then there must be a new small universe born near the original universe!"


Fifth Allah nodded.

"The human race in this era of reincarnation is really terrifying!" The First God shook his head and sighed. In their era of reincarnation, humans were also born, but they were inconspicuous.

There are also humans in the Second Reincarnation Era. Although they are slightly stronger, they are not the pinnacle race!

Only the human race in this third era of reincarnation is simply incredible!

The original ancestor, whose strength has reached the top tenth level, and the giant axe and Wujian, who have now reached the ninth level, are far superior to the Divine Eye Clan alone.

What’s even more frightening is that the third round of the era has just begun. If this continues, who knows how far the human race will develop in this era of reincarnation?

"In the future, you must not provoke this race!" said the First God.


The Third God and the Fifth God nodded, agreeing with the First God's statement.


The three gods of the Divine Eye Clan did not stay where they were. After reaching the consensus that they would not provoke the humans of the third reincarnation era in the future, they quickly left as well.

On the other side, Wang Cheng, who had taken a step earlier, had already arrived outside the desert world, but he did not choose to continue outside the space ship. Instead, he changed direction and began to penetrate deep into the space ship again.

From the mouth of the first master of the God Eye Clan, Wang Cheng already knew that the person who initially planned to deal with him this time should be the Blood Orchid Ancestor. However, the God Eye Clan wanted to monopolize the benefits, so they went it alone without telling the Blood Orchid Ancestor.

The God Eye Clan has already paid the price for this incident, and as the culprit, Wang Cheng, the ancestor of Blood Orchid, naturally cannot let it go easily.

What's more, the ancestor of Blood Orchid hunted down Wang Cheng before, and Wang Cheng still remembers this incident!

So, Wang Cheng returned directly, preparing to go back and kill the ancestor of Xuelan to catch him off guard!

. . .

In the blink of an eye, several days passed.

Although the time was short, a piece of news that shocked the universe suddenly came out.

The ancestor of Blood Orchid who came from the first reincarnation era and had been entrenched near the black-patterned stone pillar was suddenly killed.

The dignified ancestor of Blood Orchid didn't have much power to fight back. He was beaten and fled. He fled all the way from the black-patterned stone pillars to the inner domain of the space ship, and finally escaped by relying on some dangerous places.

As for the person who hunted down the ancestor of Blood Orchid... Although many people witnessed it with their own eyes, not many people dared to believe that fact.

It wasn’t until as time passed and more and more people witnessed the incident that the news finally spread!

The one who beat the ancestor of Blood Orchid to death along the way was none other than the Infernal Lord of the Human Race, who was previously regarded as a "big fat sheep" by many of the strongest people in the Universe Sea.

"Perhaps he is no longer the Lord of Wujian, but the ancestor of Wujian? The founder of Wujian?"

Every life in the Universe Sea who heard the news was shocked and inexplicable, and many people soon appeared near the original universe. The purpose was naturally to search for Wang Cheng's small universe that actually did not exist at all.

"Human Race Infernal Affairs is indeed ruthless!"

After hearing about this incident, several gods from the Divine Eye Clan were filled with emotion.

They told Wang Cheng the news about the ancestor of Blood Orchid, but they did not expect that Wang Cheng would turn around and go after the ancestor of Blood Orchid, as if he wanted to kill him.

"This person will definitely retaliate, don't mess with him!"

The gods of the God Eye Clan have strengthened their previous thoughts. The human race cannot be provoked, and this human race "Wu Jian" cannot be provoked even more!


If many powerful people in the Universe Sea were just shocked by the sudden appearance of Wang Cheng, a super being, then many forces in the original universe were a little restless!

Especially the Zerg, Monster, and Mechanical races.

"Will the Lord of Infernal Affairs become the strongest person in the universe?" Every true god is a little confused. It stands to reason that if someone becomes a true god, they will not be completely insensitive.

Moreover, they could not find Wang Cheng's small universe outside the original universe.

However, without becoming a true god, how could the human race be so strong?

That was the ancestor of Blood Orchid. He became a true god in the first era, and his true form was a special plant-like life with a huge divine body. He had absolute eighth-level combat power!

To suppress the ancestor of Blood Orchid, one must have ninth-level combat power. But to crush the ancestor of Blood Orchid, it would be even more terrifying!

A master of the universe, bursting out with ninth-level combat power?

Are you kidding me?


"The rise of the human race has become unstoppable!" Many forces already knew it well at this time. Although they did not know what the situation of the Lord of Infernal Affairs was, his burst of ninth-level combat power was real.

After all, it is impossible for the ancestor of Blood Orchid to cooperate with the human race in acting. Moreover, there are many Lords of the Universe near the black-patterned stone pillars. With so many people watching, this play cannot be performed casually!

Human giant ax, ninth level combat power!

The human race is inextricable, with ninth-level combat power!

With two ninth-level people here, who can stop the rise of the human race?


"Wujian, you have actually created an eighth-level secret technique?"

In the virtual universe, the founder of Giant Ax couldn't wait to see the trace of consciousness that Wang Cheng left in the original universe. He didn't think that Wang Cheng had broken through to true god. After all, Wang Cheng had just said not long ago that he was not ready to break through for the time being.

But not breaking through to the True God does not mean that Wang Cheng cannot explode into the ninth level of combat power. Wang Cheng has also studied the "Micro Pattern Flow" giant ax that Wang Cheng contributed to the human race. Of course, Giant Ax understands that with those cryptic patterns, Wang Cheng has hope. The Lord of the Universe created the eighth-level secret method.

The eighth-level secret method plus the most powerful offensive weapon naturally equals the ninth-level combat power!


Wang Cheng smiled and nodded. Although his eighth-level secret method was not created by relying on the secret pattern flow, it was indeed an eighth-level secret method.

"Okay, I'm convinced!" Juaxe said in admiration: "It's only been a while now, but you've already caught up with me. I'm afraid it won't be long before you can reach the level of the original ancestor!"

"I'm still far away!" Wang Cheng shook his head slightly. The original ancestor should have reached the top tenth level on his own, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to create the "True God of the Void" level secret method in the virtual universe.

In other words, Wang Cheng is actually still two levels behind Yuanzu!

"Besides, I don't want to be high-profile this time. It's just that the ancestor of Blood Orchid is looking for death, so there's nothing I can do about it!" Wang Cheng laughed again.

"If you have the strength, you should naturally keep a high profile, so that some young people will not deceive me as the human race..." The founder of Giant Ax laughed.


Wang Cheng nodded slightly.


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