Infinite Opportunities to Swallow the Starry Sky

Chapter 353: Lord of the Falcon Kingdom

"I didn't catch up!"

Wang Cheng stood in the void. He waited for a while but did not see the shadow of the ancestor of Blood Orchid. He couldn't help but feel a little regretful in his heart.

Wang Cheng has the Divine Eye Token to guide the way and can avoid many dangers. In this case, if the ancestor of Blood Orchid dares to chase him, he will most likely trap him to death with the help of a certain danger.

However, the ancestor of Blood Orchid was obviously not stupid, and she didn't even chase him.

"In that case, let me let you live a little longer!" Wang Cheng shook his head slightly. Without thinking much, he turned around and continued towards the depths of Shenmu Mountain.

. . .

Facts have proved that Wang Cheng's previous worries were somewhat unnecessary.

With the guidance of the Shenmu Token, Wang Cheng had an unimpeded journey in the Shenmu Mountain. He avoided many dangers. After spending about a hundred years, he arrived at the core of the Shenmu Mountain.

"It should be right here!"

At this time, Wang Cheng was already at the top of Shenmu Mountain. Here, a magnificent tower about several light years high stood quietly.

Wang Cheng could clearly sense at this moment that the final destination of the Divine Eye Token was this high tower.

However, Wang Cheng did not approach immediately. Although the Divine Eye Token was very reliable along the way and nothing happened, at this last moment, Wang Cheng did not want to cause any accidents.


Wang Cheng was in the distance, carefully observing the towering tower.

The tower body exudes endless golden light, and the power faintly emanating from it makes Wang Cheng, who is far away, feel his heart trembling. Wang Cheng is sure that even a burst of this power is enough to make his clone instantly disappear into ashes. .

At the same time, on that high tower, there were also pictures carved one after another.

"These pictures..."

Wang Cheng originally just glanced at these pictures roughly, but gradually, his eyes became focused. Infinite will was contained in those pictures. Wang Cheng felt as if he had entered a whole new world.

In this world, there is a boy named "Falcon".

The boy was born in a small tribe, but he showed unparalleled talent since he was a child. The boy rose rapidly, and at the same time, he constantly fed back the tribe, making him the overlord of one side.

But in an accident, Falcon was trapped in a deserted place for endless years. When he escaped, he found that his tribe had been destroyed by the enemy.

The falcon destroyed his enemy, but was now alone.

There was nothing else in Falcon's life except practice. From that time on, Falcon was determined to pursue a higher realm.

The Falcon advanced by leaps and bounds along the way. He became the God King, established a powerful country "the Kingdom of the Falcon", and dominated the endless territory.

But Falcon was not satisfied yet. He was still pursuing a higher realm. After unspeakable years, Falcon finally reached the ultimate level among the God Kings. In order to go further, he disbanded the Kingdom of Falcon and embarked on a journey full of people alone. The endless and dangerous road to transcendence...

The picture came to an abrupt end, and Wang Cheng suddenly came back to his senses.

"That is......"

Wang Cheng glanced around in confusion at first, and then he regained his clarity.

He must have fallen into a fantasy world just now, and what he saw inside must be everything that the former owner of Shenmu Mountain, the "Lord of the Falcon", experienced.

"At the end of the picture, the Lord of the Falcon Kingdom distributed many of the Falcon Kingdom's treasures to his subordinates, except Shenmu Mountain, which he handed over to a close friend for safekeeping!" Wang Cheng thought with some confusion. Being able to become a good friend of the Lord of the Falcon Country is naturally a person with great strength!

I don’t know whether the super being took the initiative to abandon the Shenmu Mountain and then caught it through chance, or whether it was the super being who had an accident and caused the Shenmu Mountain to be abandoned.

"But no matter what, the Lord of the Falcon Country specially handed over Shenmu Mountain to his friend. There must be a secret left behind by the Lord of the Falcon Country!"

Wang Cheng thought for a moment, but soon he shook his head.

No matter what the facts are, you will know once you enter this tower. The leader of the Falcon Kingdom can't deliberately leave a big hole for his friends, right?

. . .

Wang Cheng turned into a stream of light and quickly headed towards the entrance of the tower.

Along the way, Wang Cheng carefully avoided the terrifying power emanating from the tower. After a long time, he finally arrived at the entrance of the tower. At the same time, Wang Cheng took a step and entered it.


Wang Cheng instantly felt that he was in darkness, and the next moment, countless bright lights appeared around him.

A throne appeared in the distance. On the throne, a man holding a black scepter and wearing a black gold crown was sitting quietly.

At this time, the man had his eyes closed and there was no breath on his body.

However, invisibly, Wang Cheng felt an inexplicable dullness surge into his heart. Without any breath, movement, or words, that figure just sat there, that was the center of everything, and nothing could compare with it!

"The Lord of the Falcon Kingdom?!"

Wang Cheng had a cautious expression on his face. He was led into the illusion, and he was naturally very familiar with the Lord of the Falcon Kingdom. This figure at this moment definitely looked like the Lord of the Falcon Kingdom.

However, the Lord of the Falcon Kingdom must have left. The "Lord of the Falcon Kingdom" here must not be his true identity!

At this time——


The void trembled, and the figure sitting on the throne suddenly opened its eyes.

Intangible will filled the air, and for a moment, extremely terrifying pressure appeared in Wang Cheng's heart, as if a sledgehammer suddenly hit Wang Cheng's head, causing his thinking to go blank for a moment.

Then countless voices sounded in Wang Cheng's ears, asking him to kneel down and surrender.

"Kneel down!"

"Kneel down!"




At this moment, Wang Cheng couldn't think, and his body's instinct guided him to kneel down.

"You can't kneel down, absolutely not!" A flash of clarity suddenly flashed in Wang Cheng's heart.

Wang Cheng watched the life of the Lord of the Falcon Kingdom in that picture world. Naturally, he knew very well that the Lord of the Falcon Kingdom was a super strong man who was particularly good at enslaving others. When he knelt down this time, Wang Cheng knew that he would inevitably fall. as each other's slaves.

The enslavement of the Lord of the Falcon Kingdom is a terrifying method that directly targets the will. Although his clone has an independent soul, it has little effect in the face of this method!


A roar came from the depths of Wang Cheng's consciousness, and his will stopped the movement of his body. Wang Cheng tried his best to resist the instinctive feeling that kept rising from his heart.

Although it was only a moment, Wang Cheng had the illusion that countless years had passed.


As if chaos was beginning to emerge, at this moment, Wang Cheng's will was strengthening and transforming crazily.

Wang Cheng's will had already reached the limit of the True God. At this moment, under the tremendous pressure brought by the Lord of the Falcon Kingdom, he unexpectedly broke through to the level of the True God of the Void.

However, before Wang Cheng could be happy for long, the will directed against him also suddenly strengthened.

To the Lord of the Falcon Kingdom, the Ultimate Will of the True God is not much different from the Will of the True God of the Void. He did not deliberately target Wang Cheng, but his will naturally spread and created the suppressive effect on Wang Cheng. That’s all.

Unless Wang Cheng's will is strong enough to rival that of the Lord of the Falcon Kingdom, no matter how strong Wang Cheng's will is, the pressure he is currently under will not change. All Wang Cheng can do now is to continue Just stick to it...

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