Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 349 The birth of Shenmu Mountain

When things about Wang Cheng spread wildly in the universe.

The Cosmic Sea, within the Purple Moon Holy Land.

A figure in white came under a vast sky. After initiating a ceremony and bowing, he slowly said:

"Reporting to the First Ancestor, another extremely terrifying genius has appeared in the universe sea. His name is 'Wu Jian', and he made his fortune in..."

The white-clothed figure spoke slowly. Suddenly, the color of the sky changed, and then, a figure emitting purple light appeared in the void.


The white-clothed figure's words stopped suddenly, and he was a little confused. The ancestor had not appeared for thirty reincarnations. Even the last time the original ancestor of the human race crossed the cosmic sea, the ancestor only paid attention to it with his thoughts. Just a moment.

But now, the First Ancestor has actually manifested an incarnation.

"Has that 'Wu Jian' become a true god?" After the incarnation of Ziyue Ancestor appeared, she asked directly without any hesitation.

"It's not determined yet. I sent people to search near the original universe, but so far I haven't found the small universe belonging to 'Wu Jian'!" The figure in white said quickly.

"Check, we must find out whether this person has become a true god. If not, come back and report to me immediately!" Ziyue Ancestor said.


Although the figure in white was confused, he nodded immediately.


The white-clothed figure quickly retreated, but the shadow of Ziyue Ancestor remained in place.

"If he is the Lord of the Universe, he can explode into the ninth level of combat power, which means that he has created the eighth level secret method..." Ziyue Ancestor gritted her teeth. I've heard of such geniuses.

However, she had heard of some of the sixth- and seventh-level secret techniques created by the Lord of the Universe.

Except for a few of these people who died midway, all of them have achieved astonishing achievements. At least they are the True Gods of the Void, and there are many Eternal True Gods, even those at higher levels...

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!" Ziyue Ancestor calmed down. In the environment of the original universe, how could a genius appear that she had never heard of?

That "Wu Jian" must have quietly broken through to the True God!

"However, even so, the time of this endless practice is too short. The chance of matching or even surpassing the previous ancestor is very high. This is also a monster!" Ziyue ancestor thought in her heart, and she was also a little confused at the same time.

The human race has appeared in countless reincarnation eras. Occasionally, the human race will be extremely strong, but it has never reached the level of this reincarnation era.

First there was the original ancestor, and after the original ancestor was suppressed, another "Wu Jian" appeared. It was really an evil sect...

"No matter who it is, don't even think about competing with me! The original universe must belong to me!"

Ziyue Ancestor didn't think any more. She snorted coldly in her heart and then slowly disappeared into the void.

. . .

Time passed, and nearly thirty years flew by.

Thirty years is only a short period of time for the Universe Sea. During this period, things about Wang Cheng are still fermenting, especially since many people have been searching for Wang Cheng for a long time near the original universe but have not been able to find him. This is even more true after the small universe.

Of course, just thirty years is not enough to draw a conclusion. After all, the original universe is too big, and it cannot be found in a short time. Many people are still searching near the original universe.


And just when many people in the Universe Sea were paying attention to Wang Cheng's situation, near Liuzhong Mountain——

A bit of white light suddenly burst out from the void, and then the white light suddenly began to expand at an exaggerated speed.

From one point, it expanded to one light-year in an instant, then ten light-years, a hundred light-years, a thousand light-years...

Almost in the blink of an eye, the white light expanded to millions of light-years.

Although this place is an empty void, there are still several small dangerous places around it. At this time, a light source up to one million light years suddenly appeared. The masters of the universe who ventured in those dangerous places immediately realized that something was wrong. .

"what is that?"

One by one, the masters of the universe teleported into the void, but their expressions soon changed.

The white light is still expanding, and at an extremely fast speed.

boom! boom! boom!

With every blink of an eye, the white light can reach millions of light-years, expanding at such a terrifying speed. A terrifying energy storm instantly sets off in the void. The masters of the universe who are far away sense that something is wrong, and they blink one after another. Move far away.

But there is also a master of the universe who is too unlucky. He is too close to the place where the white light explodes. The moment the terrifying energy storm is set off, he is involved in it, and he does not know whether he will live or die.

call! call! call!

The terrifying light source continues to expand, millions of light years, tens of millions of light years, 100 million light years, billions of light years!

After expanding for half a day, the white light finally stopped.

"It finally stopped!"

At this time, the faces of several universe masters were full of tension and expectation. Such a sudden change in the universe sea must be extremely involved. As the first discoverers, they might be able to escape from it, not to mention whether it is dangerous or not. Get a big opportunity.

From then on it skyrocketed!

"Quickly, notify the clan!"

"You have to tell the Ancestor God about this!"


The masters of the universe spread the news quickly. At this time, the white light that spread for countless light years suddenly began to weaken. Under the white light, a vague shadow slowly emerged.

The Lords of the Universe who were too close could not see anything. They could only see that after the white light dissipated, what was revealed was a large area of ​​vague black mist.

The Lord of the Universe, who was far away, could vaguely see objects under the white light.

"Is eyeball?"

All the masters of the universe were stunned. This terrifying existence that is one billion light years old actually looks like an eyeball?

If it happens to look like an eyeball, that's it. If it is really an eyeball, what kind of eyeball does it have to exist to be so terrifying?


At this time, further away, Wang Cheng, who had been waiting here for a long time, also saw clearly the huge thing in the distance. At this time, he was also a little shocked.

"Shenmu Mountain is actually an eyeball?" Wang Cheng marveled in his heart, and at the same time he was also wondering whether to send a clone to take a look.

However, at this moment, a wave of fluctuation suddenly flashed in the void.


A diamond-shaped black token suddenly rushed out of the void. The defense of the Seven Temples had no effect on the token. It came to Wang Cheng in an instant and floated quietly.

"Token? Is it something related to the Shenmu Mountain?" Wang Cheng frowned slightly. He did not grab the token immediately, but created a clone and asked the clone to get it.


Following a wave of fluctuations, the clone successfully held the token.

The next moment, a lot of information came out from the token.

"It's actually like this!"

Wang Cheng's frown slowly relaxed, and at the same time many doubts in his heart were cleared.

PS: There are only two updates today.

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