Fortunately, the Lord of the Falcon Kingdom soon came to his senses completely, and he restrained his naturally scattered will.


At this moment, Wang Cheng also suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

"This opportunity almost failed again!" Wang Cheng was a little scared. Before he came to Shenmu Mountain, he never expected that he would encounter a crisis similar to that of the "Tree of Time".

You know, since the "Tree of Time" incident, Wang Cheng has been cautious at all times to prevent being tricked again by some chance, but he didn't expect that he would still encounter such a thing now!

"In the final analysis, I am still too weak. Even the natural dispersion of other people's will almost destroyed me!" Wang Cheng thought in his heart. At this time, the Lord of the Falcon finally made a move.


"The inheritor has appeared. It seems that I have failed!" The leader of the Falcon Kingdom looked up at the sky and sighed slightly.

"Inheriter?" Wang Cheng's other thoughts disappeared instantly, leaving only slight shock in his heart.

At this time, the Lord of the Falcon Kingdom lowered his head and looked at Wang Cheng, but for a moment, he frowned.


Wang Cheng didn't say anything. He looked at the frowning Lord of the Falcon Country, and couldn't help but feel a little nervous. What just happened had proved that although he came here as a clone, it might not be useful in front of existences like the Lord of the Falcon Country!

"Your name!" The Lord of the Falcon Country asked.

"Juniors are inseparable!"

Just like when he left his name in that nameless place of inheritance, Wang Cheng still chose to use the title.

"How did you enter this place?" the leader of the Falcon Kingdom asked again.

"Rely on the guidance of the Divine Eye Token!" Wang Cheng said.

"Do you know Daoming?" The leader of the Falcon asked again.


This time, Wang Cheng did not answer immediately.

Wang Cheng knew that the "Daoming" mentioned by the Falcon King should be his good friend. Wang Cheng already had a premonition that his answer at this moment would definitely affect the next attitude of the Falcon King.

After thinking for a moment, Wang Chengcai said: "Senior, I dare not hide it, I have nothing to do with the "Master Daoming"!"

"You're smart, you didn't try to deceive me!" The Lord of the Falcon Kingdom nodded slightly.


Wang Cheng didn't say anything, but he felt relieved in his heart.

At this time, the Lord of the Falcon Kingdom said again: "However, although you are not Daoming's choice, now that I have woken up, I am also looking for a successor. I think you have a good will, so I will give you a chance!"

"Senior, are you willing to give me a chance?" Wang Cheng was a little surprised, and soon, a hint of joy flashed in his heart.

He thought it would be good if he could get through the difficulties this time, but he didn't expect that there would still be a chance to get the inheritance?

Wang Cheng knew very well that the inheritance of this "Lord of the Falcon" was different from the last time he went to the unknown inheritance place.

The super strong man who left that inheritance place is obviously still alive, so the inheritance and treasures given by that inheritance place are given little by little, and the leader of the Falcon Kingdom is most likely dead!

Everyone knows the difference between the inheritance of a living strong man and the inheritance of a strong man who is most likely dead...

"Don't worry, I haven't finished speaking yet!" The Lord of the Falcon Country said calmly:

"My inheritance can't be obtained by just any cat or dog! Originally, I was relieved that Daoming chose his successor for me, but since you are not Daoming's choice, you have to prove your worth, otherwise, I would rather give my If the entire inheritance is destroyed, you won’t leave it in the hands of a waste!”

"Senior, how do you want me to prove it?" Wang Cheng is not too worried about this. He is quite confident in his talent and potential.

Not to mention that it can reach the point where it can shock beings like the Lord of the Falcon Kingdom, but at least it can satisfy them, right?

"The first thing is, your true self has to come here!" The Lord of the Falcon Kingdom said calmly, and at this time, Wang Cheng was also slightly enlightened.

No wonder the Falcon Country asked him about his origins. It turned out that the other party could tell at a glance that he was not the real person.

If he was the inheritor personally chosen by the friend of the Lord of the Falcon, then he would not let just the clone of the inheritor come here under any circumstances.

The fact that Wang Cheng's clone came here can only mean that the agreement between the Lord of the Falcon and his friend went wrong, so the Lord of the Falcon asked Wang Cheng's origin just now.


While feeling enlightened, Wang Cheng was also thinking about the request of the Lord of the Falcon Country. After a slight hesitation, he made a decision.

"Senior, my true self is near Shenmu Mountain, and I can reach Shenmu Mountain in a few days!" Wang Cheng raised his head and said:

"It's just that without the guidance of the Divine Eye Token, it's probably impossible for me to reach here!"


Wang Cheng indeed chose to let his true self come over!

In this "Shenmu Mountain Opportunity", Wang Cheng must admit that he was hasty. Although he came here as a clone, what just happened has proved that although he is a clone, the Lord of the Falcon Kingdom still has a way to get through it. The clone dealt with his true self.

In this case, if the other party really wants to harm him, there is no need to go to such trouble.

Of course, Wang Cheng could also take a gamble and directly remove the clone.

As long as the Lord of the Falcon Kingdom ignores Wang Cheng's action of releasing the clone, he can naturally leave here safely, but this is definitely a big gamble.

Although Wang Cheng released his clone in an instant, in front of a being like the Lord of the Falcon Kingdom, he could probably do countless things in that instant.

As long as the other party uses his mind a little bit, I'm afraid he can be easily manipulated.

Doing so would undoubtedly leave the choice in the hands of the leader of the Falcon Kingdom. Wang Cheng felt that it was quite unreliable!

So, he chose to let his true self come over.

The choice to participate in the inheritance test is in Wang Cheng's hands anyway, which is much more reliable than gambling on the slightest possibility!


"As long as you enter Shenmu Mountain, I will naturally teleport you here!" said the Lord of the Falcon Kingdom.

"Then I'll trouble you, senior!"

Wang Cheng nodded slightly, but said nothing more.

The matter has come to this, there is no point in thinking about it!

It is similar to the time when I got the "Tree of Time". Although this difficulty is dangerous, as long as I get through it, it will naturally be smooth sailing!

. . .

Time passed quickly, and days passed by in a flash.

At this time, Wang Cheng's true form finally arrived at the foot of Shenmu Mountain. Without much hesitation, he quickly entered along the towering stone gate.

And the moment he entered Shenmu Mountain, Wang Cheng felt a vast force wrap around him.


In the blink of an eye, Wang Cheng came to the space where his clone and the leader of the Falcon Kingdom were.

"Senior Falcon!" Wang Cheng saluted, and then he put away his clone.

At this time, the Lord of the Falcon Kingdom still maintained the movements he had just woken up. When he saw Wang Cheng saluting, he nodded slightly and said immediately:

"Now that you have arrived, the test can begin!"

"Senior, please set up the test content!"

Wang Cheng was already prepared to accept the test, so he did not hesitate at this moment.

"I didn't plan to select the successor here, so naturally there won't be any specific test waiting for you!" The Lord of the Falcon Kingdom said calmly: "So, my test is no test!"

"There is no test?" Wang Cheng was slightly confused. Could it be that he passed the test directly?

"You can practice in front of me, and you can practice as long as you like!" The Lord of the Falcon Country said calmly: "Whenever you feel that you are almost done, you can stop, and then I will decide whether you can become my successor!"


Wang Cheng has never heard of such a bizarre test, but now that the Lord of the Falcon Kingdom has said so, he can only do it.

Isn’t it just a step-by-step practice? It's so easy!

PS: There is an exam tomorrow and I have to prepare for it. There are only two updates today. It depends on the situation tomorrow. If the exam goes well, there will be an update. If it doesn’t go well, I will most likely ask for leave~~~

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